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Having a job with bb

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:57 pm
by myname
I don't know how i will ever be able to work again.I started getting bb after i got my last job.Customers would whisper and laugh..hold their noses..or cough as soon as they walked up to me.I have caught managers/other coworkers talking about me behind my back.They would constantly offer me gum..Its so annoying that people with regular breath think that sticking a piece of gum in your mouth will give you minty fresh doesnt.One day a so called 'friend' was talking with another coworker around me.She is really loud and couldn't whisper to save her life.I heard the coworker say 'I need to tell you something about your friend' and my friend said really loud(remember she can't whisper) YEAH HER BREATH STINKS!A lady and her daughter came up to me to ask a question and her daughter said eeew mommy her breath stinks!I tried to ignore it and kept talking to her the mother looked at her daugher pinched her nose and laugh and kept talking to me.She did it right in my face and didn't care.I went to the back clocked out and never came back to work.I have had interviews since then..but I never get the job.The last guy interviewing me had such a look of disgust/disgust you would think that i slapped him across his face during the interview.I don't know whats going on with my mouth..and I can't get a job so I don't have money to go to a dentist to see.I don't know what I am going to do :(

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:51 pm
by jess
I'm sorry you had to go through these experiences. But all I can say to you is don't loose hope, things can and will get better with the right approach and dedication to at least reduce your odor. There are a lot of good ideas on this site. Browse through the posts ask specific questions, you will find some good advices. Also, don't be under the illusion that your bb's just gonna go away just like that. Be prepare to make some not so comfortable changes in your life. Right now I would say eliminate all junk food in your diet, go gluten free for a month or so and see if that helps at all. Go to a dentist and find out if there's anything at all that could be an oral cause to your bb and eliminate that cause.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:25 pm
by compor
hey myname,

Most people are selfish jerks, they enjoy mocking us behind our back. A few years back, there was a guy at work who kept talking behind my back loud enough that I could hear. I tried to ignore him, acted as if he didn't exist. Some time later, he needed something from me and he came to me with a big fake smile, talked to me like he was my best friend. Such a hypocrite. I simply sent him away.

The point of the story is: most people are sh*t. We care too much about what others think. But can we help it? No. As long as we have bb, we will be mocked at work place, especially by lower-ranked people.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:16 am
by findacure
Sorry to hear that.

I'm in the same boat as you.

I quite my job last year because of the way I was treated. I was humiliated everyday at work by colleagues and tenants in the building.

I'm currently looking for a new job, but dread the interview process. But I just think hey, if they like me and they think I will do a good job they will hire me regardless.

Keep the faith.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:31 am
by Born To Suffer
Hey now, I'm not going to pity you since we all know what you have been through. People are going to mock and you know what, why not just laugh with them. Stop taking life so seriously and just be like
"oh my breath stinks? I know right! AHAHAHHAHAA"
Laugh harder than them

Okay but on a serious note, sitting at home whining won't do squat.
Go get money from family/friends/rob a bank, then go to doctors and dentists for a check up of wisdoms/tonsils/sinus.
You don't know when you are going to hit jackpot, but keep trying.
Good luck.