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Consistency of saliva and BB

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:38 am
by jamie09
i've realized that i can tell if my breath is bad based on the consistency of my saliva.

When it is thin and viscous I have no BB
When it is thick and sticky I have really bad breath

I believe that our systems create thick sticky saliva when there is congestion in our esophagus and perhaps our small and large intestines in an attempt to clear them out.

The less liquifiable a food is, or rather "Dense" it is, the stickier my saliva becomes.

Meat and Rice are extremely dense. Sugar Candies like Jolly Ranchers and some chocolates, specifically those with caramel. Also Soft Bread and vegtables

The more liquifiable a food is, or rather "airy";+ salty, a food which creates thin water like saliva in my mouth,

OREOS and Chips, Ramen noodle soups, these are all foods I can chew and will eventually turn into thin liquid. Well Toasted/ Burnt Bread + Fruit

While I thought i was cured based on the chinese diet, I still got a couple reactions the other day. I'm pretty sure I have to stay away from all vegtables as none of them are High Water Content. Every time I eat them, I can smell the fecal breath until I'm lucky enough to fart. The saga continues...

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:09 pm
by Larc400
I use Salagen pills (active substance: Pilocarpine) in order to get more watery saliva flow. They give some relief.