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I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:05 pm
by Foxro
Hi guys, some of you may have already seen my previous posts, but anways, I'm a 17 year old senior in highschool dealing with fecal/sulphur nasal odor and bad breath. I have become so antisocial because of this curse and I cant be myself anymore. I have completely stopped talking to all of my friends and I don't even talk to my teachers anymore. I missed about 27 days of school already because I was so upset about going to school and having to listen and see people react to my smell. My grades have been suffering from this too because I kept missing lessons and I cant get help with my work because I refuse to talk to my teachers so that they don't have to smell my fecal breath too, the nasal fecal smell is bad enough. The nasal smell got so bad one day that one of my teachers had to hold her breathe when she was near me. I felt so horrible from that. Some of my teachers have asked me if everything was ok, because I was missing so much school and my grades were really low, which isnt the normal me, I usually have mid to high 90s in all my classes. I just tell them that everything is fine because I'm too embarrassed to tell them that I'm acting this way because I smell. One of my friends at my school keeps sitting next to me even though I want to be alone and isolate myself from people. He, and everyone else, knows that I smelI bad, but he keeps sitting next to me. Then he starts reacting to the smell and making loud sniff noises and covering his face and it really pisses me off. I don't know if he's trying to be nice by sitting next to me when nobody else does or what. I feel like I'll never cure my problem and never get a girlfriend or even a wife and kids. I don't want to attend college if I still have this problem because then I'll just be skipping college and getting bad grades because of my bad breath and nasal odor. My family doesnt know about my problem either because they cant smell it when I'm at home, they think I'm just being a slacker at school. I just need advice with how to deal with this problem.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:16 pm
by Saafir99
Hi, what you have done to improve your condition. I think you get your tonsil checked and wisdom teeth first.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:19 pm
by Saafir99
Dont give up brother !

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:19 pm
by Saafir99
One day you will not have this problem please try to find the root of the problem

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:34 pm
by nivek10
I feel ya. I’m in high school also but as a sophomore. You really need to eliminate possible causes of bad breath/nose breath. It’s important you keep your grades up and attendance, because I’ve found when I missed school I get depressed and sad. Anyways good luck.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:55 am
by Hugo
Hey bro. Listen, I went through the same as you man. Not only me but most of us. School was hell. But guess what. I managed to go University. Yeah that was hell also. But I wouldn't change it for the world.
I kept a small group of friends but they were loyal. Sure they made nasty comments, laughed, joked. But I dealt with it by thinking what would I do if I was in their place. It was easier to forgive.
What I'm trying to say is you never know what's around the corner. You don't know how many blessing are written for us tomorrow. If you give up today you'll never taste the sweetness of those blessing.
You have to try and stop missing school. Get a good cleaning routine. Have clean clothes on get fit. Look and feel good. If you still smell after that then F it. You've done your best. Keep going.
I have and had horrendous breath. Married with kids now. Don't ask me how! Live it.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:30 pm
by Geoffrey
Hugo that was honestly so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you so much!

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:02 am
by Gingin
Dear Foxro. My heart is aching for you. I think I can offer some help. Wasn’t ready to post this online because I haven’t done it for long enough but I thought I would share with you and you can do with it as you like. I am 52 and have had bb for 20 plus years. It’s been a nightmare and a very expensive one as I have tried many many treatments and with no helps. But here are a few steps I’ve taken recently that - I believe - cumulatively are producing good results:
Gluten free, sugar free for years
Gave up nuts :( which I love
Stopped drinking alcohol 3 mos ago
Stopped eating starchy foods (all rice, all grains, gluten free bread, anything fermented, soy products, condiments and pretty much everything )2 wks ago (began to see a marked decrease in bb)
Began drinking the juice of one fresh lemon in the morning on empty stomach - 2 weeks ago
Gradually Going raw (eating just fresh fruits, salads and a little piece of chicken breast or fish filet at night until my body adjusts)
If you can get yourself to a point where you’re living on fresh fruits (mostly) and veggies (small extent) you will cleanse your body, yiur kidneys will filter, your lymph will flow freely and eliminate properly. It’s NOT easy and there are serious die off symptoms but it can be done. Look up videos by Dr Robert Morse and also symptoms of healing crisis so you’re fully prepared and know what to expect. As for me, to be able to talk to people without the shame is such a relief. I’m not healed yet but I think I’m in the right track. will pray for your healing no matter what route you take. Please hang in and never give up.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:23 pm
by deedee8
I'm in a similar place as you. I've made every excuse as to why it was happening. I even moved out of the state, thinking it was my allergies acting up. Then when I moved from NY to CA, I noticed the same reactions from people, but even worse. People hold their breathe by my, try to get away from me as fast as possible. Make loud sniff and coughs every time they pass my desk.

My dentist and doctor in NY said they didn't smell anything, yet I was able to record my co-workers on my iphone talking about how the air around me was terrible. The mixed signals between doctors and actual reactions were making me terribly depressed.

Now that I'm experiencing the same issues in CA. I went to an ENT, to see if it was my sinuses. He said he didn't smell anything, meanwhile when I was in the waiting room, the receptionist kept sniffing and even opened the front door to air out the office. I went to a GP and he wanted to focus on my blood pressure and heart rate, because at this point my anxiety (and depression, is at an all time high). He never acknowledged the smell, just wanted to try to get me to relax. I finally went to a new dentist here in CA and THEY WERE THE FIRST TO ACKNOWLEDGE that I have a bad odor coming from me!

It definately is bitter sweet, because you hope that maybe it's all in your head. On the same token the reactions of people vs what the professionals are saying, can REALLY make you depressed.

Back to the dentist. Apparently I have gum disease. Plaque build up, over long periods, can cause horrendous odors. I have an appointment next week for a deep cleaning, and a misplaced cap replacement (apparently its trapping bacteria). They told me to switch my regular toothbrush for an electric one (Oral B or Phillips) .The most interesting thing this dentist told me was that they were going to do a DNA swab of my mouth, to see what type of bacteria I have in my mouth so they can treat it accordingly! No one has ever mentioned that, I'm so excited for the possibilities, because although I have had bad breathe and sinusitis, I've been dealing with this fecal smell for about a year, and it's nearly destroyed everything I've worked so had to build. My confidence is at an all time low and my energy has been even lower.

I love that we have this blog to post and see what works and what doesn't. The other thing I do is the nettypod, where I rinse my sinuses. It's a lot of work accompanied with disappointment and a lot of trial and error. My one good thing that makes me super hopeful, is for one, I had a professional acknowledge my symptoms and two, when I asked if they could help, they said yes, but it will take some diligent work on my part, as well as time to get it under control. Needless to say my I'm hopeful to get this nightmare under control and help as many people as I can, find what works for them. For what ever reason, we're all experiencing this on different levels, but with the same outcome.. depression! I'm here if anyone wants to talk, or needs support! Wishing everyone success and possibilities!

I will definately keep you posted! My appointment is Wednesday.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:32 am
by rinitico
I think you might take it step by step. Remember all these past years you have go through school with good grades, you don't want that going in to the garbage. In a couple of months you'll end your school and probably never see anymore many of those people who judge you. By other side, you need to take an active role in your health, start trying different paths, and at least feel that you're putting a 200% of yourself in finding a solution. Others can judge you, but, it gives a little peace to know that you are putting all of yourself to get out of this. If we not get to see the sun, at least we can said that we tried and we where on the road. Instead of being stand on the dark. I just finished my university, it was a really hard time and now i'm a little isolated, but i can say i'm an architect, i can say that i achieved that by myself instead on standing these past years doing nothing. I'll keep this isolation a couple months more in order to try different diets, and then get a work, live a hell with my coworkers, and continue my path in life.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:49 am
by strugglingpotato
Hi, Foxro. I am also 17, incoming college. I know, high school was very tough but I am also proud for hanging in there. There were a lot of people I hear talking mean about me but I didn't really care. Well, of course, sometimes it affects me, it hurts me but I don't show them. I am quiet and became more as I struggle from this. It changed me in many ways that it became a hinder to me. Sometimes I imagine my life without this, things could have been better..but I had this, life must go on.

I don't really know anymore. I just want to make money and help myself cured. I am doing a lot searching and I have so many ideas to try but things are just expensive for me as a student and I do not come from a rich fam.
I have a severe bb from mouth and nasal. I haven't read symptoms like this to any threads here but, when I am eating, my surrounding smells like poop or fart. It seems like it's coming from nose because when we eat, we swallow and then air emits from our nose. PLEASE let me know, guys, if you have this also. And please, if you have any idea what is this, let me know too.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:44 am
by strugglingpotato
So you are saying we all have the same root of the problem and have the same treatment for all?

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:32 am
by Hugo
Ignore that "Tim". Scam!

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:09 am
by rinitico
Give me a proof that someone get 'cured' with your methods. Or at least talk a little more about that suplements. Until that you're trying to get money from us, just by telling a story. In my case i don't remember getting a blood transmission. And according to your theory bad breath is contagious, and that's total fake. We're struggling enough with this shit, to be scammed from some stranger.

Re: I need advice on how to deal with my depression and anger cause by my fecal nasal odor and bb

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 9:11 pm
by deedee8
UPDATE: I went to the dentist, had a deep cleaning, cap replaced and a root canal. After paying astronomically, I didn't have the money for the "DNA" test, because they only offer in a larger package that I couldn't afford. Long story short, there was no difference in my fecal smell after all that dental work.

I did however go to a new ENT, he put a scope up my nose and down my throat and confirmed I had both an "unpleasant smell" and minimal puss in my sinus cavity. He went on to explain that he did see that my throat was raw and that I had reflux. I'm now going to a gastrologist as my ENT feels that the gases in my stomach is escaping through my esophagus, which would be equivalent to passing gas :-( I'm getting an endoscopy done, to see if this is true and to hopefully find a new remedy. The funny thing is extreme acid reflux causes bad breathe, foul odors and gum disease (after looking it up online). I will keep you posted, as I am steadily searching for a cure and want to share with you all the route that I'm taking.

I also want to share a story that a friend of mine in Florida told me about her husband. Out of no where he started having a very foul smell (he couldn't smell it, like most of us). She said it progressively got worse, filling an entire room, to the point that she went to an ENT, when they scoped him he had dried puss, blood and scabs a huge block that was blocking his sinus cavity. They actually pulled it out (after almost an hour, very painfully and slowly removing it). However, after that, he was cured.

Process of elimination, unfortunately that is not my cause of the odor, but could possibly be for some of you! Good luck and I'll keep you posted!