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Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by Stinkynick »

@sadmum- I was only given amoxicillin, which didn't work for me the last time I was given it.

My question is this. Amoxicillin kills aerobic bacteria, but most bb is caused by anaerobic bacteria. Does this mean we have some sort of chronic infection somewhere in our bodies? I do know this, I will take this information to my primary, and let him know that amox gave me relief and hopefully he can give me direction as to which route to pursue.

I'm starting to feel like I will never be cured. I know it's out there, because medicine helps it. But how much pain can one(or all of us in this case) go through before snapping?
I feel crazy all the time.

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Post by Stinkynick »

Update, probably the last one for a while...

Today was just as bad as any day I can remember bad breath wise.
I had to get a haircut( which I hate doing) and it was so embarrassing. Then I was outside playing golf with some friends, OUTSIDE, and I was getting reactions. I was very uncomfortable and eventually went off by myself.

I am at a loss here, I don't know what to do anymore my life is passing before my eyes and I'm just sitting here waiting for a miracle to happen. Although I can say that I am trying everything I can its just never enough. I'm looking into therapy, because if I can't get rid of this im going to have to learn to live with it.
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Post by StillHoping »

ohh stinkynick, breaks my heart reading your post. I can totally relate! There are some days where I seriously contemplate ending it all... but then other days where I just don't even give a fack and pretty much chew gum every second *sigh*

honestly all you can do is not give up hope and keep trying, maybe one day a cure will come along... hopefully very soon for us all!!
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Post by Stinkynick »


today I was sent to another ENT specialist by my primary physician..

We discussed my ct results and discussed some possible causes and he listened to me before examining.

Upon examination he determined that I have silent reflux and THIS is why I have halitosis.
I have already been taking omeprazole so we upped my dose, and he suggested Prilosec at night as well as alka seltzer when needed. The medication WILL NOT cure me however. If I want to get out of this mess I first need to change my lifestyle. Diet, no tobacco, no caffeine, no soda, no spicy or fatty foods,etc.

I'm going to try this diet and he says in a month to come back and we will see if there is any improvement.

This is my only option, if I want results it will be on me. It's nice to know the cause of my bb and now it's up to me to do something about it.

If you have a yellow or white coated tongue and uncontrollable PND this may be something to look into. He saw my yellow tongue and knew almost immediately what it was.

See y'all in a month!
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Post by halitosisux »

Makes a lot of sense. What dosage of Omeprazole were you on and how long had you been on this dosage? What has your doctor increased it to?

This is an important point because Omeprazole won't stop acid production altogether, it will only reduce it - but the higher the dosage the further the reduction - If you have silent reflux it may only require a small amount of acid reflux or vapour to lead to the symptoms of silent reflux. So it may be that you'll only start getting improvements when you reach the right level of acid suppression.

Like you say, this won't be a cure but it could help point you in the right directions. Good luck!
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Post by Stinkynick »

I was on 20mg and we went up to 40, while on 20mg I was still eating whatever I wanted and drinking tons of caffeine. Which is probably why I saw no improvements.

While I don't I can be cured 100% per se, considering reflux isn't necessarily "curable". I think that sticking to the diet and maintaining it will be a solution to my halitosis. I don't want to speculate too much cause its only day 2 so I will keep quiet and write down my family's meals and progress and report back when I have sufficient evidence.
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Post by Stinkynick »

Hey all, just stopping in for an update... I made a pact to myself and my doctor not to frequent these sites anymore. Not because I don't find them helpful, but because the more time I spend here the crazier I get looking for a cure. I've accepted the fact that I have halitosis, but I have not given up. I live my normal everyday life again and for the most part I'm happy. I've got friends, an girlfriend, a job, and most importantly family. Everybody else can kick rocks if they have a problem with the way I smell.

Ok so now to the breath stuff. After being diagnosed with silent reflux(lpr) my doc suggested I follow the acid reflux diet, consisting of low acid and low carbs mainly. After about two months I can say that my breath is not nearly as bad as it was. Still bad, and yes sometimes I canbe smelled from a couple feet away, but as a whole I have seen improvement. No more yellow coating on my tongue..NONE. I do however believe that this diet alone is not my solution. Relief is great, but it is not the solution. I've been looking into gluten allergies and even doing some experimenting with diet changes here and there taking out dairy then adding it again and I believe that some sort of diet will cure me. I'm just not sure which yet. I go back to my ent in two weeks and until then ill stay put. I also made a pact to only see one doctor at a time for obvious reasons. Anyway, after this appointment, I'll get tested for food intolerances as well as any other allergies, etc. and go from there.

I just really want to stress that I have been worrying about my breath less and embracing those who seem not to care and spending more time with others rather than alone and I am happy.... Truly happy... This condition has taught me such valuable lessons, to be grateful for who and what I do have, and that if I want something it takes work.

Sorry for the rant guys but that's where I am and where ill be
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