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my case

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 193
Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 6:27 am

my case

Post by crazy4it »

i feel the pain of all of u and thats why decided to join . i drive a cab for a living and boy is it hard for me when people ask me questiobs i try not to talk too much. people are constantly chewing gums after i talk taking mints and spraying perfume on them. that is the majority of my days. there are times where i dont smell. when i switch treatments or try something new sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. 2 weeks ago i i had brushed with baking soda and coconut oil and used gse as a moutwash and salt water. i didnt get any reactions that day i was talking to my passengers having fun. i talked to this guy for 30 mins before dropping him off. thanked me alot for the ride and moved on. the same day i piked up this horny girl and she was all over my nuts telling me i was cute and wanted my number she wanted to make out in my cab i wasnt really feeling her so i didnt i told her i had a gf which really upset her. i gave her a kiss told her not to pay for the ride but she payed. i felt so good that day and the next day. i am the youngest cab driver and get conpliments about it. there havr been so many opportunities i have given up with girls wanting to make out take me to their apartments but i have given it all up because of my condition .i have since tried the same thing that worked in the past but it wont work anymore. god plz help [/quote]

Posts: 193
Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 6:27 am

Post by crazy4it »

Oh boy I have work tomorrow and I can't afford to miss it I'm doomed t
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