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Sad and Depressed

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:39 am
by sreid643
I've posted my story on here under the "My Story" topic and felt a little bit better for a few days after that but as of recently I feel so emotionally and physically drained. I feel like I can't function or ever stop feeling anxious or panicked because of my stupid bad breath. I can't even simply breathe without offending someone. Everyday at school I feel tense and on edge. I can't relax or be normal for a second. I have all of this anxiety and stress building up inside of me and I feel like I'm going to just explode at any given moment. Before I noticed I had bad breath I was also stressed about family issues, body odor, and school. When I discovered I had bad breath it was like "the straw that broke the camels back". I'm more depressed and sadder than I've ever been. My emotions are all over the place. I feel sad, angry, frustrated, annoyed, and just over everything right now. To make matters worse being stressed or sad is bad for me because I'm an emotional eater and will just eat junk food and candy to satisfy myself but that only hurts my body more and probably brings out the bad breath too. I feel like I haven't eaten a real meal in weeks which is not good at all. I so badly want to be happy and enjoy myself for once. This may sound sad but the only time I feel happy is when I'm sitting in my room watching my shows on Netflix lol. It's so hard to balance a healthy mind and a healthy body. I feel like since my emotions are off, my diet is off which sucks. Everyday I think about how much life sucks and at the end of each day I wonder how in the world I even got through it. I'm not thinking about killing myself or anything but I feel like in order for me to be happy this bad breath needs to go away and I feel like I need to be on my own and away from judgmental atmospheres like school for awhile in order to work on finding a cure and making myself happy enough to put my all into what the world has to offer. But if I told someone like an adult my feelings on not going to school because of a smell they would probably think I'm stupid and being ridiculous and I really don't want to jeopardize my education because of a smell but I know myself well enough to know that the atmosphere is not doing me any good. I feel like things need to change in my life or I'm going to end up extremely depressed and emotionally unstable. I hate not being able to just be myself and have fun and enjoy the last two years of high school. Even though I hate most of the people at my school I still want to be able to enjoy these moments of high school with the very very verrryyyy few people I do actually enjoy being around. I still have faith and hope that one day things will change. Not to get all religious but I do believe that God doesn't give us obstacles we can't handle and I'm holding onto that thought.

Something that I want to add is that I really do appreciate those who have shared their stories and experiences. It takes a lot of courage to express yourself this way and I commend and thank those who have. This forum has also been what gives me hope seeing that there are people going through the same thing as me if not worse and still continuing with life and trying their best to manage with this problem. These posts make me feel to comforted and glad that I found a forum that I can relate to. One of my favorite things to do lately besides watching Netflix is reading what people have to say on here so again I do appreciate those who have shared out on the site.


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:51 am
by Atrial
Hi, have gone throught high school with bb, it wasn't hard because for some reason I convinced myself that it's not that bad and it worked I'm now in late 20's and it's not working anymore and life feels like torture.
The only advise I would give you is if oral hygiene isn't working concentrate on your diet.
Avoid meat/dairy and protein foods and it will be 90% less otherwise your life will be torture.