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Antiseptic combination FLUSHES tonsil stones!!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:20 am
by Alm0stThere
Hi Everyone!

I'm new but I've been lurking in and out of this forum for about a year or two now. I was reluctant to register and join in the discussion because like you I've been desperately trying to find a cure for BB but couldn't find one till now (well at least with the results I'm getting now).
I'm 40 , married with 2 kids , my loving wife is very supportive and I am amazed by how she puts up with me.
Far as I can remember I started getting my tonsil stones when I was put on antibiotics for sore throat back when i was a kid.

First let me share what I've learned from experience.

1. When you have excellent oral hygiene but you still suffer from BB (my dentist remarked how smooth my teeth are , she pointed out that it's due to too much brushing; you floss; etc) it's almost always due to tonsil stones (well at least in my case).

2. Using antibiotics for a week can work but the tonsil stones will always come back(must gargle with the water/antibiotic slush for as long as you can), I ONLY do this when my doctor prescribes antiobiotics for sore throat and instead of just swallowing the caplet/capsule whole I do what I described in this sentence.

3. Popping tonsils stones with any instrument , including your fingers (havent tried waterpik but I was told it also injures the mouth tissues) is NOT recommended as you'll run the risk of developing an infection due to trauma.

4. I tried all available oral antiseptics (here in my country) and none worked except for one but I had to create a mix of my own (more of this later).

5. I seem to get more tonsil stones when I eat starchy bread (crumbly type of bread) ; dairy products (cheese milk etc), and peanuts (boiled , fried etc), this is in my observation for the last 25 years.

Now let me say my disclaimer before anyone tries what I found to be effective for me - using the stuff that I will suggest shortly does not guarantee 100% success; that the long term effects of using such chemicals/antiseptic will not lead to bigger problems in the future.


1. When you're done eating (breakfast;lunch etc) - do your normal brushing , add some flossing if you want.
2. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and about 1/8 cup of water (sorry did not do precise measurements). Gargle with this solution for about 5 minutes. You may drink a glass of water to remove some of the taste.
3. Mix 1 part (10 volumes) hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts hexetedine (not going to mention what brand i used but I think this stuff goes by one name in my country).
Try to gargle with this solution as long as you can (5 minutes is fine I think, but I do like 10 minutes till the stuff gets overcome by my mucus) , you can do seconds if you want. The hexetidine will NOT work by itself , tried that so it's essential that you mix this up with peroxide! The amount of mix that I usually use is about 1/3 cap full of a big Listerine jug.

In my case, i didn't have to hawk or anything , my tonsil stones came out on their own . Some got dislodged after a big yawn (the natural one, but you can try simulating a yawn, careful though you might dislocate your TMJ).

Well that's it, hope this works for you but let me again mention that I am not aware of the potential side effects of this cocktail . I can probably give you an update from time to time if anything bad develops but I sincerely hope not. Good luck friends!