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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:03 pm
by nivek10
I’m 16 in high school I use to get straight A’s but because of the constant fear of bad breath my grades/attendance has suffered. I’ve lost all motivation to wake up for school knowing that I’ll have to suffer throughout the day. I don’t know what to do anymore I’ve asked Family/Friends if my breath smelled bad and they all said no, but I knew they were lying to me. I’ve asked my parents to enroll me into online school but they disagreed thinking I would be playing video games all day. Help I really don’t know what to do anymore.

Re: Help

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:00 pm
by letsgetcured
Being that you are not an adult and can't really make decisions on your own, you NEED to get your parents on board with your situation and be 100% honest with them. Tell them that this is really affecting your mental state as it has led you to depression. They need to understand how serious this is. It's so hard for people to "get it" because everyone thinks that all we need to do is to brush your teeth and chew gum.

Its either A) you have bad breath or B) you have halitophobia (you dont have bad breath but you are convinced that you do regardless of what people tell you). Either way, you need to see a medical professional. It could be a cavity, tonsil stones, wisdom teeth, post nasal drip, rhinitis etc etc.. but you need your parents to understand how this is affecting you so they can take you seriously and not brush you off their shoulders

Hopefully, while you figure things out, they let you be home-schooled. I wish you the best and always remember if they're not being supportive, you have us here! Good luck.

Re: Help

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:57 am
by nivek10
How would I approach about this topic? I’ve kind of told my Aunt (Mom figure) about it, but she just said I don’t smell bad and I would have to go to school regardless because I miss out on the social aspect of school. She’s the only person that would understand in my family but she doesn’t want me bothering her anymore :(. It’s not tonsil stones as I’ve already had my tonsils removed. It’s nothing dental related my teeth are in great condition according to a dentist. Those are the only things I’ve ruled out. Although when I do lick my wrist it smells sour all the time. I try and mask the smell but nothing works. Also my dad wouldn’t understand because 1. English is not his first language. 2. He always sees me playing games and would automatically go back to thinking I’m trying to get away from school to play all day.

Re: Help

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:06 am
by nivek10
So my dad just confiscated my computer. It’s not the end of the world but playing video games let’s me escape reality it’s the only reason why I go to school sometimes so I can come back home and play. I’m really suicidal especially right now idk what to do

Re: Help

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:37 am
by nivek10
I’m really contemplating on s*****e

Re: Help

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:57 am
by Ricky
Hello nivek10

Dont worry nivek. You are not alone in this. We all suffer suicidal before. But this will do no good. So cheer up.

You know what? I just had a weird idea. I suggest that you let your aunt look at this website if she have time. Tell her that i want to give this message to her:

Hello Aunt of Nivek!

I am Ricky. Although this is just my username, i want to speak in behalf of all the members of this website. I want you to know that all the members of this forum are suffering from a debilitating disease. All of us here are suffering from "halitosis" or what you call bad breath.

This disease has somehow destroyed our social life. We get a lot of awful reactions from people. We are being mocked.

For years we have been searching for cures. We have visited plenty of doctors. We have tried different food supplements but they are of no help. We have spent fortunes trying to figure out the answers. This has caused us into depression, which i include myself.

As you see, your child who goes by the username nivek10 is a member of this forum. He too is suffering from halitosis. And i do ask you dear Aunt to be understanding to him. This is a serious condition.

You can read other posts and see their experiences.

This is all i could say dear aunt of novick.

Take care and keep healthy.


Well novick i hope this will work

Re: Help

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:57 pm
by CherreBelle
I feel deeply sorry for those of you experiencing this battle as teenagers. I'm 31 and can't begin to conceive the hell you must be experiencing, with peers and parents who ignore your pleas for help. But Nivek10 please do not harm yourself in anyway. You don't deserve this experience, none of us do but there are people who cure this. God I hope the people in your life wake the f--k up before this goes too far.

People are so stupid about this problem. Some can't smell anything so they think you're exaggerating or crazy, others think you're filthy and don't brush. I'm a grown woman, my own family attempted to humiliate me this thanksgiving but I'm so immune to any type of ridicule now that I don't care what the next person says anymore. I've pumped thousands of dollars into ridding myself of bad breath. And I will continue to until the problem is cured.

Dry juicing right now. That has had the biggest overall impact on the smell of my breath. Do not have any dairy or sugar. My son is two and his breath smells completely putrid after a cup of Milk. Dry brushing with baking soda. I mix baking soda and oil of oregano on my toothbrush. It's pretty effective but has to be repeated regularly. I've been taking Candida cleanse pills for a week now as well. Keep fighting friend DO NOT GIVE UP!