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Finally Bad Breath Free Here is my solution

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:58 pm
by silentstress
i finally found a solution to my bad breath ive had since i was 16 and im 28 now. its a lil bit of a read but trust its worth it finalllllly theres is hope for all those who suffer from the same stress that i have for so long. i looked on this same site time and time agian just searching for a certain formula to get rid of that HEAVY hot breath. im not sure what was the key ingredient but this is the order that i did these remedies to be where im at now. NO MORE BAD BREATH

first i started with the eternal cleansing........go to a vitamin store or walgreens, rite aid ex. and pick up these 2 vitamins (Acidophilus) - digestive vitamin (Chlorofresh) internal vitamin take 2 of each every morning

(if you have heart burn like i do also pick up some of the prilosec heartburn over the counter med and take 1 a day) heart burn can also cause bad breath

next brush your tongue on the sides next to your back molars and as far back in your throat as possible. (dont forget the roof of your mouth) yea your going to gag but youll get used to it. next gargle with Listerine (careful it will dry your mouth out and we know where that leads) so the solution to that is to rinse your mouth out good after brushing and gargling.( i do it every morning before i get in the shower and then open my mouth and let the pressure of the water wash out my mouth. thoroughly!

next, if it is still funky( witch it should be because it takes i lil bit of time for your mouth and digestive system to clean it self out) go to the store and pick up a bottle of that therabreath mouth rinse and gargle for a good minute.

next (POST NASAL DRIP) i really think this was the key ingredient but im not sure so like i said im just listing what i did in the order that i did it. ok so go to your doctor and tell them that you keep feeling mucus stuck in the back of your nose and drips into your throat and ask for flonase( not sure if that how you spell it) but ask for it and they give it to you. its not a narcotic or anything so they will with ease. take 2 sprays in each nostril twice daily. and you'll notice that heavy breath feeling start to go away slowly.

keep doing this routine every morning and you will start to notice after about a mouth (i know it takes a lil bit but trust me it is worth considering how long we have suffered this silent pain)

this next step if for those like me who have had bad breath for so long that you have developed a halitophobia ( the fear itself of haveing bad breath) that almost conditions your mind to think your breath smells when it really doesent. how ever you want to go about this is your choice but i was fed up with dealling with this issue that i made a appointment with a doctor and told her strait up that i have a serious problem with thinking a smell all the time (olfactory syndrome) go look it up along with the symptoms and play it how you wanna play it. cause trust me i know of uncomfortable it is to admit to someone about you fear of bad breath or bad breath problem so i choice to tell them i just think i smell all the time. be real with them and let them see your seriously hurting from this issue (show the pain in your eyes) i actually got teary eyed. tell them you dont have money to pay for psychiatrist visit and you think you would like to first try the medication treatment. i went with prozac(fluoxetine) 20 mg twice a day and after about a month or so it started to kick in and that brings me to today. Finally I feel free. i know im not truly free because i am still relying on the meds to help but plan to slowly get off them after i feel more comfortable.

i was actually really lucky because i live in rhode island and rhode island hospital has a BDD program that allowed me to meet the women who truely freed be from this pain (Katharine Phillips, MD) ... ogram.html

she listened to me and made it easy for me to tell her what i was going thru.

so thats it. i swore after coming to this site agian and agian looking for anserws id never find that actually i did find the a solution i would come back to this site and share what i did to free me. agian im not sure what was the key igredient that helped me or if it was all of them combined that is just the order i did it in. i really hope this helps someone who like me once felt hopeless find some comfort in knowing that one day you wont have to worry about your breath anymore. even thou i learned alot for constantly listeing to people more then talking (because of this fear of BB) it feels good to state an opinion with out someone giving you that look like (Did you Brush your teeth this morning) YES YOU FUCKER I DID I PROBABLY HAVE BETTER ORAL HYGINE THAN EVERYONE IN THIS GROUP! you know you say that to yourself sometime frustrated or maybe that was just me. so agian follow these steps. and start to live your life.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:13 am
by Ihatemybreath
I had a little hope in the PND SPRAY, but after reading everybody saying it makes any difference I don't believe it will help. BUT I'm about to go to my ent maybe next mouth so I'll get that spray

Re: Finally Bad Breath Free Here is my solution

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:49 pm
by cleanbreathwant
are you still cureD?