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Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:19 pm
by KC
6 June 2007 Diary

10 am: brush my teeth
10:15am: use mouthrinse
11 am: brush my teeth
11:15: use tongue scrapper
12 pm: brush my teeth
12:15pm: go to buy mouthrinse
1pm: brush my teeth
1:15 pm: use tongue scapper with snake oil
2pm: brush my teeth with a brand new hello kitty tooth brush
2:15pm: call Dr Rosenberg ask about why his snake oil doesn't work. But nobody answer the call
3pm: go to KFC and ate a bucket of chicken wings
3:05pm: rush back home and start brushing my teeth
3:15pm: order Dr Katz products online
3:19pm: cancel the order but Dr Katz reply that the order is processing. No return of money.
4pm: Go to see doctor about my bb problem but he said its all in my head and kick me out of the clinic.
4:15pm: crying in the street
4:30pm: eat 10 Big Macs in MacDonald
5pm: rush back home to brush my teeth
5:15pm: receive the parcel of Tung Brush
5:15:30 pm: starting to use the new Tung Brush
5:30pm: cooking the chinese herb medicine
6pm: drinking the chinese herb medicine
6:15pm: looking the mirror and found that my teeth all gone black after drinking the chinese herb
7pm: go to KFC again
8pm: brush my teeth, use mouthrinse, eat shit, drink urine, use Tung brush
9pm: go to bed and give a good nite kiss to George Bush (just his pic on the magazine)

I can't believe you read through this post

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:29 pm
by noptical
It's all in your head just like your bad breath.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:43 pm
by carlos_bigsby
:lol: ha ha...very funny kc.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:57 pm
by bbsux