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Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by phuc »

Hello Friends,

TL;DR: Tonsillectomy + Neti Pot + Oxygen Mouth Wash have mostly solved my bb.

I've had bad breath for as long as I can remember. Only people with halitosis truly understand how painful this condition is and honestly, I don't think any of us would wish it on our worst enemies. I was a lurker on this forum several years ago thinking "If I ever find a cure, I'm definitely going to post whatever worked for me". So here I am.

Background info about my halitosis and health
  • Poo breath, not exactly room filling but on bad days, people could smell it from across a bedroom if I sighed in their direction. They'd often say "did someone fart?" ...and man, that shit was soul crushing.
  • Relatively small but cryptic tonsils. I'd infrequently find a couple tonsil stones here and there, no huge ones.
  • Slightly enlarged adenoids.
  • Post nasal drip caused by allergies. (I think the part that connects my nasal cavity to my throat (where the uvula is) may also be stretched out due to me constantly trying to relieve an itch at the back of the throat by suctioning that area with my tongue.
  • Acid Reflux (I'm still figuring out the severity but I think it's mild.)
  • I had one of my spit glands removed when I was a kid (long story) which I think makes my mouth drier than normal.
  • Relatively healthy diet. In shape. No gum disease or other major health issues.
What I've tried
  • various diets
  • various mouth washes
  • tongue scrapers
  • water picks
  • tonsil stone removers
  • prescription antacids
  • various home remedies (salt water gargle, neti pot, cinnamon, turmeric, lemon, apple cider vinegar etc)
  • antihistamines
  • Oral Probiotics
  • tonsillectomy
Nothing was effective until I got my tonsils removed. I finally removed them at the age of 28. After I recovered, I thought I was cured but then I noticed that the bad breath would return for a couple of days at a time. I've come to the conclusion that my bad breath is caused by a combination of tonsil stones (both in my tonsils and adenoids), post nasal drip, and acid reflux.

My tonsils although relatively small, were very cryptic (as in they had crevasses, not secrets). This is where food would get stuck and turn into those putrid stones. I also tend to get food stuck in my nasal cavity because that area has been stretched out from allergies. This is where I think my adenoids play a role in providing crypts where further tonsil stones can form (I've read some research papers saying that this is possible). My post nasal drip only made that whole problem worse, and then my acid reflux is on the side just making the halitosis party even crazier.

I've managed to figure out a routine that works for me so that I only have bad breath maybe 15% of the time. That 15% is still a struggle but Its MUCH better than 100% of the time, which is where I was before.

Steps I took/am taking to manage my bad breath
  1. Tonsillectomy - I lied to my doctor and said I get sore throats all the time. Otherwise, most doctors in the US are reluctant to do the procedure as an adult. I had to go through 3 different doctors until 1 was empathetic enough to give the OK. I opted for just tonsillectomy and not adenoidectomy because my doctor said that my problem with getting food stuck in my nasal cavity would only get worse if i did both. It's gonna hurt like a bitch. If you want to know more, just ask. I have a whole set of tips for that.
  2. Antihistamines - these control my allergies and reduce post nasal drip. But again, these were useless until I got my tonsillectomy.
  3. Neti pot - Since I didn't remove my adenoids, I think I'm still getting tonsil stones up there. I'll catch a whiff of that nasty smell every once in a while. Neti pots are effective in reducing this problem. I'll neti pot every other day before bed to wash out any food particles that might be stuck. But instead of letting the water run in one nose and out the other, I'll tilt my head backwards a bit so that the water flows down the back of my throat and out my mouth. Make sure you use distilled or pre-boiled water for this. I've been hearing a lot about brain eating amoebas in tap water.
  4. Antacids - The above 3 steps are usually enough to keep my poo breath at bay but sometimes my stomach acids will act up and create a different kind of sour bad breath. Antacids help reduce this. Learn your trigger foods. Mine seems to be mexican food and red meat. I'll still eat both but I'll just be mindful to pop a non-prescription antacid and not lay down after eating. They also sell inclined pillow wedges that elevate you as you sleep so that the acid doesn't flow upwards.
  5. Drinking a lot of water (at least 10 cups per day) - I've found that the more water I drink, the less stinky I am in general. Helps wash away food particles, prevents dry mouth and keeps stomach acid normal.
  6. BR Organic Brushing Rinse - If all of the above fails, I'll resort to using this brand of mouth wash. I try to stay away from it because I'm paranoid that my mouth bacteria will one day develop a resistance to it or something. But this is basically my failsafe solution for when I have a date or something and my mouth is still smelling. I've tried a couple of other mouthwashes but this one seems to be the least caustic while still producing results (if anyone knows of any similar mouthwashes that are better, let me know please). I'll follow the instructions on the bottle but make sure to throw my head back and do a deeep gargle with it for about 30 seconds, kind of encouraging it to go from the back of my throat to up my nose a little bit. I like to think that it kills any nasty tonsil stone bacteria that might be hanging out in my adenoids.
    1. "Neem and Pomegranate" Toothpaste - I'm not sure if this is related to my bb cure but I happened to switch to this toothpaste around when I got my tonsils removed. My mouth seems to smell more when I use normal colgate or crest toothpastes but I'm sure I could find another mainstream brand toothpaste that works for me. I've just been too lazy/scared to switch since I've been having good results with Neem.
But I'll reiterate, I tried steps 2-6 before my tonsillectomy with lackluster results. They might have reduced my bb for a couple hours but I'd be back where I started because of those damn tonsils. If you've ever found tonsil stones randomly, (not just when you're sick), chances are you have cryptic tonsils. Get that shit removed asap. I could have gotten mine out when I was 6 but didn't and I've suffered for 20+ years because of it.

A personal note
I've lived with halitophobia all my life and for good reason- my mouth smelled like a dirty asshole. I'm an introverted, anxious mess that lacks self confidence. I have problems with intimacy. I have problems collaborating with people. I'm a quiet talker, I still laugh and sigh away from the direction that people are, and I don't like being in crowds or loud places where I'll need to speak into peoples faces. I've gotten unnaturally good at holding my breath. I still don't like going to the movies and I prefer sitting in the aisle seat on airplanes, not because I can access the bathroom, but because I have a bit more room to breathe. I remember trying every remedy under the sun only to lick my wrist 15 minutes later and sniff that putrid smell again. Infuriating, depressing, disheartening. I remember digging around the back of my throat until there was blood in my spit. I remember scraping my tongue until it was raw. Gargling hydrogen peroxide until I couldn't taste food properly. It was all bullshit. ***k tonsils and ***k bad breath lol. I'm still bitter. I'm still paranoid. I'm still trying to escape thoughts about my breath every time someone gets near me. I remember the sense of hopelessness and how powerless I felt before my tonsillectomy. It's an uphill battle but for once in my life it feels like the measures I'm taking are actually making a difference. I have a baby nephew and I can hold him close now without grossing him out. My dog doesn't run away from me when I breathe on her anymore. I made out with a girl recently and actually held her for longer than I could hold my breath. It was a magical experience that non-halitosis sufferers take for granted.

Keep up the fight, my stinky friends. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up. Take risks. Be consistent. Try everything.

If anyone has questions for me, I'll try to check this site periodically and answer the best I can.

With empathy and respect,

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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by bozo »

u tried various diets, no effect? which ones?
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by Gelonaxy »

Thanks for sharing your story !!
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by ineedcure »

In my analysis based on the members writing their personal experiences to this forum they are pointing out that the cause of halitosis lies in out gut(dental and nasal problems ruled out), which I also believe. The acid level in our stomach digest food that we eat, if you have low or high (imbalance) acid level the food will not be digested and will stay longer. The undigested food will ferment and bad bacteria multiplies. This is the main reason why antacids, betaine, digestive enzymes etc work because those medicines help to balance the ph level in our stomach. I remember before when I was travelling with my family they were always saying they were all hungry because it was already 12nn and I told them I was not hungry yet. Now I realized maybe it is because I have imbalance acid level and the food I had eaten in the morning has not digested yet. I am not an expert but just a cursed person just like every here. I a m on raw plant based diet for almost a month now and very happy about the result because it reduces my stinky odor significantly. I can speak now near to other people. Plant based food can easily be digested in the stomach so it will not stay longer there and cause BB but if a person have a very low or high acid level the plant based food will still take longer to digest, therefore some people has experienced eating raw plant based foods never change their breath and give up. I am thinking now, since the acid level is the problem I will stop my plant based diet, eat regular food since I lost a lot of weight, looked older at my age, and some people always ask me if am sick(funny) then concentrate on having balance acid level by taking antacids or supplements, herbals or anything that will help. What is your position and experience on this guys?
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by bozo »

ineedcure wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 1:07 am In my analysis based on the members writing their personal experiences to this forum they are pointing out that the cause of halitosis lies in out gut(dental and nasal problems ruled out), which I also believe. The acid level in our stomach digest food that we eat, if you have low or high (imbalance) acid level the food will not be digested and will stay longer. The undigested food will ferment and bad bacteria multiplies. This is the main reason why antacids, betaine, digestive enzymes etc work because those medicines help to balance the ph level in our stomach. I remember before when I was travelling with my family they were always saying they were all hungry because it was already 12nn and I told them I was not hungry yet. Now I realized maybe it is because I have imbalance acid level and the food I had eaten in the morning has not digested yet. I am not an expert but just a cursed person just like every here. I a m on raw plant based diet for almost a month now and very happy about the result because it reduces my stinky odor significantly. I can speak now near to other people. Plant based food can easily be digested in the stomach so it will not stay longer there and cause BB but if a person have a very low or high acid level the plant based food will still take longer to digest, therefore some people has experienced eating raw plant based foods never change their breath and give up. I am thinking now, since the acid level is the problem I will stop my plant based diet, eat regular food since I lost a lot of weight, looked older at my age, and some people always ask me if am sick(funny) then concentrate on having balance acid level by taking antacids or supplements, herbals or anything that will help. What is your position and experience on this guys?
i have a hard time getting hungry when travelling.

why not try adding more fat, nuts avocado and check the acid levels?
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by ineedcure »

I eat a lot of nuts (almonds, cashew, peanuts). How do you check acid level?
Posts: 54
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by bozo »

ineedcure wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:36 am I eat a lot of nuts (almonds, cashew, peanuts). How do you check acid level?
search google for 5 ways to test your stomach acid levels
its an article, there are a couple test at home, just need some supplies i dont have at the moment. but more reliable methods req doctor
Jimi Stein
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by Jimi Stein »

ineedcure wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 1:07 am In my analysis based on the members writing their personal experiences to this forum they are pointing out that the cause of halitosis lies in out gut(dental and nasal problems ruled out), which I also believe. The acid level in our stomach digest food that we eat, if you have low or high (imbalance) acid level the food will not be digested and will stay longer. The undigested food will ferment and bad bacteria multiplies. This is the main reason why antacids, betaine, digestive enzymes etc work because those medicines help to balance the ph level in our stomach. I remember before when I was travelling with my family they were always saying they were all hungry because it was already 12nn and I told them I was not hungry yet. Now I realized maybe it is because I have imbalance acid level and the food I had eaten in the morning has not digested yet. I am not an expert but just a cursed person just like every here. I a m on raw plant based diet for almost a month now and very happy about the result because it reduces my stinky odor significantly. I can speak now near to other people. Plant based food can easily be digested in the stomach so it will not stay longer there and cause BB but if a person have a very low or high acid level the plant based food will still take longer to digest, therefore some people has experienced eating raw plant based foods never change their breath and give up. I am thinking now, since the acid level is the problem I will stop my plant based diet, eat regular food since I lost a lot of weight, looked older at my age, and some people always ask me if am sick(funny) then concentrate on having balance acid level by taking antacids or supplements, herbals or anything that will help. What is your position and experience on this guys?
I doubt it is about acids in stomach....raw food cures body, that is it, because it is not changed by cooking it....but staying on it is a hellhole.....when you go back to cooked your bb will come back too
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by Tylan456 »

I tried the toothpaste and mouth rinse, and I noticed a reduction in bb odor, will continue to see if this continues to reduce bb, just a fyi
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by mauricio »

op thanks for sharing what we used to think of as good remedies 40 years ago.
bb free)
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by mauricio »

Jimi Stein wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:45 pm

I doubt it is about acids in stomach....raw food cures body, that is it, because it is not changed by cooking it....but staying on it is a hellhole.....when you go back to cooked your bb will come back too
bb free)
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by KL123 »

phuc wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:21 am Hello Friends,

TL;DR: Tonsillectomy + Neti Pot + Oxygen Mouth Wash have mostly solved my bb.

I've had bad breath for as long as I can remember. Only people with halitosis truly understand how painful this condition is and honestly, I don't think any of us would wish it on our worst enemies. I was a lurker on this forum several years ago thinking "If I ever find a cure, I'm definitely going to post whatever worked for me". So here I am.

Background info about my halitosis and health
  • Poo breath, not exactly room filling but on bad days, people could smell it from across a bedroom if I sighed in their direction. They'd often say "did someone fart?" ...and man, that shit was soul crushing.
  • Relatively small but cryptic tonsils. I'd infrequently find a couple tonsil stones here and there, no huge ones.
  • Slightly enlarged adenoids.
  • Post nasal drip caused by allergies. (I think the part that connects my nasal cavity to my throat (where the uvula is) may also be stretched out due to me constantly trying to relieve an itch at the back of the throat by suctioning that area with my tongue.
  • Acid Reflux (I'm still figuring out the severity but I think it's mild.)
  • I had one of my spit glands removed when I was a kid (long story) which I think makes my mouth drier than normal.
  • Relatively healthy diet. In shape. No gum disease or other major health issues.
What I've tried
  • various diets
  • various mouth washes
  • tongue scrapers
  • water picks
  • tonsil stone removers
  • prescription antacids
  • various home remedies (salt water gargle, neti pot, cinnamon, turmeric, lemon, apple cider vinegar etc)
  • antihistamines
  • Oral Probiotics
  • tonsillectomy
Nothing was effective until I got my tonsils removed. I finally removed them at the age of 28. After I recovered, I thought I was cured but then I noticed that the bad breath would return for a couple of days at a time. I've come to the conclusion that my bad breath is caused by a combination of tonsil stones (both in my tonsils and adenoids), post nasal drip, and acid reflux.

My tonsils although relatively small, were very cryptic (as in they had crevasses, not secrets). This is where food would get stuck and turn into those putrid stones. I also tend to get food stuck in my nasal cavity because that area has been stretched out from allergies. This is where I think my adenoids play a role in providing crypts where further tonsil stones can form (I've read some research papers saying that this is possible). My post nasal drip only made that whole problem worse, and then my acid reflux is on the side just making the halitosis party even crazier.

I've managed to figure out a routine that works for me so that I only have bad breath maybe 15% of the time. That 15% is still a struggle but Its MUCH better than 100% of the time, which is where I was before.

Steps I took/am taking to manage my bad breath
  1. Tonsillectomy - I lied to my doctor and said I get sore throats all the time. Otherwise, most doctors in the US are reluctant to do the procedure as an adult. I had to go through 3 different doctors until 1 was empathetic enough to give the OK. I opted for just tonsillectomy and not adenoidectomy because my doctor said that my problem with getting food stuck in my nasal cavity would only get worse if i did both. It's gonna hurt like a bitch. If you want to know more, just ask. I have a whole set of tips for that.
  2. Antihistamines - these control my allergies and reduce post nasal drip. But again, these were useless until I got my tonsillectomy.
  3. Neti pot - Since I didn't remove my adenoids, I think I'm still getting tonsil stones up there. I'll catch a whiff of that nasty smell every once in a while. Neti pots are effective in reducing this problem. I'll neti pot every other day before bed to wash out any food particles that might be stuck. But instead of letting the water run in one nose and out the other, I'll tilt my head backwards a bit so that the water flows down the back of my throat and out my mouth. Make sure you use distilled or pre-boiled water for this. I've been hearing a lot about brain eating amoebas in tap water.
  4. Antacids - The above 3 steps are usually enough to keep my poo breath at bay but sometimes my stomach acids will act up and create a different kind of sour bad breath. Antacids help reduce this. Learn your trigger foods. Mine seems to be mexican food and red meat. I'll still eat both but I'll just be mindful to pop a non-prescription antacid and not lay down after eating. They also sell inclined pillow wedges that elevate you as you sleep so that the acid doesn't flow upwards.
  5. Drinking a lot of water (at least 10 cups per day) - I've found that the more water I drink, the less stinky I am in general. Helps wash away food particles, prevents dry mouth and keeps stomach acid normal.
  6. BR Organic Brushing Rinse - If all of the above fails, I'll resort to using this brand of mouth wash. I try to stay away from it because I'm paranoid that my mouth bacteria will one day develop a resistance to it or something. But this is basically my failsafe solution for when I have a date or something and my mouth is still smelling. I've tried a couple of other mouthwashes but this one seems to be the least caustic while still producing results (if anyone knows of any similar mouthwashes that are better, let me know please). I'll follow the instructions on the bottle but make sure to throw my head back and do a deeep gargle with it for about 30 seconds, kind of encouraging it to go from the back of my throat to up my nose a little bit. I like to think that it kills any nasty tonsil stone bacteria that might be hanging out in my adenoids.
    1. "Neem and Pomegranate" Toothpaste - I'm not sure if this is related to my bb cure but I happened to switch to this toothpaste around when I got my tonsils removed. My mouth seems to smell more when I use normal colgate or crest toothpastes but I'm sure I could find another mainstream brand toothpaste that works for me. I've just been too lazy/scared to switch since I've been having good results with Neem.
But I'll reiterate, I tried steps 2-6 before my tonsillectomy with lackluster results. They might have reduced my bb for a couple hours but I'd be back where I started because of those damn tonsils. If you've ever found tonsil stones randomly, (not just when you're sick), chances are you have cryptic tonsils. Get that shit removed asap. I could have gotten mine out when I was 6 but didn't and I've suffered for 20+ years because of it.

A personal note
I've lived with halitophobia all my life and for good reason- my mouth smelled like a dirty asshole. I'm an introverted, anxious mess that lacks self confidence. I have problems with intimacy. I have problems collaborating with people. I'm a quiet talker, I still laugh and sigh away from the direction that people are, and I don't like being in crowds or loud places where I'll need to speak into peoples faces. I've gotten unnaturally good at holding my breath. I still don't like going to the movies and I prefer sitting in the aisle seat on airplanes, not because I can access the bathroom, but because I have a bit more room to breathe. I remember trying every remedy under the sun only to lick my wrist 15 minutes later and sniff that putrid smell again. Infuriating, depressing, disheartening. I remember digging around the back of my throat until there was blood in my spit. I remember scraping my tongue until it was raw. Gargling hydrogen peroxide until I couldn't taste food properly. It was all bullshit. ***k tonsils and ***k bad breath lol. I'm still bitter. I'm still paranoid. I'm still trying to escape thoughts about my breath every time someone gets near me. I remember the sense of hopelessness and how powerless I felt before my tonsillectomy. It's an uphill battle but for once in my life it feels like the measures I'm taking are actually making a difference. I have a baby nephew and I can hold him close now without grossing him out. My dog doesn't run away from me when I breathe on her anymore. I made out with a girl recently and actually held her for longer than I could hold my breath. It was a magical experience that non-halitosis sufferers take for granted.

Keep up the fight, my stinky friends. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up. Take risks. Be consistent. Try everything.

If anyone has questions for me, I'll try to check this site periodically and answer the best I can.

With empathy and respect,
Sorry but F you.
Nobody is cured from this curse. Your thread title is wrong and misleading.

Al you may have is another one of those temporary fixes. It may be a remedy that works for you but it's not a cure for anyone.
Total Newbie
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by phuc »

bozo wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:53 am u tried various diets, no effect? which ones?
Keto, vegetarian, gluten free, no dairy, no spice. I wasn't strictly following anyones advice. Just testing different things out to see if anything made a difference.
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Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by phuc »

KL123 wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:29 pm
phuc wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:21 am Hello Friends,

TL;DR: Tonsillectomy + Neti Pot + Oxygen Mouth Wash have mostly solved my bb.


With empathy and respect,
Sorry but F you.
Nobody is cured from this curse. Your thread title is wrong and misleading.

Al you may have is another one of those temporary fixes. It may be a remedy that works for you but it's not a cure for anyone.
You're right, this is only what's been working for me. I shouldn't say that I'm cured. My bb is just significantly reduced. Sorry to have misled you.
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Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:22 am

Re: Cured after 29 years (for the most part). Happy to answer questions.

Post by phuc »

mauricio wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:12 am op thanks for sharing what we used to think of as good remedies 40 years ago.
Sorry, I'm not really up to date on the newer remedies. Do you recommend anything in particular? I'm not 100% cured yet so still looking for new solutions to investigate.
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