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My story

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:52 pm
by lolla123
Hi all, I wanted to say I came across this forum after hours and hours of researching about B.B. and as bad as I sound I felt instantly relieved to find people struggling with the same ‘diaseade’ As myself. I read about some stories and honestly teared up at some, this is making lives hell it’s incredible the lack of information and cures we get (or better yet don’t get) from doctors and dentists! I wanted to share my story, I am only 19, I don’t exactly remember the first time I noticed my bb but it was sometime around 16 I knew because I noticed people would step back from me and instantly felt self conscious even though I technically had no proof of chronic BB. However it became clear I did when my ex best friend explicitly told me my breath “stinks like poo” I already was self conscious and now I had proof that my breath was indeed not fresh. This was a couple of years ago and i’m Thankful that not many people mention it to me but I can just see it in their reactions... I was speaking close to my younger cousin (she is 10) and all of a sudden the excruciating words “smells like poo poo” and guess what... only just brushed my teeth... you can imagine how I felt... the last time i had a remark about my hygiene was with my friend, we were in my car and I can’t really remember how the subject came up but she apologetically said I “sometimes smell” she didn’t outright mention my breath smelled but I assumed that’s what she meant and honestly I feel lucky that so far people don’t really sniff much around me or turn their heads to the side, I don’t think my breath can be smelled from miles away or can fill a room but it gets to me how I can’t have a close conversation with someone.. how I can’f Have romantic relationships, the gum offering the thought of it always being there wherever I go whatever I try... it’s only the last couple of months that it really is killing my self esteem I truly don’t know what to do anymore. I have tried going to the dentis and paid £47... for nothing! My dentist quickly (tremendously quickly) checked my mouth and said nope your teeth and gums are all good. I didn’t suspect it was a gum issue anyway as my oral hygiene is pretty good i’d Say I mean I make sure to brush my tongue and teeth at least twice a day for the full 2 mins and whenever I floss I don’t smell anything... I was thinking that my issue could be to do with either post nasal drip or acid refill as I get the following:
Constant dry mouth even after drinking the whole day
Occasional bad/sour taste
Lump in my throat
Constant throat clearing because it somehow seems that whenever I swallow my saliva just doesn’t Go through ? (I know it’s weird but if someone else has this please reply with your thoughts?)
sometimes can get a weird feeling like something is coming up from my stomach through my esophagus but only occasionally and pretty sure I experienced less than fresh breath on the days it didn’t happen.
Guys I am desperate, this is taking a toll on my life people have no idea how much this problem truly affects a person until they have experienced it themselves and I honestly wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy... what I am doing at the moment:
Nasal irrigation (occasionally)
Tried taking acid tablets as my dad was prescribed them, don’t know if it’s worth mentioning as I don’t think bb is hereditary but my dad also suffered from very bad breath strong fecal odor however it turned out he had a decayed tooth once he had it extracted I could no longer smell his breath however sometimes I can get a whiff of a somehow decal odor but it definitely isn’t as strong as it was before and it itsn’t all the time, back to the tablets don’t think they made a difference
Only started taking high doses of vitamin C 1000mg twice daily - my cousin said it smelled of “poo poo” just after taking one... I do have to say might not be accurate as I had vaped a few minutes before but again wouldn’t my breath smell like the vape rather than “poo”?
So.. this is my story, I hope we can work together and find a cure... thank you for reading this if you actually got here... much love and blessings to all.

Re: My story

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:27 am
by Mercedes
Hey man you are welcome.
There are a lot of things wich you can do to see what cause it.
-Candida test from tongue and feces
-nose ct scan
- stomach endoscopy
-intestinal endoscopy
-addominal ct scan
Speak with your doctor.
Also read my thread,good luck