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How many people have you attacked today?

All the good days that you have, something good happened instead of depressed days with bad breath
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How many people have you attacked today?

Post by Busted »

I attacked about 9 to 10 persons today. Some were standing at least 6 to 7 feet away from me. It all happened in public. I never knew that it was possible for my bb to get so far until one of my roommates told me about it. He was sitting opposite of me and pretty far away. He said he could smell it from that distance. So now I'm even more conscious about than ever. I see people turning their heads away from 6 feet away. It isn't really safe for others to be close to em. Or should I say it isn't safe for me to go out anymore. I mean I thought it was only possible if people were pretty close to me that they could smll it. I never looked further than this. They also look at me in a very disgusted way which sucks the most. Hell I can't even laugh.

Another thing I noticed. Sometimes when I'm just breathing through my nose. People also react to it, but only sometimes. I'm not goin to hold my breath. No way, I'll kill myself that way, but how do you guys not think about this all the time. I mean even when some of my friends are around, I'm sometimes afraid to say somethin, because there are also other people around me left and right. I need some advice. :| I know a reaction does not kill them, but still how can I pretend there's absolutely nothin goin on?

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Post by issy154 »

That is very frustrating to hear. Has your breath always been like that where people could smell it from a distance or did it get worse?

Mine used to be like that, but it was because I had a huge cavity in my back tooth.
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Post by unsungzero7 »

i didnt know anyone had breath that could be smelled 6 feet away
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Re: How many people have you attacked today?

Post by faith59 »

Busted wrote:I attacked about 9 to 10 persons today. Some were standing at least 6 to 7 feet away from me. It all happened in public. I never knew that it was possible for my bb to get so far until one of my roommates told me about it. He was sitting opposite of me and pretty far away. He said he could smell it from that distance. So now I'm even more conscious about than ever. I see people turning their heads away from 6 feet away. It isn't really safe for others to be close to em. Or should I say it isn't safe for me to go out anymore. I mean I thought it was only possible if people were pretty close to me that they could smll it. I never looked further than this. They also look at me in a very disgusted way which sucks the most. Hell I can't even laugh.

Another thing I noticed. Sometimes when I'm just breathing through my nose. People also react to it, but only sometimes. I'm not goin to hold my breath. No way, I'll kill myself that way, but how do you guys not think about this all the time. I mean even when some of my friends are around, I'm sometimes afraid to say somethin, because there are also other people around me left and right. I need some advice. :| I know a reaction does not kill them, but still how can I pretend there's absolutely nothin goin on?

Chewing sugarless mint flavored gum doens't help you? It's what I do . I work in a office .So I keep gum with me all the time in case I have to have a conversation or have to speak to someone.
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Post by Bluerain »

I've noticed that chewing gum can still give me bad breath even after cleaning my entire mouth. If you have pnd and tonsils I think chewing moves around smelly secretions from the tonsils or smelly spit from the tongue. So Vit C might be a good choice for people who have their tonsils and pnd.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

busted, do your friends and roommates know that you are concious about your problem??
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Post by sweets07 »

after having bb for 9 years i've learned. you always always have to hide your breath. shyt smell travels especially when you talk. you have to learn how to adjust the way you talk at all times. i've gone from sewer mouth that could be smelled from far away to a transient fart mouth. wish there was a cure but we're talking one symptom (bb) with many causes. too complicated.

i hurts but it's reality.

what's your daily routine for managing your bb?
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Post by sweets07 »

Bluerain wrote:I've noticed that chewing gum can still give me bad breath even after cleaning my entire mouth. If you have pnd and tonsils I think chewing moves around smelly secretions from the tonsils or smelly spit from the tongue. So Vit C might be a good choice for people who have their tonsils and pnd.
gum... that just makes fart mouth smell like mint and fart. gum only covers up stale breath.
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Post by Busted »

I didn't really know my situation was this bad. So none of you have people reacting to your breath from 1 or 2 meters? This sucks, guess I am very special in a very negative way.

Anyways I was very sick of people criticising me for not saying much. They say i have to learn to be more social. That's the only reason why I started talkin to one of my roommates. So ironic the way they say it. :lol:

From now on it's "screw everythin". Since I there's pretty much no way to avoid social situations, I mind as well just talk and pretend my bb isn't there. I feel sorry for the person I'm speaking to, but it looks like I don't have a choice.

If there's really no cure, I at least want to get people to know that chronic halitosis in most cases doesn't have anything to do with oral hygiene. I also want them to understand that it isn't strange that someone will become more anti social because of it. We don't want to offend people all the time with our bb. Shit, is that really so hard to understand? :-s

I really dislike these people who can't see more than their eyes can. They think they know what you are going through. I wish someone would just go there and tell them they are nothin but ignorant fools. It's so easy for them to say stuff.

Think of this situation: you see a group conversation somewhere. Are you just goin to join the conversation and attack everyone with your bb?

I can't stand them saying stuff like "You have to learn to be more social." If I did not suffer from bb, i would agree, but this bb isn't just a problem for me because I'm self conscious about it, it's also a problem for the person I'm talkin to.

I'm really pissed off right now... :x
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Post by Busted »

Some weird stuff. There's some guy in our class who's a real loner. The funny thing is that he does not suffer from chronic halitosis though. He can just talk and answer questions without having other people backin away from him. If he does not like to be social why can't I just have his fresh breath instead. I'll be as social as I can be.

They are trying to give you advice on how to be more social and talk about certain subjects. I really want to tell them to shut up and they have absolutely no idea what my situation is like. I'm sick of all the ignorant people out there. So sick that I'm thinkin about tellin everyone I know about my chronic halitosis problem. Don't really care if they believe me or not. It's the only way I can stop them from lookin down on me all the time.

I don't like to talk because I hate seeing people move away from my breath all the time and most importantly because others don't like to talk to me because of this, not because I don't know how to be social. If some of you would come here tell them that's it's not strange for someone who suffers from chronic halitosis to be anti-social, I'd be forever thankful. Why can't they just understand this?

I can't stand people who think they are wise and can give you advice. They don't know anything about what's going on.
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Post by Busted »

I have been thinkin. Maybe we should all just unite and start some kind of project to help people with chronic halitosis. And tell the world that it does not have much to do with oral hygiene. They will get special help and most importantly psychological help. Otherwise we will never get that real place in society. They will never understand anything. They think they know, but they don't. I'm so sick of other people saying things that are not even correct.
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Post by Busted »

Had to get rid of all that frustration. I feel like I've been talkin to myself the whole time, because I have no one to really talk about this. Even writing/typing this makes me feel much better. I think I'm goin crazy.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

Busted, if you´re sure that they already know that you have bb, then i think that you let them know that you´re the first that knows it, could take out a big weight of you´re back,

I´m sure some of them will support you and start looking at you and dealing with you in a much better way.....
This could give you a whole different perspective....and you can talk about you´re problem and get out of your chest all the bullshit that you got to hide for years....

I always think about this like a pretty good possibility and i think that in your case could work pretty good....

good luck my friend
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Post by mike987 »

busted, you have my sympathy buddy :( .. mybreath isn't as bad, but i'm sure i attacked a few people recently..

A few days ago I had lunch with my sister... I was feeling pretty good and just left after doing my morning ritual... She likes to talk about things, and she's a really nice person.

So we go to a Chinese place, sit down and get our food. We start talking about her engagment and other things.. But I noticed that most of the time while I was speaking, she had one hand in front of her face.. Not so much while I'm listening, but the moment I started saying 2 or more words. Suddenly I can't help but feel sad.. So without really knowing it, I go into a saddened state.... It must be depressing spending time with a brother who does nothing but hang his head low and answers in 1 word replies..

After that I went to a Dr. Office that I used to go for allergies.. I wanted to see if I could schedule an appointment. But when I get to the building, the office is closed, no lights on with no signs or anything.. I just felt so sad I sat in the outside lobby alone for almost an hour..

Later I returned and saw that they were only in business on Tuesday's and Fridays.. I was relieved and made an appointment ...I plan on urging the Dr. to have my Tonsils removed.

It wasn't just that moment though.. I realized that anytime while I speak, most people are holding one hand somewhere on their face.. They don't cup their nose or anything too obvious (usually), but just that hand gently guarding a nostril or two.. Next I realized that of about everyone I know, I can picture them in my mind holding their hand in front of their face.... These are people I would have had interactions with in the past. People that I don't speak too I find it hard to imagine their hand covering their face...

Also, this may have just been paranoia, but at work one guy and myself were taking out the trash.. We each lowered ourselves to grab a side of the trash can (They are fairly heavy) ,, He says "WHEW! Trash smells extra bad today! Usually doens't smell this bad" .. It could have all been in my mind.. It just smelled like normal trash to me, but I couldn't help but think that he said this immediately after our heads were in close proximity :/ ...
Another day at work, I saw a guy and girl almost run into eachother.. They stayed face to face and spoke several words to eachother.. I wondered how nice their breath might have smelled so that it wasn't offensive for 2 people to be an inch away from eacother's faces.... I want that so bad.. I want normal breath that I can blast into someone's face without fear of offending them
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Post by Busted »

emotional rescue wrote:Busted, if you´re sure that they already know that you have bb, then i think that you let them know that you´re the first that knows it, could take out a big weight of you´re back,
Looks like they don't care, they just think that anti-social is in my personality. And when I mention chronic halitosis they don't even wanna listen anymore. I tried talkin to my parents about it, but they think I'm using it as an excuse not to talk. I have some roommates I talk to, but the usually reply with really short sentences just like mike described. Another thing is that people are goin to look down on me because of the fact that my behaviour has been adapted to my halitosis problem. There are times when I force myself to just pretend I don't have bad breath, but I noticed that the person I'm talkin to wants to finish the conversation as soon as possible, which isn't strange because I see a lot of people react to my breath in one day so it must be pretty bad.

They ask me something, I answer and before i can finish what I want to say they already say "nevermind". I guess it's better to shut up then and to have people to look down on you all the time. But then again the bad breath itself is already one hell of a humiliation, so I guess having people lookin down on you and making fun of you, just makes the humiliation more complete. The reason why I hate this problem so much is because when someone see you it's like "a normal person" but when they come closer they realize the person is suffering from such bad breath. I wonder if this is goin to influence what they think of me. Are they goin to think I'm a monster? Could be. I hear them gossiping to their friends about it afterwards. Sometimes it's like they want me to hear it, as if I'm not even aware of my own bad breath. This only adds more insult.

I'm tired of pretending someone I'm not: I suffer from halitosis and this is a fact I cannot change. I will not pretend I don't have halitosis anymore. I cannot even focus on my studies because of this. Keep thinkin about what's goin to happen 2morrow and what people are thinking of me. Keep dreamin about a life where I don't have chronic halitosis which seems like a very unrealistic situation.

I didn't use to be like this though. When i heard people talkin about ym bb, it was like I didn't care. But now it looks like I can't help but not think about it. I think because of all this I might have gotten into a depression. I'm also very mad all the time like I want to hit someone or yell at someone. Probably because I'm jealous that other people can just say whatever the hell they like to without worrying about thier breath and I can't.

One more thing is that you can't express yourself. You can't laugh out loud for instance, because of your bad breath. You have to be extra careful with everything where you have to use your mouth. And sometimes when you let yourself go for a bit, others are immediately like "why are you so happy so suddenly?" It's like you're having a split personality. You let yourself go with the people you are closer to, but have to be extra careful with strangers. I can't keep this up man.
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