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Advice: Doctor or Dentist?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:43 pm
by untouchable05
Hello everyone,

Like mentioned in my first post, I have suffered from bad breath since I was a teenager and I am now 22 and leaving to finish college in a month. I simply cannot take it anymore and it is ruining my life, I am too embarrassed to discuss it with any dentist since most dental assistants are my age and sometimes even people I went to school with. (they never leave the dentists side and it is really annoying) I had a cleaning a few months back and according to the hygienist I have perfect teeth and she saw no signs of any gum disease and saliva flows well (according to her standard tests before a cleaning). I have tried everything on the market, I scrape my tongue and floss everyday which I know you guys understand because you do the same to get rid of this burden!!

Now onto my real question, since I've tried so many things for my mouth to get rid of oral bacteria, would
you guys assume the smells comes from something else? I am a college student paying tuition and I would prefer to spend my money on a doctor, if a dentist is not needed.

Relevant info:

- When I was 11-13, I was kind of a rebel child and would barely brush my teeth. (I know, I know so gross!!!) but is it possible I could still be seeing effects from that?
- Was given tonsil stones antibiotics and treatment 3 weeks ago (BB was not cured) is it possible I need a tonsillectomy? (I can't see my tonsil stones but I have spat some out before I was given treatment)

Thank you for any advice!!