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Obesity could cause bad breath says Mel Rosenberg (UGLY APE)

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Obesity could cause bad breath says Mel Rosenberg (UGLY APE)

Post by Susie »

Here is something from the other bad breath site. I laughed about this for a good solid 10 minutes! Are these scientist for real? Do you know how many fatties(please don't take offense to this we all have our issues) are around? If this was the case bb would be acceptable! Both of my adopted sisters are overweight and neither have chronic bb. I'm small (thanks only to the gene pool) and have the breath from hell. I wasn't surprised to see Mel Rosenburg's name attached to this. That dumb ass couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag. What are they gonna come up with next??? If you have hair on your head it could be a cause of bb or if you have 2 legs that could also be the cause. I feel sorry for us having someone as dumb as Mel researching bad breath. Lord help us all! Mel, do us all a favor just quit talking you sound dumber by the day!


Here's the article:

Tel Aviv University researchers have published a study that finds a
direct link between obesity and bad breath: the more overweight you
are, the more likely your breath will smell unpleasant to those
around you.

The research, led by breath expert Prof. Mel Rosenberg from the
Department of Human Microbiology and The Maurice and Gabriela
Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Sackler Faculty of Medicine
at Tel Aviv University, was reported in the Journal of Dental
Research in October. The study also reported, for the first time,
scientific evidence that links bad breath to alcohol consumption.

"The finding on alcohol and bad breath was not surprising because the
anecdotal evidence was already there," says Prof.
Rosenberg. "However, the finding that correlated obesity to bad
breath was unanticipated."

A Weighty Sample

The study was done in Israel and included a sample of 88 adults of
varying weights and heights. While at a clinic for a regular check-
up, they were asked by graduate student Tsachi Knaan, a co-author in
the study, whether he could test the odor of their breath and ask
questions about their daily habits.

Prof. Rosenberg, Knaan and Prof. Danny Cohen concluded from the data
that overweight patients were more likely to have foul-smelling
breath. "This finding should hold for the general public," says Prof.
Rosenberg. "But we don't have any scientific evidence as to why this
is the case. That will be the next step."

He surmises that the connection between obesity and bad breath could
be caused by several factors. Obese people may have a diet that
promotes the condition of dry mouth. Prof. Rosenberg also suggests
that people who are obese may be less in tune with taking care of
their mouths and bodies. "We have certainly opened a window of
questions here," says Prof. Rosenberg.

Halitosis of the Ancient World?

While widespread obesity is a modern invention, bad breath is not.
The phenomenon goes back thousands of years.

Says Prof. Rosenberg, "I have read reports of bad breath in ancient
Egypt. In ancient Rome there was a man named Cosmos who sold breath-
freshening agents. Bad breath is frequently mentioned in Jewish
scripture - The Talmud - stating that if you were a 'Cohen' (a
priest) you couldn't perform holy duties on the Temple if your breath
was bad.

"If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your
wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath. In
ancient times, we learn, bad breath was considered a 'no-no,' as bad
as having leprosy."

Self-Examination Not a Possibility

The problem remains today. Bad breath - and the fear that you might
have it - plagues millions of people because it isn't easy for one to
check one's own breath. Indeed, nine people in the study were unaware
of their bad breath.

Says Prof. Rosenberg, who co-edits the Journal of Breath Research, "I
can't go out into the world and smell everybody's breath, and quite
frankly I've already smelled many thousands of cases. My goal now is
to give people a list of the potential factors that could lead to
this condition, so they can treat themselves." Obesity is now added
to the list, which includes dry mouth, poor dental hygiene, and
possibly even the morning cup of coffee.

"You should tell people in your family if they have bad breath," says
Prof. Rosenberg. "It is curable in almost all instances, and it can
be a sign of disease. As for work colleagues, they might be happy for
the advice, but they might not."

And don't be embarrassed if it happens to you, he adds. Even
professors of dentistry and experts in the field of bad breath
sometimes have malodorous mouths.

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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

This fucker monkey hairy ape untalented jazz player Mel Rosenberg is obviously crossing the line here. He claims BB is curable in most cases.

YES because this ***k claims we are all insane if he can not cure us with his snake oil he sales all over Britain.

I really start to hate this ugly fucker. I would ****ing punch him in his ugly head.

He obviously wants only some publicity and that newspapers write about him. SO he gets more money!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure most of use are not obese on this forum. Just choke on your sax you ***k and die.

I AM SO PISSED this fucker is lying about bad breath, I haven't been pissed for long time.

THIS IS ****ing WAR: MEL the the hairy ape Rosenberg is going down.

WHo is with me????
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Can somebody tell Joseph Fritz that monkey wants to be his bitch


Somebody please save Joseph Fritz so he can get to Mel the ugly Rosenberg

A quick poem

Rosie the ugly monkey
wants to take your cash
dont believe what ape says
and kick him in his hairly monkey ass

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Post by perrymason »


lettin the anger out huh! :P
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Susie »

Haha Jimi you are sooooo funny! Mel does need a good kick in the ass! Is this the best these researchers can do???? Shouldn't they stop worrying who has bb and concentrate on a cure????

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Post by hopelessone »

“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.” ~Zora Neale Hurston
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

those were days, when I still wanted to fight, now I just gave up, do not care about that hairy monkey who still claims were are all crazy
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Posts: 587
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Post by hopelessone »

Ugly Ape ROFLOL!!!!! Jimi yer hilarious. I needed that laugh so bad. I nearly fell off my chair. And i just came from reading about sandpaper cure hahaaa
“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.” ~Zora Neale Hurston
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