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Healing For Your Life

Here you can pray for yourself, for others, to Jesus, Alah, Jahve, Krishna, Buda etc
BeauTiful Woman
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Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:49 pm

Healing For Your Life

Post by BeauTiful Woman »

Hello friends, I am writing to encourage you and to remind you to think positive thoughts. Every single day we should think positively about our current existence, as well as our future. The constent thought of our affliction prolongs it; I believe... Picture yourself living a life without BB/H; where will you go, what will you be doing; who are you going to talk to; what changes will you make... Spend lots of time dreaming this dream; plan not to have BB/H anymore; design your new life, in your thoughts! Take time to do this everyday, for atleast an hour... Also continue to stay united with us all in prayer at 12pm. (corporate-prayer is very powerful)

I have been so consumed by this problem over the years, that I believe I have kept it in my life... I have had constent dreams about it; I have been riddled with anxiety and hence, depression over it.

As I continue to put my hope in the mercy of God on my life as a whole, I feel like I am being healed, even now as I am typing this. As far as I am concerned, I am Healed! "By Jesus' Stripes I am healed!" I have prayed and asked God to heal me for His Glory, and not for me alone... I believe he has answered my prayers.

Please appeal to the father in an unselfish and humble way; he has a purpose and a plan for your life...

Keep trusting God and keep moving forward.

I love you; God Bless you,

BW O:)

But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 (Holy Bible NIV)

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Post by dontholdurbreath »

I truly admire your faith and wish I had the same. Unfortunately, positive thoughts dont get me through the day because as soon as i talk to someone and see a reaction I go into a depression. Im really having a hard time at work. There are definatley people out there who have worse lives, I just cant understand why God would let some of us suffer so much.
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Post by hopelessone »

Lifting both you dear souls up to Abba. May His strength, His boldness, His fearlessness, His grace, be yours, in the name of Jesus the christ, the only begotten Son of You, the living God, the God of the living, amen.
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Post by ihatethebus »

'then what happens next. Amen, and youre cured. jus go the pharmacy and try everythin from birth control to viagra. believe me you have a better chance @ getting cured the right way
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United States of America

Post by hopelessone »

what i have been sorely missing is God's peace and joy. I have been in a state of oppression, controlled ev'ry moment with the frustration and angst of this malady. And y'know how those stress chemicals/enzymes are...they LOVE a body run down and defenseless...they loooove to kick a body, mind, and spirit, when it's down.....

i got SICK of it. Enough is enough.

I'm evicting that nonsense. *Gives knock-out punch to da baddies that thought they had me in a death grip* uh-huh.

*listens to the howling n' says in response "serves ya right...ya never belonged here anyways...and y'all have been found guilty and convicted of trespassing, uh-huh, so get ta steppin'"
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Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:25 pm

Post by stressedout »


you said you were against people trying meds (prescription or over the counter) for what they havent been diagnosed. wrong advice.
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