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Gut Health

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 159
Joined: Wed May 17, 2017 6:55 pm

Gut Health

Post by jo317 »

Hi everyone! I am actually going to be taking a break from the site for a bit, but wanted to check in with you all about my future plans for eradicating this problem.

I've decided I'm pretty certain my bb stems from my digestion and gut health.. or lack of health. The chronic bb started some time after I had my tonsils removed. They were inflamed and swollen before being removed, and I took antibiotics before AND after the surgery. After that I went through a really stressful experience and I believe that stress negatively affected my gut even more. That is when i started to experience a chronic white tongue, bad taste, mucus globs in the throat, PND, etc. I really think this is all connected to bacterial overgrowth in my intestines, and acid reflux. I now realize, after lots of research that there is no easy quick solution to this problem and it will take a lot of time and self control to heal my body. I am changing my diet, trying to eliminate stress from my life, and repopulate my intestines with good bacteria. I have been taking "probiotic shots" at least 2 times per day, minimizing my amount of carbs/sugars, eating gut healthy foods, drinking more water etc.

As much as this site as helped me, it also brings a lot of stress and self-hatred into my life. Reading everyones stories has given me a lot of extra anxiety and has me convinced I have nasal odor (which I never thought of before). The reading, researching and the dooming feeling of being stuck with this horrible horrible condition has been taking over my life.

In this moment I am really optimistic that healing my body from the inside, instead of focusing on scrubbing my tongue, lymph nodes and gums, will be my cure. I gonna check out for a bit, but will be back later with updates. Love you all.

Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:42 pm

Re: Gut Health

Post by Sue2018 »

Wish you all the best. Please keep us updated

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