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Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Talks about bad breath products, if they work, if they are useless.....etc.
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Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

It's not really a 'product' but it does cost time and money...

I went to see a dietitian today and I am now beginning a strict elimination diet for the next 6 weeks.

I have already given up gluten and that will continue for a minimum of 11 months.

I have also reduced my dairy - which I am eliminating as of tomorrow also.

I will see my dietitian again in 3 weeks, I am not sure what to expect - in fact she said my symptoms will likely get worse.

But by 6 weeks there should be a marked improvement. I will keep everyone updated, I hope this is my personal cure - or really, my guide to finally managing my goddamn bb.

[-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o<

I am not going to get any blood tests for sensitivity at this point, there is too much conflicting material on whether or not it's helpful, so I'm doing it the 'hard' way.

These are the only things I am allowed to eat for the next 6 weeks, if I have trouble I can call my dietitian up for help.

Pears - Bartlett, Packham, Bosc or William (not Nashi or any strong flavoured ones)
Canned or fresh is ok

Rice - all types - but I eat brown but my dietitian wanted me to get some with added Quinoa, so I did.
Potato - white, peeled
Iceberg lettuce
bamboo shoots
beans - french, butter, string or snake
bean shoots
Brussels sprouts
Mungbean sprouts
Chicken (no skin)
beef (only fresh)
White fish - bream, flathead, Ling, perch, snapper, whiting
sea scallops
natural oysters
bean mixes - 3 bean, 4 bean, 5 bean
black eye beans
berlotti beans
butter beans
canellini beans
chick peas
haricot beans
lentils - brown, yellow
lima beans
red kidney beans
soup mix (lentils and beans together)
soya beans
split peas green or yellow
white beans
Raw cashews
poppy seeds
salt - all types
bi-carb soda
cream of tartar
gelatin powder
carob powder
canola oil
rice bran oil
safflower oil
sunflower oil
Rice milk
decaffinated coffee

That's it, the whole list. 6 weeks starting today... some of that stuff I don't even like.

Anyway, it's there if you also want to try it. If I don't get results my dietitian will help me figure out which of the allowed foods is still giving me trouble.

I also need to keep a diary about what I eat, at what time, and if I get any reactions at all.

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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by fog »

Did you start the diet, and did you get a list of recepies?

I wonder why they excluded olive oil, tomatos, onion, garlic, cucumber, paprika, mushrooms..
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

I have a handbook called The Elimination Diet handbook.
It is published by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Allergy Unit here in Australia.

I am on the strictest diet as outlined in that handbook.

It has meal plans and ideas but no actual recipes.
My dietitian mentioned a few sources for recipes, but I wasn't listening - I rarely cook and have no interest in starting.

This diet is hard.

I am on day 2 only, I have 40 days to go and then if my bb is gone I will start the process of introducing foods back to see which is causing the problem.

If my bb remains I will need to eliminate more from my diet. I am hoping this isn't the case.

I've always suspected my diet was the culprit.

I feel fairly confident that this is my answer as long as I am faithful to the restrictions.

But elimination diets are no joke and it's absolutely not easy - my dietitian said my bb will likely get much worse before it clears up. I'm glad she said that because otherwise I probably would have just quit at that point and gone back to being depressed.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by Dead »

No fruits allowed? So the idea is that your bb is caused by food allergies? Has your dietitian treated people with bb this way before?
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

I can only eat what I’ve listed.

She has never treated halitosis, this symptom is quite rare and most people don’t bother to get professional elimination diet help, making the chances even rarer still.

But, she is not treating me anyway. I am. She is just an educated support person.

No one should do this alone, it’s too important and crazy hard.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

For dead, The only fruit I’m allowed are pears. The very first food I list is pears.

For variety I buy puréed baby food pears, tinned/ sliced pears and fresh whole pears.

It’s stone fruit season here and Australia has the best fruit imaginable... but for me it’s only pear season. lol
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by pepper234 »

WhiteCat wrote:For dead, The only fruit I’m allowed are pears. The very first food I list is pears.

For variety I buy puréed baby food pears, tinned/ sliced pears and fresh whole pears.

It’s stone fruit season here and Australia has the best fruit imaginable... but for me it’s only pear season. lol
All the best whitecat, and keep us updated! Hope you stick to your diet well.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

I’m having success with this diet, I have cravings for chocolate and I dream about food every night.

I actually dream about eating food that I’m not allowed and it seems so real!

Anyway, I had a few fillets of whiting for dinner with a sprinkle of white vinegar and it had an instant negative effect on my breath.

White vinegar makes me react, and it’s actually not allowed on my elimination diet (the allergy one) because it’s high in chemicals.

I’m getting desperate for a real dessert, I’ve exhausted all my usual options and need to search for something new.

It sucks that I can’t have sugar... this is hard, but worth it.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by Dead »

Hey WhiteCat how's the diet going, any changes? Is this a fodmap diet? Are you trying to starve your gut bacteria? I'm kind of surprised beans are on your allowed list. They feed gut bacteria a lot. I know when i tried the fodmap diet i couldn't eat them. Or are you cutting out foods which are allergenic? Btw are you still planning on doing the oral flora transplant?
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

Dead wrote:Hey WhiteCat how's the diet going, any changes? Is this a fodmap diet? Are you trying to starve your gut bacteria? I'm kind of surprised beans are on your allowed list. They feed gut bacteria a lot. I know when i tried the fodmap diet i couldn't eat them. Or are you cutting out foods which are allergenic? Btw are you still planning on doing the oral flora transplant?
At this point the oral microbial transplant is off.

It’s a combination of FODMAP and allergy diet.

But really allergy diet, any FODMAP restrictions haven’t been discussed with my dietitian, I’ve only journaled them.

I’m not trying to starve any bacteria, I’m trying to figure out what food is triggering my symptoms.

It’s very hard. I’m having insane cravings and I accidentally had a set back when I had less than 10ml of white vinegar, I still stink from that and I was making amazing headway before that.

A good lesson because Vinegar is not allowed on my allergy diet, I should have been avoiding it anyway, I wasn’t careful enough. D’oh.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by Dead »

WhiteCat wrote:
Dead wrote:Hey WhiteCat how's the diet going, any changes? Is this a fodmap diet? Are you trying to starve your gut bacteria? I'm kind of surprised beans are on your allowed list. They feed gut bacteria a lot. I know when i tried the fodmap diet i couldn't eat them. Or are you cutting out foods which are allergenic? Btw are you still planning on doing the oral flora transplant?
At this point the oral microbial transplant is off.

It’s a combination of FODMAP and allergy diet.

But really allergy diet, any FODMAP restrictions haven’t been discussed with my dietitian, I’ve only journaled them.

I’m not trying to starve any bacteria, I’m trying to figure out what food is triggering my symptoms.

It’s very hard. I’m having insane cravings and I accidentally had a set back when I had less than 10ml of white vinegar, I still stink from that and I was making amazing headway before that.

A good lesson because Vinegar is not allowed on my allergy diet, I should have been avoiding it anyway, I wasn’t careful enough. D’oh.
So the transplant is off, i see.

I'm sure it's very hard. One day i'm planning to give it another shot.

Keep it up and stay strong.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

Dead wrote: So the transplant is off, i see.
Yes, while I was waiting for holidays and the chance to do it I decided to change my diet.

I think it’s working, so I am happy.

I really wasn’t looking forward to doing that gross transplant. Ewww.
Also, my husband gets holes in his teeth and I don’t so that could have been bad.

Are you disappointed that I’m not doing it?
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by winter »

How long does it take to "starve off" the bacteria? Didn't a few people said water detox doesn't work for them?
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by WhiteCat »

winter wrote:How long does it take to "starve off" the bacteria? Didn't a few people said water detox doesn't work for them?
I wouldn’t use the term ‘starve off bacteria’

The term is more like ‘see improvement in symptoms’

I can’t speak for the water detox people, I’ve read those posts too but I don’t know how they were testing their breath or if they were truly having only water.

I know my dietitian said my symptoms would WORSEN, before they cleared up.

The standard timeframe for an elimination diet is 6 weeks.

Did the water people really only have water and nothing else for 6 weeks?

Seems highly unlikely.
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Re: Supervised Elimination Diet... list of allowed foods

Post by Dead »

WhiteCat wrote: Are you disappointed that I’m not doing it?
Kind of yes. Because if it turned out to work it would be like a miracle for us bb sufferers, to find such an easy fix for this condition.
But i understand that you don't want to. Maybe in the future one of us will do it. Then we will see...
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