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Dr Paulose from India

Anger management part of the forum :), where you can express anger, sadness, sorrow etc.
Posts: 156
Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:34 pm

Re: Dr Paulose from India

Post by sopo »

Will Dr Paulose himself attend the patient or will his junior doc's test us first. Recently when I went to ENT I had to explain my condition to many people. It was like a ladder, I had to get through junior doc's before reaching the main doc. And will we get privacy while talking to him? I don't want room full of nurse abs other staff while talking about my problem. Thanks

Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:53 am

Re: Dr Paulose from India

Post by janet »

hi sopo ,

you need to take appointment with him like which day you go to meet. also he will test you first personally. one nurse will b there but he will test you not nurse. based on your test he will write for further check ups like ct scan, blood check up etc which will do other staff in hospital. be free to explain him what you face. don't worry that nurse is there . becoz its coman problem . take care.
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