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UK TMAU sufferer needed to talk to media

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UK TMAU sufferer needed to talk to media

Post by malory »

In view of the current progressions regarding TMAU research and awareness, I've been looking for UK media opportunities, and I've set up an interview with a woman's magazine in which I hope to: mention the forthcoming research grant from the Medical Research Council, encourage readers to donate to MEBO to raise further funds to continue that research, and promote the tmau film 'The Boy Who Smells Like Fish'.

The interview is for:

Dawn Murden
Feature Writer
Full House! Magazine


Tel: 0207 421 5433

Full House! Magazine
Swan House
37-39 High Holborn


'I'm looking to feature you in the health section, it will be a 500 word article written in the first person following an interview. It will also have a fact box about the condition at the end. You'll need to provide a head and shoulder shot of yourself, and will have the article read back to your over the phone.

We do ask that all our stories are exclusive, i.e. haven't featured in other women's magazine. Local and national press is fine. To ensure this, we'd ask that you sign a contract. It's nothing scary, really just says you are okay to speak with, provide picture, etc.

We can include a website at the bottom of the article as well.'

Both myself and the one other UK sufferer who came forwards to be interviewed have already been featured in women's magazines which means we will be rejected. This is a recurring problem for our community. Please let me know if you or a fellow sufferer might be interested, or contact Dawn directly.

Emma at Caters News - e-mail address: [email protected] - is also willing to do an article with a new sufferer. It will be a shame to miss this opportunity as the timing of this publicity is so good.