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Do i have bb?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:56 am
by Ninawrt
(I already posted this by another categorie but i think if i post it here that more ppl will reply :oops: )
Hi guys, i really wanna know something. I have since i was 10 a bad taste in my mouth, it's like i can 'taste' my own breath. And i also had tonsil stones but i got surgery for that when i was 15. But the bad taste didn't go away. I also can smell my own breath, if i "push" air to my nose i can smell my breath, and it stinks. But i've heard that you can't smell your own breath so idk what to think actually. I also asked my mom if i got bb but she said no.. Does all these things means i got bb or something else? (Sorry about my grammar i'm from the Netherlands 8-[ )

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:52 pm
by letsgetcured
Do people react when you talk? Although this may not be very convincing since people wipe their nose and cough for many reasons, it's usually a good indicator of bad breath if it's constantly happening..or if you've been asked many times if you want gum.

Also, when you floss, does the string smell?
Go to the periodontist and see if you have gum disease, tooth decay, or if your wisdom teeth have grown in yet. If it's your wisdom teeth causing odor, the gum area around them should smell really bad if you touch it

It seems like you either have minor bad breath or no bad breath at all..meaning whatever is going on should be fixable by a dentist. Nothing more. Good luck!

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:16 pm
by Ninawrt
No people don't really react or something because i always chew gum haha. But what you said about the wisdom teeth, that could be an option because they are growing but is that causing my bad taste? Because i find it weird that i always have this taste in my mouth since i was 10. And i aaaalways thought that my breath smelled like poop because of this taste... (again sorry for my grammar i live in the netherlands)

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:21 pm
by Attraction
Ninawrt wrote:No people don't really react or something because i always chew gum haha. But what you said about the wisdom teeth, that could be an option because they are growing but is that causing my bad taste? Because i find it weird that i always have this taste in my mouth since i was 10. And i aaaalways thought that my breath smelled like poop because of this taste... (again sorry for my grammar i live in the netherlands)
At this point you are suffering from Halitiphobia.

To find out, go to 3 strangers (under 40 years old) ask them if they will be honest about your breath for $5.

By the way you should not brush your teeth for a few hours before.

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:38 am
by letsgetcured
Ninawrt wrote:No people don't really react or something because i always chew gum haha. But what you said about the wisdom teeth, that could be an option because they are growing but is that causing my bad taste? Because i find it weird that i always have this taste in my mouth since i was 10. And i aaaalways thought that my breath smelled like poop because of this taste... (again sorry for my grammar i live in the netherlands)

If your bad breath is controlled with gum, you are VERY LUCKY lol. You don't have anything to worry about. Just go to a periodontist and get whatever the problem is sorted out..but of course there is a chance that you're just freaking out and you have no bad breath at all. I used to have a really bad taste in my mouth too but it was over once I removed all my wisdom teeth but my breath still smells bad. Still in the process of finding out what else is contributing to this dragon breath :( Good luck! let us know how it goes

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:45 am
by Attraction
letsgetcured wrote:If your bad breath is controlled with gum, you are VERY LUCKY lol.
I second this.

Also, it sounds like you need a tongue scraper. Get a metal one for under $20 from Amazon.

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:08 pm
by Ninawrt
Thank you guys for replying! And yes my wisdom teeth can cause the problem. I really hope that i don't have bb because it's sooo hard to deal with that problem. I also heard about the orabrush, is that a good tongscraper?

Re: Do i have bb?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:15 pm
by Attraction
Ninawrt wrote:And yes my wisdom teeth can cause the problem. I also heard about the orabrush, is that a good tongscraper?
I really recommend you get your wisdom teeth pulled asap. They are a very common cause of chronic bad breath.

No, the Orabrush isn't a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper is a plastic or metal device used to scrape bacteria off the tongue.

However, I highly suggest you get an Orabrush or TUNG brush as well... TUNG has worked wonders for me.