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I'm going broke...

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:38 am

I'm going broke...

Post by perrymason »

paying for:

Nasal rinses
ENT visits
Allergy meds
RX meds

As a college student, my priority is to make sure I can pay rent, bills, etc... before all of this (Like most of you). None of it seems to be working anyways. This is absolutely bullshit.

Can't take this anymore. THERE HAS TO BE A ****ing DOCTOR OUT THERE WHO CAN ****ing HELP ME WITHOUT $100000000 OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, RXs, bullshit visits WHICH YIELD NO ****ing RESULTS. Even with great insurance it piles on.

Holy shit, as a 4th year engineering student, I'm 100% sure that I am more intelligent than these imbeciles with MDs.

Nasal odor....seems like it'll never go away.

Just needed to rant. :x