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Idiots usurping advice

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Idiots usurping advice

Post by thanatos »

I've been doing searches/research on the internet on this subject for 15 years.

What pisses me off is that there is a single person on this planet that says "I brush my teeth like once a day, right when I wake up! Why does my breath stink?"

It's because of morons like this that 99% of advice given relates to "brushing flossing, using mouthwash and visiting a dentist twice a year".

Every time I read a new internet article of some "expert" telling people to brush their teeth to stop halitosis, I want to punch someone in the face.

These morons are actually getting in the way, because "experts" (i.e. more morons) respond to them instead of responding to us. We need real experts to address our problems instead of lazy, disgusting, unhygenic morons taking up their time with "I brush my teeth at least once a day, why do I stink?"

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Post by Archimonde »

Yeah, that's the reason why googling something like "bad breath causes" or "solutions to bad breath" is mostly useless. You get nothing but generic articles.

What ever happened to Mike(?), the guy with the Sponge Bob display picture.

It's weird how many old timers just disappear. Did they get cured, did they die, did they give up, did they realize they never had bb to begin with? I think giving up is the most common reason you stop hearing from ppl on here.
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Post by FedUp »

i think it's just hard for someone is totally oblivious to how horrifying ones halitosis can be it's not such a big deal to them. until 3 years ago i never even heard of a tonsil stone, now think of many, I couldn't say ignorant- but uninformed people there are. i've read threads on the web of people laughing at people with bb saying stupid things like "they should brush their teeth" "wash" or "stop eating shit".... to these idiots i sincerely hope they get shot.
Tonsillectomy - Check
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Re: Idiots usurping advice

Post by somethinstinks »

thanatos wrote:I've been doing searches/research on the internet on this subject for 15 years.

What pisses me off is that there is a single person on this planet that says "I brush my teeth like once a day, right when I wake up! Why does my breath stink?"

It's because of morons like this that 99% of advice given relates to "brushing flossing, using mouthwash and visiting a dentist twice a year".

Every time I read a new internet article of some "expert" telling people to brush their teeth to stop halitosis, I want to punch someone in the face.

These morons are actually getting in the way, because "experts" (i.e. more morons) respond to them instead of responding to us. We need real experts to address our problems instead of lazy, disgusting, unhygenic morons taking up their time with "I brush my teeth at least once a day, why do I stink?"
it's because most of the population does not have halitosis like we do and that is the solution to bad breath for most people. Unfortunately for us, we are not most people; we are in the small minority. We should be working together to come up with a "cure" but I think a lot of us are hoping someone without halitosis will come up with one.
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