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your thoughts on my condition

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:08 pm
by loyd99
having recently been trying really hard to to get to the route of my problem ive had success with probiotics an diet recently and i noticed people coming closer and not doing any of the usual signs that would indicate the oder. But recently i have been off the wagon drinking lots eating alot of junk food an not taking probiotics and seems like im back to square one if not worse. im going to keep up what has previously helped
i thought i would show you a recent doctor visits notes

Laryngo pharyngeal acid reflux
Nasal congestion due to rhinitis and a minimally deviated nasal septum
For Lansoprazole, Gaviscon Advance, Avamys and barium swallow then review

I saw this 24-year-old man at his own request after a several month history of halitosis for which I understand he underwent a tonsillectomy prior to Christmas at the Spire. This procedure has unfortunately not helped his symptoms of halitosis, which is bothering him socially and is apparent both to himself and others.

He does suffer with a blocked nose on occasions, and occasional indigestion and acid reflux. In addition, he has symptoms of a feeling of something stuck in the throat and occasional dysphagia. He does not smoke and works as a freelance guitarist.

Inspection of the oral cavity was clear. Nasal examination revealed evidence of rhinitis bilaterally and a mildly deviated nasal septum. Neck was soft. Nasal endoscopy revealed evidence of laryngo pharyngeal acid reflux and cobble stoning of the pharyngeal mucosa.

In the first instance, I am treating his laryngo pharyngeal acid reflux with a course of Lansoprazole and Gaviscon Advance. I have also recommended Avamys nasal spray for his rhinitis to help any nasal congestion, which may be contributing to his throat symptoms. I have also suggested a barium swallow.

also after having my tonsils out i could really smell an taste the oder in my mouth and nose for a while but now i can just sense it i wonder why that is ?

i would love to hear peoples thoughts on the matter as there is definitely a cure. On a final note i remeber my my saying she had halitosis for a while and it went in her elder years an seemed to think it was to do with stress

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:31 am
by loyd99

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:51 pm
by flavouredpig
Hi Loyd,
"having recently been trying really hard to to get to the route of my problem ive had success with probiotics an diet recently and i noticed people coming closer and not doing any of the usual signs that would indicate the oder."

Based on that, do you think you could go back to doing the probiotics and diet again and see if it is long term? perhaps it is your body (perhaps your liver) telling you it needs a break from all the junk food because it is not able to break down the junk foods, fatty foods, and proteins as well as it used to do before you acquired bad breath. Maybe also try to repair your liver or give it what it needs like milk thistle, drinking a glass of homemade apple juice (the one you juice at home with a juicing machine because the store bought ones (even organic) are boiled up and then fortified with vitamins and sugar) which has all the nutrients and vitamins that help your liver. Do you think this could be the solution to your problem?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:35 pm
by loyd99
im pretty much sure there is a something not right in my body some kind of foreign bacteria causing excessive inflammation and i bi-product is the halitosis. im going to see one of the top guys in the country on nutrition, gut health, enviromental pollutants, hormonal imbalances and lots more. he is able to do lots of tests to see exactly whats going on with my body so i will have a clearer picture rather than just trying to figure out whats going on. i recon he has come across this before he heals people far better than any doctor using prescription drugs which are dangerous in my mind

i will be going back to the probiotics and enzymes as they help an keep me sain. even the last few days eating better i have less irritation from my throat and the taste/ smell has gone down slightly

i do eat alot of protein in my diet now days but ive had this way before that i might start cutting down abit i know that takes its toll on the liver an so does drinking alcohol which i have done loads recently an its never been worse. but saying that a liver should regenerate within a month

another thing i dont understand is the tonsillectomy has made it worse and thats irreversible. i know my mother has had id at one point and just cured naturally when i see her again i will get more info. also i remember my brother having to take something for excess stomach acid when he was younger im pretty sure it was charcol tablets even tho he has never had halitosis its all interesting to me an may be some way linked or similar

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:42 pm
by loyd99
also if i do the lick test i am fine no oder at all so it has to be coming from my throat region which is really inflamed once i know whats causing it ill be another step closer

im gonna have this bugger nailed by the end of the year i can feel it

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:43 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:16 pm
by loyd99 ... 66988.html

this is interesting

yep they will take it serious hes not a medical doctor just a really clever guy who really understands the body an how it functions. He puts all generic doctors to shame tho fingers crossed im excited

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:53 pm
by flavouredpig
I'm really happy for you Loyd :)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:46 pm
by loyd99
another thing i remember i used to have a old grey hound dog that had halitosis i did used to let it lick me maybe something was passed on way back then? ... _petmd.htm

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:55 am
by flavouredpig
I think that would be a very low probability that bad breath can be passed onto someone else, unless it's a genetic disorder that contributed or caused bad breath. I googled it and most of what I got was that a dog's halitosis is due to a myriad of possible causes and these causes are similar to the myriads of possible causes that are said about human halitosis (I know scientific evidence may not sound like it understands bb; and to us, perhaps scientific evidence cannot truly understand how much pain bb sufferers go through because it probably feels like, to us, bb is something that just happens out of nowhere).
The thing is Loyd, I think that you've already found the cure, you said so yourself: 'having recently been trying really hard to get to the route of my problem ive had success with probiotics an diet recently and i noticed people coming closer and not doing any of the usual signs that would indicate the oder. But recently i have been off the wagon drinking lots eating alot of junk food an not taking probiotics and seems like im back to square one if not worse. im going to keep up what has previously helped.'
I was wondering whether you feel the bad breath hasn't completely gone fully by being on that diet and probiotics? or that you want a magic pill that will solve your problem so that you can continue to eat "bad" food? [I'm just curious, because I think a lot of us feel that we just want to stop it completely (and I understand that having bb for years I definitely want it gone completely right this instant) without having to do the work and we protect our ego by saying that "we are eating right, we are healthy, the cause of bb is external, it wasn't our fault" when really we're denying ourselves change.]

Thanks Loyd.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:55 pm
by loyd99
flavoured pig thanks for your response im just really trying to understand it so hopefully i can help others at some point. alot of studys are done on other animal for humans while this may not carry over its definitely interesting. yes i made it alot better it took a good few weeks but in a few days it was back to normal or even worse. at the moment im having a great time would it be better without halitosis yes for sure but i want to enjoy my time for the next 2 months then i will cure it