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Anger management part of the forum :), where you can express anger, sadness, sorrow etc.
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Post by sreid643 »

With my bad breath I've been sad and depressed but now I'm just extremely frustrated. Today I had to give a presentation in class and only quickly glanced a few times at the audience while reading my power point. At the end of the presentation I looked at the teacher and he had his nose and mouth covered with his hands and he was sitting all the way in the back. A student in the front within maybe a foot or two from me was covering his nose with his hoodie. I felt so frustrated and annoyed realizing that my efforts to get rid of this bad breath are failing. I gargled mouthwash and popped a gum in my mouth a few minutes before I had to present and nothing worked. I floss and scrub my tongue and teeth relentlessly every morning and chew multiple pieces of gum and mints and it's never enough for anyone. After this happened I went on to my next classes and after one of them I went to the bathroom and before I could even unbuckle my pants another girl walking in and said it smelled like shit and I was the only one in a stall and when she realized someone was there I was just too embarrassed to even come out until everyone left the bathroom. I skipped my next class because of this since I couldn't face the judgement and the comments any longer. Skipping class has also become a bad habit of mine. I was never ever one to skip class but now it's just too easy to decide I don't want to go and stay in the bathroom all period. Sometimes I feel like people won't even care if I skip. They would actually be happy that I'm not there to stink up the place. I hate the fact that I'm letting this get in the way of my education but it's hard not to when things keep getting worse. Having bad breath adds onto the millions of other problems I've been facing lately and the negativity of these problems are all closing in on me and I don't think I can take it much longer. The judgement just gives me anxiety and I sometimes feel like I can't breathe or it takes me a second to calm down and relax somewhat. Also, the desks in most of my classes are so close together and the closeness also gives me anxiety.

This fear and anxiety is really damaging my physical and mental health but I don't know what to do. I'm only 16 so trying new products, pills, and diets is not easy since I have no money and my mom will never buy me these things and I know because I went through this when I suffered with excessive sweating. She would also never buy me different foods than what the rest of my family eats because she's pretty frugal and doesn't want to waste money because one person doesn't want to eat what everyone else is. We don't eat too unhealthy but if I eliminated things from my diet I would not have much to eat.

As far as why I'm having bad breath, it could be a number of things which makes it that much harder to find out what's going on. It could be my wisdom teeth because when I floss them they smell like poop sometimes but not as strong of a smell like my breath. It could also be the fact that I don't eat lunch at school which is when my breath is the worst. All I have is water and sometimes a snack during the whole time I'm at school. Also, last year or so I was having daily bowel movements in the morning and didn't have bad breath from what I could tell and my eating habits at school were similar to how I eat now. I don't have bowel movements in the morning anymore. I think it's because I wake up earlier now and the time I usually used the bathroom is about an hour later which is when I usually have to use the bathroom but can't because I have to be ready for school by then.

I'm tired of the constant judgement and feelings of anxiety and failure. Even now writing this my breath just started to smell like shit after doing my nightly routine about half an hour ago. Life sucks :(

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Post by Atrial »

If you want to reduce your BB, Elimanate protein from your diet.
Avoid meat/fish/milk/cheese/beans

You will still have bb but it won't annoy people as much.
Check your tonsills also.

I went thought hight school with bb and it was not that bad due to my diet and attitude.
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Post by Trunks99 »

What mouthwash do you use? I used a mouthwash that helped reduced my bad breath but I decided to stop it because it's not healthy long term.
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Post by halitosisux »

sreid643, you really need to TALK to someone you can trust and confide in about what you're going through. You don't have to be totally open about everything, but you can talk about it like any other medical issue.

There's a few things you have said that make me think. One is you say you have braces. Could the problem be relating to your braces?

You said you're too embarrassed to see a doctor, but you must try to overcome this in some way. Maybe it's the way you see yourself that makes it so embarrassing. Try to find ways to give yourself some confidence and throw yourself into going to speak to a doctor, confidently. It might be something really obvious, and a good doctor will try to isolate and rule out certain issues and point you in the right directions. If they don't, then try another doctor until you find one who is sympathetic enough to take you seriously. If you have body odour too, then it might be TMAU related. This is not as rare as most people think it is, and there's many different forms.
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Post by sreid643 »

The meat, fish, and milk will be hard to cut out of my diet. I eat these things the most so if I stop there will only be rice, eggs, bread, and sometimes vegetables and fruits that I can really eat which is not enough. I don't have money to go out & buy new foods. And I don't have any tonsil stones. The only thing I've really done in terms of diet changes is drink a lot more water and eat less sugary foods.

The mouthwash I use varies because my mom only buys what's on sale. Right now I'm using a crest or Colgate one I'm not sure but it's for sensitive teeth and it has no alcohol in it.

I would talk to my mom about this but she is a very strong minded person and will just tell me to do all the regular stuff I've been doing and it will go away but I know this is not true. She'll tell me to not care about what others say but it's easier said than done when you feel like your offending people. The same exact thing happened when I had excessive sweating. My body odor was just sweat so I don't think its TMAU. I have a dentist appointment coming up so I'll try to get the courage to say something. I've tried to ignore the bad breath and just speak freely or act normal but then someone reacts or says something like it smells like shit and I'm right back where I was before, sad and frustrated. I'm skipping my first period class right now because I'm already late and that's where the people who comment the most are & I really can't keep putting up with this. Any advice for dealing with the comments and reactions?
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Post by halitosisux »

When a person knows for definite that they have BB, then it's confidence-shattering and impossible to just forget about what other people think.

That's why you need to confide in someone, if you can. You need help to find out where your BB is coming from, i.e. nose or mouth, how bad it is, whether it's intermittent or constant. Then you'll truly know what you're up against and have a better idea how to target your BB. If your tongue is the source, then there are effective ways to eliminate this - at least enough to reduce it down to tolerable levels and get you through the day.

If it's your nose then a doctor needs to try to find out WHY. If you can have a confidante who agrees and believes you with you at appointments then you can't be dismissed as being nuts or your problem being in your head.

You can't do this on your own, believe me. If you try to, your life will pass you by before you know it
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Post by sreid643 »

I'm at the doctor now with my dad because of headaches which relate to my anxiety but I don't trust him at all and don't want to talk about my problems with him here. On the way here he walked ahead of me like we weren't rogether. He asked me a question and after I responded he continued to walk ahead of me. Right now he's sitting a seat away from me like he's not with me. I dislike him for other reasons too and don't want him here with me. I feel like I have no one to confide in because no one understands what I'm going through.
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Post by halitosisux »

You mentioned you have some friends you like to be with. Could you confide with any of those friends?

BB is a curse that uses your drained confidence to perpetuate itself. This is what you have to fight. The curse also wants you to end up without hope. But there's always hope as long as you keep trying and pushing yourself. If your parents won't help you or listen to you then they don't deserve you. You can soon find your own way in life and leave them to it.
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Post by sreid643 »

I do have people I like to be around but I don't fully trust them. Maybe I'm just being paranoid or assuming the worst but I think they do talk about me behind my back. I don't know if this is true but I feel like I can just tell. I feel like everyone does to be honest. . I don't know. I do love and trust my mom but I feel like she won't understand what this is like. She's means well when she tells me to not care what people think but that's so difficult when all people really know about you is that you smell bad. I do want to change my attitude about this but it's a lot easier said than done. I guess its just that I'm afraid of the judgement so I avoid it all together. Some days I do feel confident in myself but then someone will say or do something and it completely ruins my mood. Sometimes I shrug it off but its hard to feel like you belong when you feel like people would rather you not be there or don't give a crap if youre not there because it's better for them. It's getting harder as more comments keep coming up and people keep saying or doing things. It just takes maybe one or two things to make me feel like shit about myself all over again. This morning my sister sprayed perfume on me in the car and that's what triggered me deciding to skip my classes today. I hate doing this and know that my grades are slipping so badly. My teachers are starting to notice and hinting that I should talk to someone but I don't trust anyone. I think it's because I fear that they will judge me or not understand what I'm going through because a lot of people around me don't. I hate thinking that I can't deal with this when I know I can of I ignore what people say but it's hard when you feel like people hate you for even breathing. Im going to start trying as hard as I can but I know that it will be hard. Im willing to do so if I can just get out of my head for awhile. Thank you for your advice.
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Post by halitosisux »

The uncertainty is the worst thing about BB. That's the real torture. It's not just the smell, it's the fact we can't even be sure about any of it! That's why it's so important to try to find someone who'll understand and try to help you.

The trouble is, it's very hard for a person who has never had to live with this constant fear, to understand how it can become such a nightmare and affect EVERY aspect of your life. Your parents will just be wishing this wasn't happening. But it is, and they need to realise how serious it is.

A lot of this is about psychology too. Sometimes BB can become a fixation that people use to attach other fears and insecurities onto as a subconscious excuse to avoid and get themselves out of those fears and insecurities. Sex for example. If you have a very poor self-image or low self-esteem, BB becomes the perfect "excuse" to shy away from areas of life that would expose those negative aspects. Hope you understand what I mean, and that it may or may not apply to you specifically.

These are the some of the things we're constantly up against that only get us deeper and deeper into a rut of despair, and you need all your strength to guard against this and try to remain positive. When you find your cause, you'll be cured - Just keep those words in your mind and get all the help you can get. This is the fight of your life.

Lovely sister by the way. Why don't you ask her directly why she sprays her perfume on you. If she says it's because you smell, then start the conversation going and try to engage her in a positive way about your problem. If she denies it then grab that bottle and..... ermmm... never mind.
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Post by thanatos »

Same thing happened to me in high school when it was my turn to read an entire chapter in front of the class (what kind of BS is that anyway?!).

Thankfully, I had a heavy dose of denial back then. I miss those days sometimes.
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Post by knowbuddy »

It may help to use a few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted heavily with water while scrubbing one's tongue with a tongue scraper. Also try brushing with diluted HP after flossing and brushing with toothpaste. Activated charcoal capsules combined with chlorophyll may also work internally temporarily. I hope you find the root cause and a cure.
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Re: Frustrated

Post by ihaveBB »

I stumble upon your post and I can relate to your experience. I have also received a lot of judgements and comments on the side about my breath... it always makes me feel embarassed and i don't know how to explain it.. until today.. i still have this problem.. communicating in the office.. presentation and talking to clients.. they always rub their noses or pretend to cough.. it is so hard..
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Re: Frustrated

Post by RamboRadinski »


Sad to read your struggles, very similar to my own.

There is a very good chance your bb originates from your sinuses, sinusitis of the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses produces the infected mucus that drips down your throat, you need to see an ENT doctor to solve this chalenge.

Im with you my friend.
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Re: Frustrated

Post by cyberzero »

Sharing the same trouble :(. I figured out the sources of my BB. Its my tongue and inbetween teeth which is always and tonsils which is intermittent. After my daily cleaning routine, the smell seems gone but after a while it turns back. In the mirror, I can see white patches returned in back of tongue and when i rub my teeth, i can sense smell from there as well. I don't know what brings those back in my mouth. I have recently observed, thick mucous constantly appearing in my throat and when I googled, i found that is post nasal drip. Anyone facing this same situation?
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