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Possible Cure - Acidophilus + Neti Pot

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:22 am
by marlasinger
I've suffered from bb for the last decade now. I don't know how or when it started but it kept getting worse and worse with each year. People covered their noses when I talked to them. It didn't matter how much I brushed, flossed or chewed gum. I used a neti pot and while that sometimes helped, it wasn't a sure thing. There was no escaping it. I felt my social life suffered at times because of it. Well, I read cases where people took acidophilus and it helped them.

So, I recently bought some Culturelle to see if that would help. And I am happy to say it has. But there were a few days where as the day wore on, my bb came back. So, I do a combo Culturelle and Neti Pot thing and that seems to work pretty well. I think my stomach acids were the main culprit and I probably have post nasal drip too.

I'm sharing this with you because I hope that you can find some relief as I have.

I went to a party the other night after having dinner - I didn't even chew gum and no one covered their noses or moved away from me. So, it was a pretty good day. It doesn't always work out that perfectly - like some nights the bb comes back BUT I'm hoping this combo of Culturelle (or acidophilus) and neti pot will help some of you out. Because I wish someone had told me about this sooner. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:45 pm
by faithful1
I do this too but the white coating continues to appear. I also believe my white coating is from my stomach and post nasal drip. I'll keep trying...