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Solution for Bad Breath

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:26 am
by nikil_j
Hi guys,

There is a Yoga called "Sheetali", which is effective for bad breath.

How to perform Shitali Pranayama (sheetali Pranayama Steps)

* Set comfortably in any meditative pose like Padmasana, Swastikasana e.t.c.
*Keep your both hands on knees.
*Now bring your tongue all the way out and fold both sides of tongue like a tube or straw.
*Take a long, deep inhalation through the tube in the tongue which is formed by folding the both sides of tongue.
*After Inhalation close your mouth and exhale with both nostrils.
*Repeat this about 8 to 10 times.

Benefits of Sheetali Pranayama

*Sheetali Pranayama is useful in diseases which related to tongue, mouth and throat.
*It is very beneficial in diseases of spleen.
*Helpful in fever and indigestion.
*Controls the High B.P.
*Useful in Pitta related diseases.
*It purifies the blood.
*Best for cooling down the body temperature.
*Best for fighting against the Insomnia problem.
*It calms the mind, and it’s a effective stress buster.
*If our mind is calm we can easily deal with anger and anxiety.
*Effective in hyperacidity.