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Sussed it.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:07 pm
by AliD
Gluten sensitivity. All my life I have been concerned as to why, even when hungry my tummy swells like a balloon, thick, horrible white tongue coating and terrible sinus issues. Dandruff and stunted growth all can be caused by to wheat protein in gluten, just think about how many times a day you ingest it. It's in bread and pretty much almost everything. And until trying to go gluten free, as a final resort not even thinking it would do a thing my mood improved greatly and quickly, energy levels through the roof and I can finally breath through both nostrils. Furthermore I have a fresh clean salivary mouth and there is no textured coating on my teeth but most importantly, the stubborn coating has reduced significantly, very significantly, on a thin layer on the very back now exists. My tongue feels 'slimy' rather than beefy and dry. It took around just 5 days until my breath was clear, perhaps give it a try? Even only for a week? What's better a life with gluten or one with bb? Also rice flour is brilliant for making all of the glutenous foods such as cakes and pasta etc. Thank you for reading. I have now been on the diet for 2 months. Good luck to everyone. Feel free to ask any questions.

Re: Sussed it.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:11 am
by deebo
Heres a prayer that it lasts for you AliD .

Please ,can you list what you ate and what you now eat ?

Re: Sussed it.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:25 pm
by AliD
deebo wrote:NICE !
Heres a prayer that it lasts for you AliD .

Please ,can you list what you ate and what you now eat ?
Thank you very much Deebo, and I can confirm that it has.

Some may think it sounds like a very restricting diet because carbs like bread/pasta/pastries/cakes are put off, but it is only the wheat flour (white flour) that has gluten in which makes them bad. But you can have all of those if they're made with a gluten free flour like rice flour it is also possible to make gluten free pancakes and just about anything if you just switch to a different flour. I eat rice pasta often which is just as tasty and filling. Rice is a non gluten grain and potato's are great.

Things I eat for breakfast or what you can include would be anything with dairy, eggs, milk etc corn flakes are non gluten, rice cakes with chopped banana on top with nutella or peanut butter. Any fruit, omlette with ham, peppers, mushrooms. Gluten free toast. Porridge with honey, jam, sliced peaches.

Lunch would usually be tuna salad which you can easily bulk up with gluten free pasta, or rice with olives feta, peppers. Roast dinners are absolutely fine appart from yorkshire pudding, potato wedges are acceptable. You can eat any meat or dairy* fruit and veg. Roast squash is nice too. Baked beans are okay, any beans, chilli con carne. There is so much choice. Foods with gluten appart from whole grains are usually unhealthy anyway, so it's a brilliant lifestyle change.

Indulgent snacks are chocolate & sweets (remember to look at packets for gluten(just in case)) rice pudding, fries, ice cream, gluten free burgers (GF bun) anything you can think of, can be made gluten free if you switch to a different type of flour. - donuts, pies etc

Please not I have not copied anything from the internet in this topic/post, what I am saying is to the absolute best to my knowledge after various methods of research and trial and error with my own body.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:57 pm
by mike987
I don't know if I'm allergic to gluten, or if it's just difficult for my body to digest because of some other issue...

But I have been 99% gluten free for maybe 2 or 3 months... I haven't been as gassy and bloated, that's for sure.. Although my stool is still very soft, and my breath still stinks.

I've been virtually lactose free too, although I occasionally ate cheese, ... I've also been taking Whey protein three times a day recently, to help bulk up, because I lose weight so easily. I'm considering another try at cutting out all dairy by switching from Whey Protein to Soy Protein.

Eating Gluten free is difficult, especially here in Japan... But what I've done is that I never go to restaurants and the only things I'll eat on the go are white rice, salads, or other things, all where I can read the ingredients from a label.

I eat white rice all day long, usually with chicken. If it's not rice, it's potatoes.. I used to eat tuna with my potatoes, but considered that I might be experiencing mercury poisoning, since I eat tuna often more than once a day. So that's out. Breath still stinks... Always ****ing stinks. What the hell? Ugh.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:04 pm
by AliD
mike987 wrote:I don't know if I'm allergic to gluten, or if it's just difficult for my body to digest because of some other issue...

But I have been 99% gluten free for maybe 2 or 3 months... I haven't been as gassy and bloated, that's for sure.. Although my stool is still very soft, and my breath still stinks.

I've been virtually lactose free too, although I occasionally ate cheese, ... I've also been taking Whey protein three times a day recently, to help bulk up, because I lose weight so easily. I'm considering another try at cutting out all dairy by switching from Whey Protein to Soy Protein.

Eating Gluten free is difficult, especially here in Japan... But what I've done is that I never go to restaurants and the only things I'll eat on the go are white rice, salads, or other things, all where I can read the ingredients from a label.

I eat white rice all day long, usually with chicken. If it's not rice, it's potatoes.. I used to eat tuna with my potatoes, but considered that I might be experiencing mercury poisoning, since I eat tuna often more than once a day. So that's out. Breath still stinks... Always ****ing stinks. What the hell? Ugh.
Your diet sounds very unvaried, you could have bad breath because you are defficient in good oils/fats/v itamins and minerals, gluten makes it more difficult for them to be absorbed into the body also. Any veg (think about the ones you like) versitile ones you could add to food, like chopped tomatos, bananas all fruit/veg contain vital enzymes.

Switch to brown rice, you will probably get used to the texture and it is much better for you than white rice, very fiberous.

All of the protein with your tuna and chicken and no veg is a gold mine for bacteria because as it is sulfer is the waste product (common rotten egg/poo smell) which is created when bacteria digests proteins. Eat potato with skin and not fried if possible for a while.

Did you know that the 'Dukon diet' and other gluten free diets are very well known for causing very very BAD breath, this is because of the protein and sulfer, it is easy to research and I know this because my Mother in Law reported it when she went on it as well and so did her personal trainer.

There are plenty of lean sources of protein that come without the smell like tofu also a big mushroom is good to have unstead of a steak, quorn is high in protein and vitimins/minerals.

Remember that protein is in dairy, you're right to switch to soy/rice/almond/coconut milks.

There should be plenty of choice in restaurants for gluten free, the other day I had a wonderful Chicken Itame with rice noodles, did you read my post above yours?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:41 am
by mike987
I no longer eat tuna.

So mostly my diet is rice and chicken, or rice and eggs, or sometimes, just rice.

I should have mentioned, I also eat about 4 or more bananas every day, and usually eat several large handfuls of almonds every day as well.

Also, when I eat potatoes, I always cook them in the microwave, with the skin on.

I drink orange juice and eat oranges as well.

Doesn't Brown Rice contain gluten?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:59 am
by AliD
mike987 wrote:I no longer eat tuna.

So mostly my diet is rice and chicken, or rice and eggs, or sometimes, just rice.

I should have mentioned, I also eat about 4 or more bananas every day, and usually eat several large handfuls of almonds every day as well.

Also, when I eat potatoes, I always cook them in the microwave, with the skin on.

I drink orange juice and eat oranges as well.

Doesn't Brown Rice contain gluten?
No brown rice doesn't contain gluten, your diet still sounds very unbalanced. Lack of vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, propolis, chlorophyll,
vitamin B2 and other B vitamins can cause bad breath, skin and growth problems.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:14 am
by mike987
I'm not so sure. What else should I be eating? It's certainly not my diet that's causing it. I've only been on this diet since I've dropped gluten, and before that I've mixed up my diet drastically

That's the stuff I eat most often, but I also eat potato salad, shrimp sometimes, and take vitamin supplements, including iron which also has some B vitamins in it. The protein I take also has a full course of vitamins.. I take this three times a day.

I use extra virgin olive oil when I cook, and I know nuts are packed with healthy fats. My diet is far healthier than what I know most other human beings eat.

If there's no gluten in Brown Rice, I'll certainly be adding that to the diet. Thank you for that information.

I do believe that my digestive system isn't allowing me to absorb everything I need, which is why I can hardly keep weight on, seem to have a weak immune system, allergies, eczema. But I don't think my diet is at fault... I have to be allergic to something.. or there's a bacterial imbalance, or some other reason why my bowels aren't doing their job well.

For a while I was overdosing on the B vitamins, and all I got from that was a head ache and neon pee.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:37 pm
by AliD
You can try rice noodles or rice pasta, white or brown if you get bored easily, my only advice to you now is to buy the refrigerated probiotic i.e good bacteria formula or capsules. If probiotic cultures are not refrigerated they will not work at all. It could be the boost your immune system needs, there is also probiotic soya products including yoghurts as well and breakfast drinks. (These bacteria are short lived, so you have to re-dose often.) They help with ailments ranging from too much gas to irritable bowel syndrome to a weakened immune system that tolerates gingivitis.
Add these to your diet: yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi (a Korean dish of pickled vegetables).
Before going gluten free Pobiotic supplementing was the only thing that would help my breath. I still eat the foods now.
If it wasn't for chinese medicine I would not have known it was gluten causing me BB. The deep crack on my tongue implied small intestine issues, which is what wheat protein (Gluten) harms. Also various loacations of coating.

- Please excuse me if I sound patronising in my explanations, it is just so anyone else who reads it has a further understanding.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:23 pm
by cope

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:10 pm
by AliD
cope wrote:@AliD

Can you describe your sinus issues in details? What symptoms did you have and are they all gone? I begin to think I have allergic sinusitis (my GP told me so-he said my PND looks allergic) but I don't react to allergens I inhale, I think my body might react to some things I eat. I'm going to lab to check any food allergies including gluten.
(Before) Usually whenever I would breath through my nose it would make a terrible clogged up noise, if inhaled deeply, every morning I would have a mass of ultra green phlegm stuck in my sinuses which I would expell through my throat and out my mouth. It would be very thick on some days after eating lots of gluten even lumpy. It seemed nothing would unblock my nose appart from menthol inhalers and the nasal spray optrivine. My snot was always a vibrant green colour and thick, translucent and loose reflects a healthy immune system.

I would reccomend not eating gluten for a week before you gluten allergy test and then on the day eatt lots. Testing for gluten sensitivity can be difficult if it is systematicly eaten.

Doctors will insist (like they did with me) that it was post nasal drip or 'seasonal allergys' and surgery for pnd can fail, I think this is because they did not have it in the first place, he was offering me surgery on my first visit.. which is quite alarming.

I hope this helps.