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My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

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My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by hopefulgirl2018 »

Hello everyone,

I have been looking on this website for months now but now I have the courage to join and make a post myself. I feel grateful that there is this huge community support for this condition that we have. Although our situation sucks right now I know there is a way for us to get to the bottom of this.

So my story... I've probably had bad breath probably since I was a elementary kid. I remember one day my friend told me to brush my tongue... and she looked at me and asked if I understood what she meant. I knew she meant my breath smelled bad. As a kid, I just brushed it off. From then i don't ever remember anyone telling me that I had bad breath. There would be occasionally when someone would say "What is that smell?" but I just dismissed it thinking it wasn't me when I was a teen. Whether I actually had bad breath since I was a kid or not, I'm not sure. I was able to make a lot of friends, I didn't get reactions from what I remember and no one would tell me my breath smelled bad after those couple of instances. Then came University, it seemed like my breath was fine, I made a bunch of new friends and nothing would happen. I noticed a few times that after I drank bubble tea (i usually drink the milk tea) it would make my breath really bad to the point where friends would offer me gum or sometimes they would just hold their nose but thats the only time I noticed reactions. Come the past year, I became super aware of my breath. I take the bus to go to school and initially no one had reactions to me but then I think I started to have nose breath as well (the room filling type). People would rub their nose, cough, sniff, people move away from me - those reactions we all know too well. I became so upset and really self conscious. I tried so many things as you have:

because i thought it was coming from my mouth i thought I had a lot of bacteria in my mouth so I used
- hydrogen peroxide
- therabreath (toothpaste, mouthwash, longezes, throat spray) - none of those really helped
- gargled with baking soda
- tongue scrapped a lot - i do have a lot of it as well
- went to the dentist - she said my teeth and hygiene is good, no gum pockets or tonsil stones, etc.

Because i thought that it started coming from my nose i began to:
- sinus irrigation (i think i did have post nasal drip and a lot of mucous build up but now it's stopped)
- irrigated with GSE, baby shampoo - didn't help
- was told I had a nasal infection so I took so antibiotics and had a steroid nasal spray which i stopped after 3 days because I didn't think i actually had an infection

i began to think it was something from within especially my stomach/candida
- i noticed that I would have constipation, i would only have bowel movements 2-4 times a week only. which isn't normal. i see my other members of my family go to the washroom multiple times a day or atleast once a day
- I began to have acid reflux
- i was tested positive for h pylori - just recently finished with the 14 day course. Didn't help at all with the smell (CRAZY RIGHT?!) (still have to retest to make sure it is actually gone)
- I took digestive enzymes, GSE, caprylic acid, chlorophyll, activated charcoal - none of these worked for me
- took probiotics - didn't work
- tried peptobismol - didn't work
- tried lactase enzymes (i'm part lactose intolerant)
- changed my diet to become healthier - eating more salads, veggies, less meats, etc. didn't work.

i was at a lost of what I can do at this point. i thought h pylori was the culprit but it clearly isn't. So today, i booked to see a naturopath doctor.
Let me start off with this, they are EXPENSIVE!! i just spend 300 dollars there but honestly, it gave me so much more clarity of what is happening.

She told me this:
because i have low stomach acid, it means that the food is not being digested well, and it is just fermenting inside of me which causes the odour and gasses and bloating I feel. It's likely due to genetics. So therefore, my body is lacking in nutrients because it's literally not being digested and absorbed. Why I had h pylori is because of low stomach acid. The doctor said that your stomach acid can kill those things if you have enough and she thinks I have extremely low, she didn't even need to test me. So now i am to take betaine HCL with pepsin everyday for about 8 weeks until the next time i see her. She also said it was because of stress from school and work since i am in a very intensive health program right now that my body is always at high stress. She suspects that I probably genetically have low stomach acid but i haven't had this type of severe symptoms until now because the stress lowers the acid even more!! She gave me a lot of advice and things like that to help with my stress levels as well.

This is where I am right now, so HOPEFULLY this is the cure. I hope that this is what will help me, everything makes sense now after spending so much time with her to really talk about my diet and symptoms and she really listened well unlike those doctors or dentists which wasn't helpful at all. If you were at ends wit like me, perhaps try and find a naturopath doctor who will really listen to you and spend time with you to figure out what is the problem with you. Of course, I'm only starting my treatment now and I have yet to be retested to see if h pylori is still in my system or not.

I will update you over the next weeks to see if i have any improvements.

Ask any questions if you have any!! We're all in this together friends :)

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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by oneday4800 »

Good luck ! Hope this is ur cure
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by hopefulgirl2018 »


So it has been about 4-5 days since I have started to take HCL and pepsin. I can definitely feel that my digestion has improved quite a bit and that I don't get that bloating feeling after I eat. I have consistent bowel movements which I'm happy about. I still have bb though, still having reactions with people around me, I know this will take awhile for my body to really recover but I'm getting really hopeful with this. I still have a white tongue but I'm noticing that I don't have as white of a tongue anymore and when I scrape it, it has less white stuff on my tongue brush. Licking my wrist, I still smell sourness so I'm not really sure what happening with that. One thing for sure is though, I'm no longer having extreme dry mouth. I used to have it when I wake up but now it's not dry, my saliva is continuously flowing too which I haven't experienced for a long time!!

I will continue to update you later this week!
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by letsgetcured »

I feel like this is my exact story except my hpylori tests have all came out negative.

I tried the HCL but I wasnt consistent with it. I've kind of came to the point where if I dont see a change within a week, I dont bother to continue. Ive spent so much money going to doctors just to be told everything is fine or to be prescribed medications just for the sake of them feeling like theyre doing SOMETHING.

My next steps are to have a sinus CT scan and see an allergist. A naturopath will be my final step as I dont think thats covered under my insurance. Just hang in there and keep us updated. I truly believe that, although some of us may never be cured, we can ALL find SOMETHING that controls it to the point where we can live a normal life without this being an issue every second of the day.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by hopefulgirl2018 »

Another update:

Continuing with the Betaine HCL daily. Still having daily bowel movements but now they are smaller than the first week when I started using it. It could be also I haven't been the greatest either. I'm planning to limit red meats as much as I can now, I feel like it makes things worse for me. As for the bad breath, nothing has changed, still getting reactions, still have white tongue and when i do the lick test I smell it being very sour. I've noticed that I get a very sour taste in my mouth this week so I'm thinking that I should maybe decrease the amount of HCL I am using for each meal. I also have been using baking soda to rinse my mouth to try and neutralize the acidity and i do get a fresh almost sweet tasting mouth for a bit.

I've also been taking multivitamins and continuing with probiotics to help and replenish my gut with good bacteria. I am also now using peppermint oil capsules to help aid in the digestion as my naturopath suggested. It can also apparently help with neutralizing the odors (i'm thinking bad breath). When I use it I can smell from internally it smells super fresh which is a nice feeling. I tried it last night when I went out with my friends, still some reactions i think? ( i don't know, whenever i see people rubbing their nose or touching their nose I automatically feel its me lol - could be, could be not. We BB suffers are so paranoid you know?) I'll keep trying with peppermint oil capsules for now.

So far not much has changed, which is unfortunate. I will continue using HCL and see since i'm supposed to be using for 8 weeks. I won't lose hope but I am thinking of having an appointment and talking to my doctor again and see if she recommends anything.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by letsgetcured »

I know you said you changed your diet before but have you ever tried to be like COMPLETELY healthy where all you eat is fruits, veggies, salads, water etc? I really think that for people like us, we should really focus on what we're putting into our bodies. I think our bodies just react reallyyyy badly to certain foods and that causes a really bad odor and because we dont know what it is, we're constantly going to be burdened with this nightmare. We cant force these medical professionals to care or even take us seriously. If you come across a doctor that's interested, gives you the time of day, and is willing to go on the journey with you, you're doing pretty well lol. If not, you have to dedicate time and energy to your own research and your own "at-home" methods and go to doctors only for tests that you think may give you some answers. Be prepared to explain to doctors what the test is and how it can help you. A lot of them dont even know what TMAU is or what Hpylori has to do with anything. I think the biggest mistake I've made was following the steps of everyone here and going to doctors for things that I knew I never had a problem with. In the end? I've spent $40 on copays about 8-10 times with no cure. Spent hundreds of dollars on prescriptions with no cure. Got my tonsils removed with no cure. The only thing that did make a difference was removing my wisdoms. I still have really bb but I dont have a bad taste in my mouth anymore.

I want to try the whole 100% healthy diet thing but I always give in after like two days. Being that this is really destroying my confidence and my willingness to take on opportunities in life, I think Im going to just go ahead and start it within the next week or so after I finish the groceries Ive already bought. Good luck to you!
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by cyberzero »

It's really hopeful to see your post hopefulgirl2018.

Well, here's my story...It started in my childhood when I never knew or heard about such things before. One day my friend disclosed this thing to me and then I became aware of it. Naturally I have this anxiety and stress which makes me sweat a lot (sweaty palms and sweaty feet) and keeps me dehydrated all the time. Moreover I had constipation and stomach cramps at times. Have this constant white coating in tongue. Have this post nasal drip. Have tonsil stones. Have acid reflux. :(.

My dentist told me, no problem with my teeth and gums. I do a good oral hygienic routine but still this BB comes in a while. That means I have something wrong goes on inside myself. And these are inter connected so that one triggers the other and ultimately each contributes to BB.

Thank you so much for your post, this might help people try those all remedies. But in your post, I haven't seen that you ever tried oil pulling. You shall give it a try for fixing the BB. And as you mentioned that you have low level stomach acids, try apple cider vinegar remedy and don't drink water 40 minutes before or having a meal. I read this somewhere online, drinking water and having food at fixed times may help. To be honest, I am excited that we gonna have a breakthrough soon and smile like this :D. Stay hopeful and keep posted.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by mindspace »

Read this-if you have reactions from people like coughing,sneezing,rub noses,itchiness you are not for this forum.This condition is called PATM(People allergic to me) and is not about bad breath-it's more complicated.If you have only bad breath you should have reactions like someone offered you chewing gum.And so many of you have halitophobia.I have PATM reactions but I don't have bad breath.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by Jimi Stein »

mindspace wrote:Read this-if you have reactions from people like coughing,sneezing,rub noses,itchiness you are not for this forum.This condition is called PATM(People allergic to me) and is not about bad breath-it's more complicated.If you have only bad breath you should have reactions like someone offered you chewing gum.And so many of you have halitophobia.I have PATM reactions but I don't have bad breath.
so why are you here if you dont have bb? to confuse people?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by mindspace »

Because when I was here I really had bad breath.But so many people here don't know that if they have reactions from people like coughing,sneezing,itchiness,rub noses-these symptoms are not symptoms for bad breath.It's allergic reactions and the likely reason for that is toxic body.If people here have these symptoms bad breath is the smallest problem.They should do liver cleanses,colon cleanses because the toxins are in the bloodstream and all of that crap-candida,mycotoxins,toxic mold,bacteria,parasites are feeding on electromagnetic radiation.I have PATM for many years and my PATM increases after a round of antibiotics when I was in these forum.So first I had bad breath and I was here but I realized that I had allergic reactions from people.Probiotics for intestinal flora cured my bad breath but probiotics can't cure PATM .PATM is very serious problem than bad breath.Bad breath is only a symptom.I know that there are people here who have PATM.I was also here before I know the truth.These people here with PATM should know that PATM is very serious situation.They should do detoxes,diet,take supplements,probiotics to cure this awful situation.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by StillHoping »

mindspace wrote:Because when I was here I really had bad breath.But so many people here don't know that if they have reactions from people like coughing,sneezing,itchiness,rub noses-these symptoms are not symptoms for bad breath.It's allergic reactions and the likely reason for that is toxic body.If people here have these symptoms bad breath is the smallest problem.They should do liver cleanses,colon cleanses because the toxins are in the bloodstream and all of that crap-candida,mycotoxins,toxic mold,bacteria,parasites are feeding on electromagnetic radiation.I have PATM for many years and my PATM increases after a round of antibiotics when I was in these forum.So first I had bad breath and I was here but I realized that I had allergic reactions from people.Probiotics for intestinal flora cured my bad breath but probiotics can't cure PATM .PATM is very serious problem than bad breath.Bad breath is only a symptom.I know that there are people here who have PATM.I was also here before I know the truth.These people here with PATM should know that PATM is very serious situation.They should do detoxes,diet,take supplements,probiotics to cure this awful situation.
Mindspace, do you feel as though you have cured your PATM? or atleast have found a way to manage it well? If yes, can you please open a separate post detailing what you did and are still doing to cure it? Thanks!

I honestly don't know what to think about PATM. I go back and forth with thinking PATM is real versus maybe some people are able to smell BB and others can't. But one of my best friends told me she believes she rubs her nose more frequently when she is around me because it gets itchy but she claims I don't have BB. [yet she has no allergies!!!]. This is definitely one thing that keeps drawing me back to the concept of PATM. And I think someone once posted that youtube video of a person secretly recording those around them and how they would react in their presence - that supported the PATM theory
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by mindspace »

Hey StillHoping that's why i'm here.Because you definitely have Patm and maybe you don't have bad breath and it's not in your head.I was in this forum 4 years ago because I had bad breath-sour/musty smell like you.But i also had Patm reactions because when i spoke everybody rub their noses.My best friend,my brother,my mom said that I don't had bad breath.I took clindamycin to cure my bad breath.But everytime when I took antibiotic it got worst and worst -my bad breath got worst,PATM reactions got worst.After round of antibiotics I developed post antibiotic PATM.Last october when I took last antibiotic my bad breath was musty really bad,I had fecal smell without having gas,my hair and my beard were electrified,I had itchiness all over my body,I had some kind of arthritis,leaky gut,irritable bowel syndrome.PAtM reactions were extremely coughs,rub noses,sneezing,itchiness-I was so desperate and felt very bad.All of my family were sick whole winter due to my situation because Patm is environmental disease.I cure my bad breath after taking probiotic called Lactacare daily for intestinal flora which contains more bifido than lactobacteries.Bifidobacteries are good for colon.I started reading on the internet about my situation.Traditional medicine can't cure PATM.Because PATM is some kind of abnormality.For me now it's not abnormality because I was extreme PATMer and I saw the truth.It's all about electromagnetic radiation.PATM is some kind of electrosencitivity.Our body emitted ions due to toxins in the body and people have these allergic reactions.The likely reasons for PATM are candida overgrowth,toxic mold,bacterial overgrowth and parasites-all of that crap are feeding on electromagnetic radiation-laptop,smartphone,wi-fi etc.3 months ago I slept with the laptop and the smartphone on the bed.There is a PATM forum on site and one person from this forum said to me-you are crazy it's like sleeping in a microwave oven.Also I had mold in my room and I know that is due to antibiotics.So no more antibiotics for me.I removed this mold from my room because it's toxic and it smells like poisonous mushrooms and leads to allergic reactions and diseases-maybe that's my case.I went to holicist/naturopath.It's important which pathogens you have in the body.I was diagnosed with electro-acupuncture diagnostics by dr Voll.So I now know with what I am dealing- I have 2 mycotoxins-aflatoxin and aspergillus niger which are related to black mold and I have 2 parasites=strongyloides and coronavirus.Coronavirus is a cat parasite and I saw it in my stool-its like mucus with tentacles(horrible) but the good thing is that this crap is out of my body.PATM reactions now are decreasing sygnificantly -about 75-80%.I'm on a diet- I eat vegetables,chicken,beef,fish,whole wheat bread,brown rice
,fruits like berries only.I don't eat sugar,junk foods,diary,fruits with more sugar,gluten.I don't drink any alcohol.I use oxy powder which is colon cleanser.Digestive enzymes and coenzyme q10 I take before heavy meals.But what is important-which pathogens you have in the body because the treatment is individual.Now I'm on antiparasite program -wormwood+cloves+black walnut tincture and antibiotic detox.And I'm getting better and better.To cure PATM you shoud not think straight.And there is electromagnetic pulse-it's a kind of electric lamp with soundwaves-it works with low voltage current-I think that is the cure for PATM and very soon I will be on these treatment.One more thing-the woman said that after 2 generations we will not have more such problems due to GMO.GMO changes our DNA.We will be genetically mutated.The truth is awful.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by StillHoping »

thanks for all the info mindspace! I will definitely look more into it. Although sounds like I am doing alot of the stuff you mentioned already; specifically with diet and probiotics. The difficult part about this problem is knowing when the reactions are related to BB or PATM instead ](*,)
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by mindspace »

You have to believe your friend's words-it's likely to not have bad breath but having PATM reactions because PATM is more serious problem.Eat healthy,reduce the stress,workout,sauna also helps.Make liver cleanses or colon cleanses regularly-that's the right way to cure this awful PATM situation.Don't take any meds or antibiotics-the reactions are getting worst.Take probiotics,digestive enzymes,antioxidants,epsom salt baths but what is the most important-You have to wish emotionally to cure yourself.Enjoy the life with friends and thing will getting better and better.Don't be depressed-that makes the things worst.
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Re: My story (long) about bad breath (potential cure?)

Post by pepper234 »

hopefulgirl2018 wrote:Hello everyone,

I have been looking on this website for months now but now I have the courage to join and make a post myself. I feel grateful that there is this huge community support for this condition that we have. Although our situation sucks right now I know there is a way for us to get to the bottom of this.

So my story... I've probably had bad breath probably since I was a elementary kid. I remember one day my friend told me to brush my tongue... and she looked at me and asked if I understood what she meant. I knew she meant my breath smelled bad. As a kid, I just brushed it off. From then i don't ever remember anyone telling me that I had bad breath. There would be occasionally when someone would say "What is that smell?" but I just dismissed it thinking it wasn't me when I was a teen. Whether I actually had bad breath since I was a kid or not, I'm not sure. I was able to make a lot of friends, I didn't get reactions from what I remember and no one would tell me my breath smelled bad after those couple of instances. Then came University, it seemed like my breath was fine, I made a bunch of new friends and nothing would happen. I noticed a few times that after I drank bubble tea (i usually drink the milk tea) it would make my breath really bad to the point where friends would offer me gum or sometimes they would just hold their nose but thats the only time I noticed reactions. Come the past year, I became super aware of my breath. I take the bus to go to school and initially no one had reactions to me but then I think I started to have nose breath as well (the room filling type). People would rub their nose, cough, sniff, people move away from me - those reactions we all know too well. I became so upset and really self conscious. I tried so many things as you have:

because i thought it was coming from my mouth i thought I had a lot of bacteria in my mouth so I used
- hydrogen peroxide
- therabreath (toothpaste, mouthwash, longezes, throat spray) - none of those really helped
- gargled with baking soda
- tongue scrapped a lot - i do have a lot of it as well
- went to the dentist - she said my teeth and hygiene is good, no gum pockets or tonsil stones, etc.

Because i thought that it started coming from my nose i began to:
- sinus irrigation (i think i did have post nasal drip and a lot of mucous build up but now it's stopped)
- irrigated with GSE, baby shampoo - didn't help
- was told I had a nasal infection so I took so antibiotics and had a steroid nasal spray which i stopped after 3 days because I didn't think i actually had an infection

i began to think it was something from within especially my stomach/candida
- i noticed that I would have constipation, i would only have bowel movements 2-4 times a week only. which isn't normal. i see my other members of my family go to the washroom multiple times a day or atleast once a day
- I began to have acid reflux
- i was tested positive for h pylori - just recently finished with the 14 day course. Didn't help at all with the smell (CRAZY RIGHT?!) (still have to retest to make sure it is actually gone)
- I took digestive enzymes, GSE, caprylic acid, chlorophyll, activated charcoal - none of these worked for me
- took probiotics - didn't work
- tried peptobismol - didn't work
- tried lactase enzymes (i'm part lactose intolerant)
- changed my diet to become healthier - eating more salads, veggies, less meats, etc. didn't work.

i was at a lost of what I can do at this point. i thought h pylori was the culprit but it clearly isn't. So today, i booked to see a naturopath doctor.
Let me start off with this, they are EXPENSIVE!! i just spend 300 dollars there but honestly, it gave me so much more clarity of what is happening.

She told me this:
because i have low stomach acid, it means that the food is not being digested well, and it is just fermenting inside of me which causes the odour and gasses and bloating I feel. It's likely due to genetics. So therefore, my body is lacking in nutrients because it's literally not being digested and absorbed. Why I had h pylori is because of low stomach acid. The doctor said that your stomach acid can kill those things if you have enough and she thinks I have extremely low, she didn't even need to test me. So now i am to take betaine HCL with pepsin everyday for about 8 weeks until the next time i see her. She also said it was because of stress from school and work since i am in a very intensive health program right now that my body is always at high stress. She suspects that I probably genetically have low stomach acid but i haven't had this type of severe symptoms until now because the stress lowers the acid even more!! She gave me a lot of advice and things like that to help with my stress levels as well.

This is where I am right now, so HOPEFULLY this is the cure. I hope that this is what will help me, everything makes sense now after spending so much time with her to really talk about my diet and symptoms and she really listened well unlike those doctors or dentists which wasn't helpful at all. If you were at ends wit like me, perhaps try and find a naturopath doctor who will really listen to you and spend time with you to figure out what is the problem with you. Of course, I'm only starting my treatment now and I have yet to be retested to see if h pylori is still in my system or not.

I will update you over the next weeks to see if i have any improvements.

Ask any questions if you have any!! We're all in this together friends :)
Hi hopeful,
Whereabouts are you located? My story sounds similar to yours and i have been seeking treatment with a naturopath recently. Stress has been a huge cause of my BB. So i have also wondered if low stomach acid is the cause. What my doctor did so far was give me antimiceobials to kill the bad bacteria, he said i have a gut infection. I cant find betaine anywhere... But i really want to try it.
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