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Feeling really helpless

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Feeling really helpless

Post by meowkity1 »

For two years I worked on my associates as a pharmacy technician degree. I went ona few interiews and never got called back. Now as of last week I passed my state exam and I am certified now. I feel this would mean that most people would hire me, because passing the exam means I know my stuff. Im hopeless now, because even though it is a great accomplishment, I feel my bb is going to hold me back. Im scared to start applying again. I feel im going to ruin my chance with every pharmacy until i get this problem fixed but i dont know how to. I feel i may just go to a factory because then I wouldnt have to talk to anyone, but what a waste in an education. The only time i get relief is when I pput salicylic acid on my tonge and then clip the hairy tongue with cuticle scissors, only to have it grow back within 1-2 weeks. I sometimes get reliefe with thera breath probiotics, s I think ill order some today. I just want to be normal and go back to work so bad. I got my first job when I was 14 and worked non-stop until age 23, when this misery happened. I drive a 92 buick, but ill never be able to upgrade until i get a good paying job. i provide daycare at my house but its just not enough. i only have 5 years left to get child support for one son, after that i might as well die if this doesnt get fixed. I hate talking negative;y, but this should be the happiest time of my life right now


Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by meowkity1 »

First I place acid and it turns tongue whit, after 2 days I scrape wth sand paper to remove the white and the hairy tongue comes off with it. There are some pieces left,iI use a magnified mirror and cuticle scissors to remove the rest. I'm going to tryhair remover like that other person. Clipping doesn't hurt at all because its not the papillae but the white hairy tongue that I am removing.I'm so tired of doing it though, I'm tired of this whole life
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Post by halitosisux »

Meowkitty, sorry for asking this question again, but when I asked you once if your tongue ever has any odour, you said it doesn't. I'm confused how you say it helps your breath when you remove the coating of a tongue which doesn't smell.
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Post by meowkity1 »

My mouth is always hot and nasty, but when I do the lick test I can't smell anything, floss doesn't stink. I think its my gastro, and too mch bad bacteria on tongue. A famly member recenty told me t try gas x. I'm going to get some at the store later. Just orered my thera breat probiotics because they d help, just havnt in awhile beaus the last twotimes ibought at walgreens they were expired. I just rdered them from the company. Whether my tongue stinks or not I stink because I'm constantly getting reactions. Now I am opening u to people and they are cnfirming it
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Post by halitosisux »

Is your mouth dry a lot? Could be the whole stress of worrying about your breath making it feel as though your tongue has something to do with it all because the dryness gives you a feeling of hot and nasty.

I can't remember what it's called (it might be cortical homunculus, but I think it's called something else) it's a diagram of the different parts of the body, and they're sized proportionally to how much processing inside the brain is assigned to those areas. The tongue is one of the biggest parts of the entire body. In normal circumstances that part of the brain probably just focuses doing what it does for our sense of taste, but it makes you realise that if we become obsessed about taste and breath and whatever else is connected to this whole madness, how the brain and our perceptions can become distorted. It's probably quite similar to what goes on in the distortion inside the mind of an anorexic person, when they always see themselves as fat, even though they're as thin as a stick.
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Post by meowkity1 »

My mouth and nose are always extremely dry even though I drink tons of water anduse biotene, I never leave home without water. I don't think improducing saliva, but I don't think thats my real problem
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Post by meowkity1 »

I understand what your saying annd it makes sense, and even though I have ocd, my family members are no lnger denying it, so I know I stink. After tonsillectomy I don't taste fecal or rotten egg anymore but I sense sewage a lot. Tonsillectomy even rid me of nasal odor for a really ong time but it came back. When I breath through my nose I can feel the thickness of the gas/air. When I was younger this did not occur
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Post by meowkity1 »

M y next step is to ask my ent to swab and test my throat, nose and mouth for bacteria. I only founf out recently that they can/willll do this. I wish I was rich so I could go to a microbiologist
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Post by louisa »

Don't give up on your job search. It's normal to have to go to many interviews before finding a job, especially with the bad job market right now.

Btw, your bb might not come from your tonsils but have you looked into other possible causes such as wisdom teeth or H. pylori?
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Post by halitosisux »

Meow you should try to focus on seeing if there's anything more you can do for your dry mouth because that might be all your problems are based on. Have you been checked for thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances etc? Are you on any meds for any other health issues?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I think yu have a bigger problem then just tongue, even if you scrape it the bacterias flourish on other parts in your mouth, throat
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

The hairy tongue, have you always had it or did it just happen recently?

If recent it could be some hormonal imbalance, and are you taking any meds?
I remember a few years ago I took some biotin for thicker hair (1month). Hair grew literally everywhere, forehead, cheeks, etc. Scared the crap out of me, it took months for everything to return to normal. Meds can really mess up the internal system, especially if you have taken for a long time.
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Post by meowkity1 »

My hairy tongue coating was initially only in the back and i think using a tongue brush made it spread to the front. My left side is worse than the right. The right said oddly stays more pink, but there is a lot of hairy tongue on the left side. im not on anything that has caused this. i think i just have uncontrollable bad bacteria because i do get relief when i use thera breath probiotics. If i buy them fresh from the company i wont even have morning breath. If i buy them from the store they dont work so well, i guess form sitting tooo long. my probiotics should come wed-fri, so as soon as iv had them in a couple days im going to go to a temp service until i can find a pharmacy job.
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Post by Born To Suffer »

@meowkity1, hm... I really think this is internal then. You had your tonsils out right? and if you aren't taking any meds, then I can only assume that your problem is diet related.
It may sound silly, but I think you are eating too much processed food. What could the function of hair be? It's to protect against bacteria and junk. Your body maybe suffering from toxin overload, so since the tonsils are gone, hair just grows out to prevent excess bacteria from entering the body. Maybe it's the bodies way of telling you that you are eating too much of the wrong food? Or maybe you have an allergy to certain foods? Maybe get your blood tested for allergies?
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