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want to help with my story

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:12 am
by yarahe
hello everybody,

9 years of bad breath. started after helicobacter pylori that eliminated after 3 courses of antibiotics. but even after the helicobacter was gone i was still having acute halitosis.

i thought the bad breath comes from the digestive system but didn't know what is the root of the cause. i thought maybe it's leaky gut, maybe it's gluten senstivity, maybe bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. i took many kinds of supplements which didn't help at all. i tried the chinese medicine nothing helped.

i went to dentist who specialized in bad breath and they lied to me and told that the bad breath comes from the mouth and i should floss between my teeth and rinse with mouthwashes. nothing helped. even the corsodyl (chlorexidine gluconate) didn't help other than reduce the acute smell for 2-3 hours.

in the last two weeks i realize that after i eat i'm suffering of burping and even parts of food goes up to the area of my throat. i always had this feeling but i was ignoring it because i got used to the feeling.

i went to an ent doctor and told him i have a strange feeling in the throat after i eat i feel like food stuck in my throat. he checked me with a fiber optic through my nose into the throat and saw little edema in the voice box. i told i suffer of heartburn and after i eat i burp a lot and feel that the food goes up to the throat.

i decided to read about gerd on the internet and i learn a lot about it. gerd is an acid reflux that goes up from the stomach to your esophagus and sometimes even to the throat and voice box. it can cause damage to the esophagus and the voice box. i didn't see in many articles i've read that one of the symptoms is acute bad breath. but i asked the ent and he told that it definitley can be the reason.

well, i started a 3 months course of Omeprazole 80 mg per day. 40 mg first thing in the morning and 40 mg before dinner.
i'm on my 10th day and i can tell you 100% that the root of my bad breath is gerd. my bad breath reduced 80 precent. i can feel that it is still there but much much less and i can speak with people almost freely now. my girlfriend started kissing me with her tongue i was in shocked. my family and friends started getting close to me.

i hope that it will still get better i have 3 months of treatment and more than that i hope i would not have to be on this ppi's for my whole life. but i will keep writing here for you for sure. i suffered so much and i will do everything for the ones who still suffer.

my suggestion for you is to try going to an ent or gastroentrologist and say that you have heartburn and that you feel bad after eating and you burp all the time. and get a prescription for Omeprzole and treat yourself 80 mg per day divided to two. take it a month at least and see if there's an improvement. the worst case there is not an improvement and you know that gerd is not the cause. but ppi's cannot make damage in taken unnecessary. in my country the ppi's can be buy without prescription so i even could try without going to a doctor. so check it in the pharmacy.

i would love to answer your questions here. sorry for my english!

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:41 pm
by halitosisux
Thanks for sharing your story. Interesting how your BB started with helicobacter infection and then even after therapy the BB continued.

Could it be that you were already infected with helicobacter before your BB kicked in? That might explain why helicobacter therapy didn't get rid of your BB, even though it managed to eradicate your helicobacter. What makes you think that your BB started when you became infected with helicobacter? I'm guessing that when your BB started you went to get tested for helicobacter and were found to be infected?

The other thing it might be is that you are still infected with helicobacter, and the Omeprazole is reducing your acid/reflux, and thus preventing your BB.

It would be great to figure this out. Please excuse the way I'm questioning what you've done, it's purely to try to understand.

My voice is always like a person who has just been choking. While I eat I'm always having to clear my voicebox and after I've finished eating I always have to spend about 30 minutes coughing as though my throat has been irritated. I suffer from asthma and I assume it's just the asthma. Do you also have asthma? Sometimes I wonder if I have silent reflux, and that this is also responsible for my PND. I might try Omeprazole for a few weeks and see what happens. I very rarely get heartburn. I've had stomach ulcer pain symptoms in the past, which I put down to smoking and constantly chewing gum. I've been tested for helicobacter and had an endoscopy. Neither revealed any abnormality. Still going to try Omeprazole though, in a few weeks time.

I really hope you have truly found your cause, even if it doesn't turn out to be a total cure, or you find you have to continue with some form of medication, at least you'll have found the underlying cause of your bad breath and can focus on reducing it further.

Do you ever talk about your BB with your girlfriend?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:50 pm
by yarahe
hi there,

i will answer any question you have just apologize for the english.

so, first i know the bb started with the helicobacter because before it i've never had bad breath and i had girlfriend and my life was normal. i started to feel really bad with my stomach and my girlfriend couldn't kiss me anymore. i went to the doctor because of stomach pain and the test for the h.pylori came positive. that's for sure that the bb started then and not before that.

for your second questions i've been checked for h.pylori a month ago and many times during those years i've been suffered of bb. all the tests since the eridication (after 3 courses of antibiotics, because the first 2 courses there was no eradication of the infection) were negative so for sure i don't have h.pylori now. i also had tonsillectomy because i thought that the cause of the bb comes from the tonsils. and i've also been through gastroscopy and the results was - redness in esophagus and dyspepsya. which also indicate on gerd but the doctor didn't mention it and didn't give me a therapy for it. it was 7 years ago.

i don't suffer for asthma now. when i was baby i had a little bit but not something serious. about what you said about the voice box after eating it is also happened to me that my voice can be interrupted because of food, specially when i eat cookies and things with crumbs.

as for you, i think that you might have silent reflux, there is no need to feel heartburn to say that you have reflux. the best diagnosis for gerd is ppi's treatment and it's results.
thats why i really recomend you to try it. you've got nothing to lose and it's not so expensive. the important is to take the highest dose (80 mg per day divided to 2, morning and evening).

i've talked with my girlfriend only once about the bb and i promise her i'm trying to find a cure for that. she really loves me and she suffered me all this time. today i want to compensate her for all the time i've had bb.

if you have more questions i'm here for you and for everybody.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:45 am
by StillHoping
congrats yarahe!

halitosisux, please keep us posted when you start trying Omeprazole

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:05 am
by halitosisux
Yarahe, thanks for your helpful reply.
From what you've explained, perhaps the acid reflux caused by the helicobacter infection has caused some lasting damage to your esophagus and valves etc. which I hope will heal while you are on the Omeprazole, but if not, that Omeprazole can continue to give you indefinite relief.

As Dr. Aydinmur has told us before, there is always a certain amount of normal "leakage" of gas from the stomach in healthy individuals. So it probably doesn't take much for damage or abnormality to increase this to the point where it can have some effects (in our throats or sinuses for example).

Trying a course of Omeprazole (at an effective enough dosage) is worth a try for everyone suffering with bad breath. I have already obtained some, and I'll be trying this in the next few weeks to see what effects it has on my PND and perennial rhinitis, my voice, and even my asthma. Of course, I will keep you all informed.

People who don't know JACK about bad breath, GPs for example, will always say bad breath doesn't come from the stomach, but if acid (or acid vapour) is rising and affecting the tissues of the throat or sinuses, then it could easily cause bad breath indirectly by increasing mucus production or initiating some immunological response in the tissues.

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:17 am
by Leroi
True.. all the GP and even dentists will tell you it's your mouth. I have serious halitosis issue but yet my mouth is meticulously clean. Just like the rest of you, I clean, rinse, scrub, gargle and floss numerous times a day to no avail.

I just had my routine 6 month check up and the dental hygienist was like " wow, you have beautiful teeth, oh my God your teeth are so clean, keep it up blah blah blah". And yet halitosis is kicking my butt.

So yeah, it's not the mouth for most of us, it's the throat ( GERD, LPR acid and non acid reflux). Bad breath sufferer for a long time and never thought it was acid reflux since I don't have heartburn. But have dry burning throat, hoarse etc... I once had a guy told me many many years ago that I sound like I have a dead animal stuck in my throat. SO i have hoarseness too.

I used all kind of expensive and fancy mouthwash treatments, and they DON"T work. I'm just beginning to put it together, it's the acid. I haven't begun any treatment yet, but definitely have to get that under control. The more I read about how to treat acid reflux though, the more confused I get, so controversial between the doctors themselves. But at least we know the cause now, and that's a breakthrough.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:28 pm
by imu
I also agree with you. I strongly feel that BB (Chronic) is not because of dental hygiene problem, not originates from mouth and originates from Lungs or Vocal cord area.

I have serious halitosis issue but yet my mouth is also meticulously clean. I clean, rinse, scrub, gargle and floss numerous times a day, but still have BB.

I have seen many people ( some of my relatives) who's Oral Hygiene is not at all good and have never noticed BB (some have very mild) when they speak.

The organs of speech: Oracl,Pharyngeal: Articulators,lungs and diaphragm are involved in the actual movement of various parts of the vocal tract during speech. All speech sounds in human are made in this area and result from air being obstructed or modified within the vocal tract. This involves three processes working together:

1. The air steam process - The source of air used in making the sound
2.The phonation process – The behavior of the vocal cords in the glottis during the production of the sound
3. The oro-nasal and articulatory process – The modification of that flow of air the vocal tracj ( from the glottis to the lips and nose)
Most sounds in the world languages are produced by manipulating air coming into the vocal tract, as it is exhaled by the lungs.