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Out of desperation I tried this thing and it worked…

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Out of desperation I tried this thing and it worked…

Post by Jennn »

***** I don’t CONDONE OR RECOMMEND YOU TRYING THIS METHOD. I am simply sharing my experience of what has worked for me. *****

I had bad breathe for as long as I remember… mine is fecal BB with nasty taste/coating in mouth. Sometimes fecal, sometimes sour, No nasal BB.

Like many unfortunate souls in the forum, I’ve tried everything- GERD treatment, dentist visits, wisdom tooth removal, chlorhexidine, oral and stomach probiotics, antibiotics, h pylori treatment, oral microbe test, Chinese medicine, cutting out dairy, caffeine, onions & garlic, fats and etc, tonsil/tonsil stone check, waterpik floss, thousands of dollars of supplements, blablablaaa, I’ve done it ALL and they’ve all only rendered temporary reliefs. I would say my best relief was when I was on antibiotics and the couple weeks that followed. Of course like many others, my bad breath came back two weeks after the last dose.

A couple weeks ago, I went to the water park with my family. In the midst of fun, I noticed that my mouth felt fresh all day, no taste and no smell- similar to the experience I had when I was on antibiotics. I couldn’t think of anything that it could’ve been other than the bleach/chlorine in the water.

When I got home that night, I searched my cabinets for bleach so I can test my theory. The only thing I can find was the Clorox bathroom cleaner bleach foamer (the one in the blue spray bottle). Yes I KNOW! That’s terrrible, I knew the dangers of it and how stupid it was… but I couldn’t forget the high that I felt at the water park, how I was able to be myself freely and have fun without worrying about my BB. I had to test my theory, at least. I sprayed the tiniest bit onto my hand and put 3 drops into a cup of warm water. I swished it around my mouth and gargled with it for about 30 seconds then rinsed again thoroughly with running water. My theory was correct; the bleach worked and I had fresh breath for the rest of the night. The morning after, I had a bit of morning breath. I did the same routine again and boom… no BB or bad taste all day. Now I repeat this process maybe once a week or when I really feel it’s necessary. Im trying not to abuse this method for it’s probably very dangerous. It’s been about 3 weeks of fresh breath here on my side.

I came to realize through this experience that if antibiotics and bleach is working this well for me, my bad breathe is probably bacterial overgrowth related. These two isolated experiences of bleach and antibiotics is far superior than mouth wash/ dentist visit/ diet modification methods- those methods only COVER up bad breath while these methods seem to literally reset your whole mouth- zero taste and zero smell. So if antibiotics has worked well for you in the past, this might work for you. **** I don’t CONDONE OR RECOMMEND YOU TRYING THIS METHOD. **** I am simply sharing my experience of what has worked for me. I am also looking into testing this theory with chlorine dioxide, which is the water purifier they use in pools to kill and stop bacteria overgrowth. Im sure that method is a lot healthier than bathroom cleaner lol


TL:DR — went to waterpark and found that I had fresh breath all day. Came home that night and gargled with couple drops of bathroom cleaner bleach diluted in water to test theory of chlorine in water killing BB. Has been BB FREE for 3 weeks after finding this method. Will update.

Jimi Stein
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Re: Out of desperation I tried this thing and it worked…

Post by Jimi Stein »

i agree with this....bleach as a mouthwash is very effective.... but be sure to use only few drops and wash out the mouth after.....some dentists recommend it as a mouthwash.....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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