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I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

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I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by thanatos »

I see him, not know him :x . I see him several times a week shopping at a certain store.

He's an older gentleman probably in his 70's.

The moment he opens his car door, an incredible flood of mothball fumes comes out, reaching me 30 feet away. At first, I didn't think it was from anyone because it was so powerful and there was on escaping it, but I thought maybe someone dumped a bag of mothballs in the trash because it was so powerful. As he's meddling around his car getting his bags ready and what not, I walk towards the store creating more and more distance between us and I can still smell it even with a distance of 70 feet.

On some days, he walks into the store and the mothball smell lingers for several minutes outside. The guy isn't talking or even opening his mouth, just nose breathing. When I see him lean in to talk to the cashier telling her a joke, I cringe because I know that he is 100% oblivious and that she's doing her best to be friendly and not react.

I have got to admit, I didn't want to be anywhere around him. It was disgusting. However, I know that's how people view me and I know that I have the exact same issue coming from my nose, but instead of mothballs, it's rotting meat. It only gets worse if I open my mouth to talk.

It bums me out to see him because it's a reminder of my problem and I end up holding my breath now whenever I'm around anyone. 30 feet away, I start holding my breath.

I remeber when I used to be a courier driver years ago, I would wait inside of a DMV while the workers finished their paper work to pick up at the end of the day (no customers, just empty chairs). I would never talk, just sit and wait for them to finish up. There was a news story about a possible bill banning smelly people form public transport and it was to target the homeless. The moment one of the workers mentioned the story, another coworker said "Oh my god you know who wouldn't be able to..... wait, is thanatos here?" The other coworker said "yeah, he's sitting over there". They all went silent. My nasal breath fills rooms just like that old man.

I'm really tired. I have an appointment with an ENT next month. If they can't find the cause and fix it, I'm done.

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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by Dead »

How do you know it's coming from his nose though, maybe he has body odor?
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by Johnv713 »

Dead wrote:How do you know it's coming from his nose though, maybe he has body odor?
Exactly. It could very well be BO or the stench from an unkempt car.

Not to be mean but most old folks dont shower or dont show nearly often enough as they should , and over time their nose adapts to theor own smell. My parents included. Their car and bedroom have that old people, musty odor. No matter how much i tried to tell them that they cant smell it because theyre used to the stench, they just dont listen.!

To the OP. Dont give up. Some day you will find a way to manage your bb. Took me years and i think mine is under controlled.
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by impactdial »

Yeah have to agree with the general consensus, are you 100% sure it is the guy, and even if so, are you sure its coming from his nose? The distances even transcend descriptions of tmau, sounds more like an open wound, or something seriously life threatening.

I have never smelt breath that intense tbt, and Ive smelt some pretty bad breath.

The strongest smell in general Ive come across was a man with a huge open wound on his leg, stank up an enitre bus, but the scar was nasty I could totally see why he stank to high heaven. Lucky for him once the leg heals so does his odor problems.
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by messithegoat »

I have the same problem. I didn't have this before but over the past year this has developed. Dealing with mouth Bb is annoying enough. :roll:
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by thanatos »

Dead wrote:How do you know it's coming from his nose though, maybe he has body odor?

Because mothball smell is more assiciated with sinuses than body odor. It's just a safe bet.
Last edited by thanatos on Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by thanatos »

Johnv713 wrote:
Dead wrote:How do you know it's coming from his nose though, maybe he has body odor?
Exactly. It could very well be BO or the stench from an unkempt car.

Not to be mean but most old folks dont shower or dont show nearly often enough as they should , and over time their nose adapts to theor own smell. My parents included. Their car and bedroom have that old people, musty odor. No matter how much i tried to tell them that they cant smell it because theyre used to the stench, they just dont listen.!

To the OP. Dont give up. Some day you will find a way to manage your bb. Took me years and i think mine is under controlled.

It cprobably isn't the car because the stench follows him. A few days ago it was in the store near him. He doesn't even know. I thinkit's best that he doesn't to be honest
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by thanatos »

I went to the ENT at the end of December.

The doctor took me into a small room, shut the door and asked about my PND.I told her I lied about the problem because I only wanted to discuss it with her, not with the receptionist over the phone.

She understood and began asking basic questions about my routine, any allergies, the usual. My breath was quickly filling up the room and I could see her strating to react to it.

She put an edoscope down each nostril and down my throat and said my nasal cavity and thoat are clean as a whistle but my esophegus was irritated and red indicated acid reflux which could cause bad breath. She then said she wanted to do a cat scan on my deeper nasal passages to make sure there's no underlying infection, but since I had no insurance it would cost me $1,000. I had to decline.

So she prescribed me flonase to see if it's allergy related and told me to take Zantac. I was already taking Zantac a few months prior with no change in breath.

So I'm still trying to get my reflux under control but it's hard. I just ate plain oatmeal this morning and bad reflux followed.

The reflux might make it worse but I doubt it's the cause.

I'm tired.
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Re: I know a guy with terrible nasal odor

Post by RamboRadinski »

thanatos wrote:I went to the ENT at the end of December.

The doctor took me into a small room, shut the door and asked about my PND.I told her I lied about the problem because I only wanted to discuss it with her, not with the receptionist over the phone.

She understood and began asking basic questions about my routine, any allergies, the usual. My breath was quickly filling up the room and I could see her strating to react to it.

She put an edoscope down each nostril and down my throat and said my nasal cavity and thoat are clean as a whistle but my esophegus was irritated and red indicated acid reflux which could cause bad breath. She then said she wanted to do a cat scan on my deeper nasal passages to make sure there's no underlying infection, but since I had no insurance it would cost me $1,000. I had to decline.

So she prescribed me flonase to see if it's allergy related and told me to take Zantac. I was already taking Zantac a few months prior with no change in breath.

So I'm still trying to get my reflux under control but it's hard. I just ate plain oatmeal this morning and bad reflux followed.

The reflux might make it worse but I doubt it's the cause.

I'm tired.

Take it easy bro, I know its hard but try to keep things in perspective. If your bb stems from your nose then its your ethmoid sinuses and possibly your sphenoid sinuses. Im seeing an ENT in early june about an opp on my sinuses soon, will let you know my progress. In the meen time check out my post on a youtube video on how to do a sinus rinse that gets to the ethmoid sinuses. Ive been experimenting using small amounts of salt and now bicarbonate soda in nasal rinses and have been told my bb is considerably improving. There is also a youtube video on how to do a garlic sinus rinse that is suppost to have great effects, once I find it I will post the link to it.

Peace out.
When you are feeling very down think about the vast universe and our tiny rock ball in the middle of nowhere.
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