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Everyday is a new day for people to talk about how I smell

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Everyday is a new day for people to talk about how I smell

Post by mistakemaker »

My story is a self inflicted escalade of odors I believe. Do to my lack of knowledge and gullibleness, puberty hit and the need for social acceptance became priority number one I would, in a effort to insure good smelling breath I would often over use commercial mouthwashes containing alcohol. Turning a normal breath person into a highly offensive bad smelling trollish burden among other peoples noises.

14 years later with much diminished hope for social acceptance and positive interaction with humans in general. I go to work and observe people using gas mask as a way to avoid my unpleasant odors as looking away, waving there and as a fan, and involuntary screams and moans are left for the more reserved opponents of me breathing oxygen continuing working and attempting to live my life.

My past false hope that I have lessened my smell thru various means have resulted in my attempt to act normal and present myself as a normal coworker/random person in society. Having successes where people are not overly concerned with my smell, but ultimately being the number one burdon I know I have to face every single day without solitude.

Thank the world for people who can deal with me without using there time and energy to point out the fact that I smell terrible to them and others. I can almost like portions of my life around some people.

Soon it will be time to return to work where people will say that the sky is blue, that there kids are doing well, and that they cannot believe how bad I smell. :-({|=

Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:51 pm
Location: northern California

Post by ishbee »

I feel your pain brother. Haha, oh boy do i feel your pain.

I try my absolute very best to be my cheerful self and stay positive at work. It's rough though. One time a person said "How does it feel to be the BUTT of everybodies jokes?!". That one hurt a lot. That was actually years ago, at an old job.. but it still hurts a lot.

Sorry for rambling. All i want to say is you're definitely not alone. We have to be greatful for those good people out there who can tolerate us and understand we simply have a problem.
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