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How I Destroyed The Demon Of Bad Breath Completely

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:37 pm
by mjump7
Hi guys,

I just wanted to share how I killed/destroyed/incinerated the demon of bad breath in my mouth completely.

I used to frequent this website almost 3 years ago.

Since then, by trial and error, I found that the cure to bad breath is not some difficult, complicated, expensive medicine, surgery or technique but rather a simple, cold turkey method which is extremely simple, but ridiculously effective, actually nothing short of miracle after many, many years of tears, heartache and depression.

But the choice is yours.

You have the choice to do what I share with you from my own experience.

I've written a short article on how I cured myself of bad breath completely here in this blog of mine. ... tosis.html

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:47 am
by Faith
Hi mjump7 - thanks so much for your post. I've read your blog but would like to know some of the things that you CAN eat. For example, what kind of things do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:29 am
by mjump7
Hi Faith,

I'd gladly answer your question,

By the way, I've just written a short article on my diet regimen here. ... reath.html

Here's a brief list of things that I have:

Food that I enjoy freely without any worry of bad breath:
- Meat (chicken and lean pork)
- Fish (especially salmon)
- Eggs
- Rice (including brown rice)

- All kinds of vegetables (I enjoy having cabbage, carrot, cucumber, spring onions, ginger, celery, potato, sweet potato but I don't like corn.)

- All kinds of fruit (bananas, avocados, strawberries, plums, blueberries, cherries, apples, kiwifruit)

- Grapeseed oil, sesame oil

It is, however, very important that you don't blindly follow my diet above because that diet regimen is suited to me.

You may have your own list of food that causes you bad breath.

Are you aware of your own bad breath?

I'm very sensitive to my own bad breath, and I know when I have bad breath.

So what I practically did was to start a very simple diet, rice, vegetables, chicken, for example, then building my diet list.

Ticking off food that caused bad breath.

I found that beef fat caused me bad breath quite quickly if I have it, and can linger in my mouth up to a day.

Lean beef cause me less bad breath, but I found that it's best just to avoid it, and I enjoy other meat like lean pork, chicken, salmon and other types of fish plus sea food.

Occasionally, I may consume lean beef (almost free of all fat) but I don't crave it so I just yanked it out of my diet.

No worries, there are plenty of other protein sources available like I just wrote above!

I like sushi, teriyaki chicken, fried eggs, pork stir fry with mixed vegetables, omelette, salmon, avocado, and lots of fruit including bananas (I consume a lot of bananas, very good source of health carbohydrates)

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:42 am
by glamourgirl05
Heyy jump, how soon did you noticed your bb improving while on the diet? And what kind of bb did you have, would it come out through your nose even without talking or just mouth bb?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:00 am
by mjump7
Hi Glamourgirl05

I knew diet played an important role in the development of my bad breath since many years ago.

But I guess I had been very sceptical of it because I loved my beef among other food that potentially caused me bad breath.

Well, now I know when I'm on this diet, I don't have bad breath.

I used to have bad breath which would travel out of my mouth miraculously through my nose and go as far as a few metres from where I am and I would see people pinching their nose very frequently.

I'd be super self-conscious of it, even though I kept my mouth shut completely most of time, if not all of the time!!!!

Yes, I did have (and still can potentially have) one of the weirdest and most mysterious kind of bad breath.

After having bad breath, if I'm on the diet regimen, it'd only take a few days at the most to come back to the bad breath-free state.

If I violate the law of my diet, I go immediately go back to that foul-smelling offensive bb-self conscious state as quick as within a few hours.

Beef fat, pork fat and spicy food like curry seem to play a ridiculously important role in summoning the demon of bad breath in my mouth.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:08 am
by sadmum
@ mjump7...So when you're on the diet are you 100% bb free? If so, how do you know for certain that you are cured? did you have it confirmed by someone?

I went on a detox/cleansing diet a few times throughout the years which helped reduce my bb by probably 50%, but never completely cured!

How long did it take being on the diet till your bb improved?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:51 am
by glamourgirl05
Interesting jump, I see your Christian as well, I like your quote you have on your page " Beacause of Jesus I breathe", Dieting to me seems tough, did you ever have stomach problems such as acid reflux, constant bloating etc?? I wonder what can be the exact problem that some bodys react like this with certain food, well if you seffered that kind of bb for many yars I'm glad you found your cure :)

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:03 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:00 pm
by MrChips
Hi thanks for your information mjump.
Did you have nasal odour with your mouth closed?
Do you take any vitamins/supplements?
And do you drink any alcohol on your diet? And did you before?
Beer seems to be a big trigger for me :roll:

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:58 pm
by mjump7
@ sadmum
Yes, I'm 100% bb free when I'm on the diet. I know for certain that I'm cured because when you're 100% bb free, you know that you have fresh breath, and it doesn't take long for you to get on with your life, and just forget that you had bb and once frequented this forum to get that magic cure. I didn't have to ask anyone if I had bb. I talked to people right before their face and no reactions, but really, you know when there's not even a trace of bb.

You become unconscious of the fact that you once had bb. You just don't think about it at all.

I think detox/cleansing diet can be helpful but what I think is the problem with these diets and methods and pills are that they don't address the cause of the problem.

If my theory is correct, we all consume some food that are more likely to induce bb in us, if we don't get rid of them, no matter how much you use special cleansing, detox, medicine, and other methods, you'd still have a remnant of bb lingering in your body, emanating from your mouth and nostrils.

It's like consuming a lot of cholesterol-rich diet, no matter how much "statin" you consume (btw, statin is a cholesterol lowering drug, one of the most common drugs prescribed in the world), your cholesterol level is gonna be still fairly high, and puts you at a high risk of heart attacks.

Well, it comes down to a choice, I guess. You can enjoy cholesterol-rich diet and take statin (which has its own share of side effects as well), and still be at a fairly high risk of getting heart attacks, or

You can choose low to free cholesterol diet and don't take statin (so no worry of side effects), and at a lower than average risk of getting heart attacks.

Likewise, you can still have all the foods that cause you bb and take detox/cleansing diet, probiotics, antibiotics (which have it's own side effects), or any other methods or medicine or techniques, and still have a remnant of bb. 50%, for example, in your case. Or,

You can take all the foods that cause you bb out of your diet, and don't worry about all the rest. You just get on with your life.

How long did it take being on the diet till your bb improved?

It doesn't take long, probably 3-5 days, more or less?
But the thing is if I happen to eat any of the bb-causing food, I can get bb within a few hours, and I would have to stay on the bb-causing food-free diet up to a day or two, for bb to disappear.

However, please don't think, this diet must be insanely difficult to follow!! Remember God made so many different food in the world and the combination of food types you can create is enormous as well. We're so used to our own typical diet that we conveniently overlook other foods that we're not used to. Anyhow, once you're on the diet, it becomes a habit, and when the habit is formed, it becomes part of our normal life.

There are gluten-allergic people, lactose-intolerant people, (pea)nut-allergic people in this world as well, and many of them learned to live what they have.

So what should stop me from living without bb, when the reward is so great!

I've listed some of the food that I can have without worrying about bb in this post in my blog.
My Current Diet To Prevent Bad Breath Inhabiting In My Mouth Ever Again

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:39 pm
by mjump7

Thanks glamourgirl05, yes I'm very glad and relieved that I know for certain how to avoid bb now.

As for stomach problems, I can get stomach upsets, bloating and frequent gas-releasing with chilli, spicy food, starch and possibly overly greasy food, all of which I almost completely avoid, and instead, choose healthier, fresher choices such as lean meat (pork, chicken), salmon, fresh vegetables and fruit, sesame and grapeseed oil.

Since being on this diet, my digestion has been fantastic. Really fantastic. My bowel motions are fantastic as well. No diarrhoea and no constipation at all as long as I'm on this diet. (At the risk of sounding too bowel motion-y, I hardly need tissue papers to wipe the bottom because bowel motions are almost always firm, consistent, and just clean cut.)

One of the theories that I have about human body's reaction to certain types of food is that we, at some point in our lives, developed allergy to these types of food, possibly triggered by viral illnesses or food that are not natural, e.g Genetically Modified food. (Well, when God made food in Genesis, they were all good, then now people decided to mess up many common food that we consume genetically to prevent insects and bugs get near to those food such as tomatoes, corns and wheat etc. Well, messed-up food get into our body, and I guess our body becomes a bit messed up as well, resulting in all kinds of allergy, new diseases and cancer.) The body then does not process these food in our body "normally" but instead process them abnormally, and cause all kinds of problems including stomach upsets, bloating, wind, and bb.

Well, I let go of all the bb-causing food to gain fresh breath and potentially fresh kisses in the future.

Positive side effects of this diet are that I'm healthier and less likely to get sick as well.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:23 pm
by mjump7

Hi Stankie, I get your point and I think grassfed/pasture-raised meat can be healthy.

But the diet method I employ is not related to whether certain food is healthier than others. It is rather a matter of whether your body reacts to these food types positively or negatively.

It's like eating peanuts. Some people love nuts and organic peanuts can be a really good source of unsaturated fat among other health benefits of nuts and they can be fatal to those who are allergic to it.

I have a colleague who is allergic to peanuts. If she eats them, she gets anaphylaxis which means your windpipe closes because it swells, and you can suffocate and die, so she always carries around "adrenalin shots" just in case. She, therefore, avoids all restaurant and cafe foods even though they may not have peanuts as ingredients but because they may contain traces of peanuts. She is therefore on a very, very strict diet but she's learned to live with it. She's a very cheerful and bubbly girl actually. This is an extreme example. But I hope you get my point. I don't think it's whether some food are healthy or unhealthy that causes bb in us, but rather how our body reacts to certain types of food.

Also, you mentioned about the health benefits of grassfed/pasture-raised meat. I agree they can be healthy. Well, I live in New Zealand and almost all the cows, if not all the cows, in New Zealand are grassfed/pasture-raised. It's probably a lot more difficult to find any cows raised on corns/grains for example.

If you've watched Lord of the Rings or Hobbit, you'd probably get how abundant grass is in New Zealand.

Well, yeah, my point is that although the beef I have access to may be healthy in a general sense, but it doesn't work for me because I get bb from it. For example, deep fried french fries or chips may be bad for my health but I don't necessarily get bb from it because the determinant of whether I get bb or not from certain food does not depend on whether that food is healthy or not but rather whether my body reacts to those food types in a "normal" or a bit "abnormal" way.

And about the lymphatic thread, I mentioned about my theory of allergic reaction of our body to these food types how trivial they may be. The only reaction we may get might be just some stomach upsets, bloating or, yes, BB!

Some of the ingredients/substances in some food may cause havoc in the lymphatic system, for example. So what do you do?

My ridiculously simple answer is, don't let those food enter my body or my lymphatic system and cause all kinds of problems. Period.

Or, may some brilliantly gifted scientist invent some kind of medicine to stop these food cause some kind of allergic reactions in our body. But... is that solution likely to occur in the near future? Perhaps. Possibly, but what about here and now?

Well, for now, I choose to live with what I have and know right now. Some food cause bb in me, some food don't. I choose food that don't cause bb in me.

It's really a simple method. The reward is great.
It's my choice, and your choice to choose what food you eat.

There are about 3 million vegans in the US alone, which is about 1% of the US population, according to Vegan Statistics,

Well, at least, I can have lean pork, chicken, salmon, eggs, fish and other seafood among other food types. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Stankie wrote: On a more esoteric note, how could this be a "demon" ? Are you claiming your BB is an actual presence? Like, an entity from another realm?
Sorry, Stankie, I did not mean that BB is an demonic entity. It was just a metaphor, expressing how much I hate BB, because it is not a natural part of me.

When God made everything in Genesis, everything was good including us. All good. But something bad was introduced. The Old Serpent, Satan, Demon, you name it. He rejoices to do us harm. He is the ultimate liar. He's really good at lying to people, causing all kinds of troubles. One of most important tasks as a Christian or any person in this world is not listening to those lies, for example, God does not love which is the fatal lie.

God is love. Period.

Yes, BB is bad, really bad. I hate it absolutely. But I guess I've learned to be more compassionate and more understanding than I would've been without this experience.

It's like the crucifixion was bad, really bad. Jesus wanted to avoid crucifixion, dying on the cross like a common criminal if He could but He didn't.

Because He loved us. He died on the cross as a substitute sinner so that we wouldn't have to die like that. God forgives us all through the sacrifice of Jesus, His Son.

Yes the BB is bad like the crucifixion is bad. But I learned something valuable, learning to be a little more like God who's compassionate and understanding. Just as Jesus died to forgive us all because He loves us all.

One big difference between me and God is that I did not voluntarily want to suffer from BB to be a little more compassionate and understanding, but Jesus did. He voluntarily came to the earth like we celebrated in Christmas to die in our place for our sins, and it was in no way easy path for Him to walk on, but He did it anyway because He loves us.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:01 am
by mjump7
MrChips wrote:Hi thanks for your information mjump.
Did you have nasal odour with your mouth closed?
Do you take any vitamins/supplements?
And do you drink any alcohol on your diet? And did you before?
Beer seems to be a big trigger for me :roll:

Hi MrChips,

I'll try to give you short answers here (since some of my answers above have been a bit too long!)
MrChips wrote: Did you have nasal odour with your mouth closed?
Yes, I used to have nasal odour but not any more since being on this diet.
MrChips wrote: Do you take any vitamins/supplements?
No I don't take any vitamins/supplements because I prefer naturally occuring vitamins such as fruit and vegetables and all kinds of food that have them.

For example, I just had 2 bananas, 4 plums and 2 golden kiwifruit a few minutes ago.

Actually, I heard from one of the lecturers from last year I think, that there was a study which showed that a long term intake of vitamin C supplement can actually increase the risk of death by a few percentages. Well, I wouldn't be too alarmed by just one study but it's certainly something to think about! Most people think that "vitamin C is good for our health, of course" but remember these vitamin C tablets are manufatured, NOT naturally occuring. Who know what impurities they may contain and the quality of vitamin C tablets can be variable as well depending on who manufactured them. So if you take Vitamin C tablets, try to buy from some well-known, reputable health products company.

And actually, vitamin C tablets we take contain far too much vitamin C that most of it comes out straight through our urine and into the toilet bowl, wasting a lot of vitamin C.
MrChips wrote: And do you drink any alcohol on your diet? And did you before?
Beer seems to be a big trigger for me :roll:
I occasionally drink wine but I avoid beer which does trigger eczema and bb in me, I think. I had wine 2 days ago, I was fine.

From what I can remember, the last time I had beer was like a year and a half ago, and I think I did have triggered eczema and bb at the same time.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:05 am
by Faith
Thanks so much for your quick and detailed reply :)

I find that sweet things like sugar and bananas make my breath so much worse. Dairy products are like poison when it comes to my breath and I also react badly to tea, coffee and wine.

Since this is the beginning of a new year I'm really going to try and avoid all those foods that make my breath worse and try avoiding some of the things you mentioned such as wheat - what do I have to lose? My life has been wrecked by my bb - I lost out to a great career in the law with one of the most reputable international law firms in London; I've developed anxiety and I hardly ever go out and yet people I know think I have the best life because I am an attractive woman and I'm always smiling! How sad and ironic!

Thank you everyone and wish me luck :)

an advise to type 1 people

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:23 am
by jamesmcavoy
I have noticed these days that for type 1 users ,these things are important .

1) u stop scraping your tongue (i know u are abusing me for this ) but trust me ,
A rough gargling with salt water clears debris (not keratin) .
Next is u eat boiled chicken pieces ,chew them good and ur keratin is reduced by 60% .

Option is chewing pineapple which does the same thing .
Now ur tongue is smoother pinker .

For type 1 person ,
Dairy & sugar is no no(u all know it )
Eat only protein chicken,egg and meat .
Next main YUCK thing is u shud avoid spices which instantly kills ur breath to ugly curry smell .

My god if u do this ,i can guarranty u that u could be bb free like this person mrjump is .
This helps me .

If u say protein (meat ) makes it worse ,
Ur type 1 bb is partially caused by gastric reasons .
I tell u how .
Furry tongue with bad flora is type 1 case .
Furry tongue could be either by excess scraping or gastric issue .
Bad flora is by any issue but is impossible to change .

What we could do is maintaining tongue surface .
I(being type 1 user) havent scraped my tongue in last 3months .i know how to gargle in way with salt water so to clear up food debris .
Anyways after having any food i rinse up roughly so 5 minutes later my breath is normal .
Besides regular toothpaste ,i dont use anything else .
The best choice for us is to
Use non foaming toothpaste .

Stop following any older rituals like scraping flossing .
This flossing thing has nothing to do with bb ,its not huge enough to cause bb .

There are too many things to be cleared but people are blindly going for things without science behind it .