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THE cure for bad breath

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THE cure for bad breath

Post by badbreathe88 »


Who am I? This is my story.
I am a chronic bad breath sufferer, I’ve been suffering from bad breath for over a decade now, I’m 23 years old and have finally found a cure for bad breath. I’ve been suffering for so long, emotionally and physically, and enough is enough. I am a not a doctor, I am not selling a product nor am I advertising for anyone. My goal is to help others cure bad breath. If you are reading this then you must be suffering through the same thing. Bad breath is really disgusting; my bad breath is so bad that even the dog refuses to eat the dog bones after it’s been in my mouth. Like I have no idea how bad my BB until my cousin told me loudly, your breath stinks. I work in a closed space, I notice how people flinching, rubbing their noses and making rude faces. The worst part is that I can’t even tell the person I love that I like them because I didn’t want them to suffer through all this shit. I decided to change, so I began researching online and tried everything, but nothing worked. I wanted to die because it seemed I couldn’t find a cure. I finally found a cure when I decided to use SEASALT to brush my teeth. THAT’S ALL YOU NEED SEASALT (or regular salt if you can’t find sea salt) I’ve been brushing my teeth with toothpaste 3 times a day and yet BB comes back worst. My breath would stink right after I brush. I do not wish to bore you but first you must understand what I say before you rush out and try this method.
90% of BB comes from the mouth; if you have a white tongue then most likely you have bad breath. Now it’s the tongue that makes your breath really stink. Because all the bacteria settle’s on the tongue, so should you brush your tongue with abuse? NO! Brushing your TONGUE WILL NOT eliminate BB, however it will reduce the smell. To combat BB you must go under and beyond your teeth, into your GUMS. THAT is the root of all BB. When I was younger I suffered from gum disease, it became so bad, I had to do a face surgery to remove around four teeth. ALL dentists care about is money, they don’t give two crap about your teeth or your health. Trust in natural things. Sea salt draws out toxins within YOUR GUMS without surgery, saving you a lot of money. I discovered this method accidently when I was rubbing my teeth with salt. I noticed brown stuff leaking from the teeth. That was IT. I began rubbing with my fingers, drawing out all the brown pus. From that moment I knew that if I rubbed all of it out my BB would go finally die. My right side is healthy so NO pus leaking. I knew that gum disease was in the left side.
YOU must squeeze every drop of pus out, because if you don’t you won’t fully cure BB. The pus in your gums will absorb water and nutrients from your face, causing you to have dry and cracked lips. Your hair, eyes, and skin on your face won’t get the nutrition. Hair loss, vision loss and pimples will happen. How do you know BB isn’t in the stomach? Because if you noticed BB only occurs in people with dry mouth, people with a large stomach don’t necessarily have BB despite all that food settling in the stomach. There is a closing that prevents smell from coming out. So trust me when I say BB is in your mouth, well 90% of the time. So enough talk let’s get to the cure.
What you will need: Sea Salt (table salt will do fine), toothbrush, and 2 cups.

1. In one cup mix salt and warm water this will be your saline solution (mouth rinse), it’s best to have a big cup.
2. In the 2nd cup add salt and VERY little water (this will be your toothpaste)
Always work on one section of teeth at a time.
Sections: top left, top middle, top right, lower left, lower middle and lower right. That way you know preciously where the BB is and target it easily.
3. Rub salt directly onto a section for 5 minutes and then spit, if there is brown stuff, then there is gum disease. You can either rub salt directly for faster release of pus, however my gums became a bit sensitive so I had to mix the salt with a bit of water, as mentioned in step2.
Keep rubbing in ONE SECTION until you spit out clear saliva, and then move onto the next section. There is no need to clean your tongue because most of the pus in the gums not THE TONUE. You can use your index finger or use a toothbrush to push the salt onto the gums, drawing out the pus.
I spent over 15 hours now, constantly brushing with salt. Stop when you gum’s get sensitive, you can’t cure BB in one day. However be prepared to spend quite a few hours in the bathroom, depending on the severity of your gum disease. It will take about a week or two or even more depending on how much pus you have. A clean mouth will be a mouth without pus when you brush.
There will be levels.
1st level: brown pus coming out
2nd level: hardcore DARK brown stuff coming out, IT’S NOT BLOOD, IT’S FOUL BLOOD. Fresh blood is bright red so no need to be scared because you AREN’T BLEEDING, it’s pus and NEEDS TO BE SQUEEZED OUT.
3rd level: The last stage, however it can be quite long so DON’T GET TOO EXCITED. How do you know when you are at the last stage? When your saliva becomes creamy white, and the tip of your tongue becomes red and bright. These are signs that you are overcoming the pus. Like I said don’t get too excited yet because there is still a long way to go before you conquer BB. The only way when you know you conquered BB is when you can spit out PURE WHITE saliva and no white coating on your tongue. Your tongue should be right red. Go Google for an image of a healthy tongue. As you brush your TONGUE WILL BECOME REDDER ON IT’S OWN, there is no need to brush your tongue at any level.

Well I didn’t spend 3 hours writing this for nothing. I write this so it offers some help to those who are desperately seeking help. BB needs to be eliminated; we need to take care of our OWN BODY so others so not have to suffer with the stinky odour. So please do yourself and everyone else a favour by taking care of your health, by eating right (no processed food) and exercising. Rinse with salt water after eating, remember to floss and brush with sea salt NOT TOOTHPASTE.

[TIP] DON'T USE FRESH WATER TO RINSE YOUR MOUTH. USE SALT WATER. Fresh water will cause pain for some reason.
[TIP] DON'T forget to GARGLE THROAT AS well
Last edited by badbreathe88 on Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by guzler »

thank you so much for your post it is verry interesting . i have a little question . did you have nose breath or just mouth breath. ?

thanks again
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Post by Archimonde »

did the brown pus smell anything?
Last edited by Archimonde on Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hope4now »

I agree about the toothpaste. Whenever I use toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate, my gums smell worse after I floss or use the water pik. I use a water pik every morning and floss every night but it doesn't seem to help the bb much.

My gums don't bleed, so I thought I didn't have gum disease. Gum disease does seem like a possibility since my tongue is not that coated, but I have a problem with tooth decay at the gum line. For some reason, my upper teeth have most of the tooth decay but the bottom ones sometimes smell too.
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Post by glamourgirl05 »

How long after brushing with sea salt did you noticed the improvement on breath?
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Post by emotional rescue »

I tried to brush with salt on a teeth that has a root canal done, and I thought it could be the one with the problem, but after 2 minutes i ended up with the other teeths bleeding for being irritated by the hardness of the salt, and nothing came out from the one with the root canal done.
Am I doing something wrong?

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Post by Jimi Stein »

This post is weird, need more info if you are cured now 100% or not?

I doubt that bb is coming from our gums only...
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Post by hope4now »

I brushed last night and this morning with strong salt solution. In the past I've tried salt rinses, but much more diluted, and never with a toothbrush. It irritated my gums a bit, but nothing dark came out. My gums felt a bit swollen afterwords. Kind of like after a good cleaning at the dentist. I could feel the blood pumping in my upper right side gums. That may be where it's more infected.

Today my breath seemed improved. I didn't notice as many reactions and felt less self conscious. (I hope it's not just the placebo effect.) There may be something to this. I'm going to keep it up.

Thanks, bb88!
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hey guys, sorry been busy

Post by badbreathe88 »

Sorry guys for the late reply, been busy with my life, however I can always use a break to save the world :D

@guzler, There is no such thing as nose breath. People without teeth normally don't suffer from bad breath, unless they don't clean their dentures. If you have gum disease the pus in your mouth is EVERYWHERE, you need to scrub clean your teeth, and most importantly I forgot to mention that you must CLEAN THE ROOF of your mouth. If you feel that you have nose breath then you must clean the ROOF of your mouth, you need salt to help you draw out the pus. Brush with extreme care because it can be painful, always use a SOFT toothbrush. After scrubbing the roof of my mouth I noticed a lot of brown stuff there. People think they have nose breath when in reality the pus is leaking through the roof of the mouth.

@ARchimonde. The brown stuff may be odourless when you smell it, however when it settles onto your tongue, it causes a yellow/white coating. So when you breathe/ talk, people will smell a stinky odour. People with good breath normall have a healthy tongue.
If you have gum disease you need to clean with salt to draw out all the pus. Like I said the pus can be anywhere, you need to clean one section at a time to find out where it is. Because you don't want to scrub the whole mouth hurting the healthy teeth in the process. If there is pain there is gum disease. Keep scrubbing.

@hope4now. When you are suffering through tooth decay, it means your teeth aren't getting enough nutrition. Eating right WILL help you recover. Teeth is something that is alive, it needs nutrition to help it grow and recover. Eliminate harsh processed food that deterioates your teeth. Try rubbing your gums rather than your teeth, it maybe take around 5 minoutes to draw out the pus. If the pus is deep trying rubbing salt directly onto the area. If your teeth smells then you have pus, the pus in your teeth is the one that causes all the stink. Sometimes when flossing I notice the floss is brown.

@glamourgirl05, after 15 hours of scrubbing. I did like 2-3 hours in the morning, and one time I did like 5 hours of scrubbing, the pus just wouldn't accept defeat D: I noticed a huge difference after 3 days. But I realized omg my breath still stinks, but my gums weren't leaking pus anymore, reason? I forgot to clean the roof of my mouth. You need to clean EVERYWHERE, don't give room for the pus to hide. Now i can safely say that I'm like around 80% cleared. There is still some pus left, however it comes out slowly. Now I just brush and rinse my mouth with sea salt for 10minutes in the morning and night. Carry salt to rinse throughout the day after eating. I noticed people don't flinch or rub their noses, a very good sign.

@emotional rescue, if you notice other teeth 'bleeding' it's not BLOOD. it's foul blood aka PUS, blood is BRIGHT RED. The dark brown stuff you are seeing is actually pus don't be scared it's not blood. You need to keep scrubbing my friend, you need to scrub until you no longer see pus coming out. You are doing everything right, however if you feel your gums is a bit sensitive mix salt with water so it's not as harsh however don't disolve it too much.

@Jimi, when I wrote this I was about 80% cured, because there is still some pus left that comes out slowly. I can now speak to people without them rubbing their noses, which is a HUGE sign. Even now because I've suffered through so much emotionally I still fear people smelling my bad breath. My tongue is remains red throughout the day, another huge sign. White tongue is the cause of bad breath. However I do not lie that I see still see some brown stuff when I brush. But only a bit not as much as when I started this experiment. However I do believe that I will be cured 100% when all the brown stuff is gone forever. I still think sea salt is the cure, I don't trust in processed things or man made things.

@hope4now, I'm so happy for you, keep brushing, eventually you will overcome BB :D I'm so glad I've helped one person. My gum disease was really bad so the stuff that came out was dark brown, maybe your gum disease isn't as bad.
Everyone else please give it a try, you have nothing to lose, except a few bags of salt :D
Please help me spread the word, we need to conquer BB once and for all.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am happy for your cure, congrats to you

I had implant and it smells around implant all the time, I am so ****ing angry.
Do you need to disolve salt in water completely, because the crystals might hurt enamel, please post more updates
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am happy for your cure, congrats to you

I had implant and it smells around implant all the time, I am so ****ing angry.
Do you need to disolve salt in water completely, because the crystals might hurt enamel, please post more updates

What you mean by 15 hours, brushing continuously for 15 hours?
How is that possible?
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hey jimi

Post by badbreathe88 »

I did rub salt directly onto to the gums. However my teeth became a bit sensitive. So I had to add a tiny bit of water so it isn't as strong. Try to add VERY LITTLE water, however if its still too strong then add more etc.
If it smells around the implant it's because you aren't cleaning it so well. Always carry salt with you and RINSE AFTER EVERY MEAL.The goal here isn't only to STOP BB, but also PREVENT BB from coming back. The only way to do that is to keep a clean mouth to prevent bacteria from forming.

HAHA no I have a life I can't scrub for 15 hours straight, I did like 2-3 hours (2 times a day), one time even 5 hours. The pus wouldn't stop coming out, it gave me a clue as to how profound the gum disease was.
If gums become sensitive, rest and repeat when recovered. It was a nasty and one of the most painful experiences of my life.

Don't forget to gargle as well, the throat contains a lot of bacteria as well. I can lick my wrist and take a sniff without gagging. To find out the severity of your breath you can use a spoon, go as far back as you can and scrap a few times,let the spoon dry and take a sniff.
Don't use toothpaste/ mouth rinses since it only dries out your mouth.

Another sign was that my lips stop becoming dry, It was so weird since I drink like 8 cups of water everyday yet my lips continued to crack. Now it's soft and moist throughout the day.

[TIP] DON'T USE FRESH WATER TO RINSE YOUR MOUTH. USE SALT WATER. Fresh water will cause pain for some reason.
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Post by badbreathe88 »

[TIP] DON'T forget that if you start this experiment, please do more additional research if you are unsure of the safety of it. I am not responsible for anything that happens. I merely give tips and advice.
If during the process your breath gets WORSE. Don't fret it's natural, it will get worse before it gets better, don't give up, there is hope.

[TIP] Since you will be using so much salt, DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Digestion and absorption begins in the mouth what you put in your mouth will get absorbed in the body. So DRINK TONS OF water throughout the day to dissolve the salt in your body.

[TIP] DON'T DRINK ANY OF THE SALT WATER, its purpose is to clean the mouth, drinking in the salt water will NOT CLEAN your body inside, it will cause major unbalance.

Any comments feel free to post, however I am quite busy, please forgive me. I will try to check when I have time
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Post by Jimi Stein »

How old are you that you have so much problems with gums?
Dentist never told me to have any problems with gums, but yes it could be possible that is the reason also.

I added salt to my natural tooth paste now, i feel better, lets see how it goes in the future
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Post by Jimi Stein »

How old are you that you have so much problems with gums?
Dentist never told me to have any problems with gums, but yes it could be possible that is the reason also.

I added salt to my natural tooth paste now, i feel better, lets see how it goes in the future

do you have big gaps between the gums and teeth?
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