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Reflux and hernia surgery?

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Reflux and hernia surgery?

Post by millionyearsago »

Hello everyone before I begin,
these are my symptoms and things I’ve tried.

- Bad Breath (rotten egg, cheese-like smell)
- White tongue
- Feeling of something stuck in my throat
- Sore throat/ Ear Pain
- Tonsil Stones (seem to go away by keeping my sinuses clean)
- Colds have been very common for about a year now
-Swollen tastebuds
- Belching and bloating (although I believe I have gotten the bloating under control)

Things I have tried
- I follow a strict vegan diet
- Followed a strict candida diet for 6 months
- Oral probiotics, stomach probiotics, chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, antifungals like oregano oil
- Amoxicillin for tonsil stones
- Neil Med Sinus Rinse
- Flucanozole and nystatin for white tongue fungus
- H-Pylori treatment twice (Both stomach samples and stool test show I am H-Pylori negative now)
- Endoscopy showed no signs of any other ulcers, harmful bacteria or even GERD. (My only other option would be to test for LPR)
- Nasal Spray treatment for two weeks (still on going and so far I can breathe better but thats about it)

I recently returned to my dr after my endoscopy and he said he found a “very very small” hiatal hernia which that requires “no action.” Dr seem to be professionals at making it seem like we are fine but I don’t think we are. Does anyone think having an LPR or hiatal hernia surgery will do any good? I was given a high dose of pantoprazole (40 mg twice a day) - so far not a difference medication does nothing for me. I plan on going back in a month and have my acid levels tested and depending on the results push for surgery - does anyone think this might be a good idea? thank you in advanced

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Re: Reflux and hernia surgery?

Post by Babygirll »

Hello. It seems like you need to take out your tonsils through tonsillectomy.
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