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Do you guys sport?

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Do you guys sport?

Post by Patiencee »

I was woundering, how active do you guys are? Do you do some kind of sport? Are you really active to sweat the toxicness out of your body?

I started this week to walk every day 2 to 3 miles to see if this, also will help. I'm not fat, I'm only 154 pound.

I drank cola/soda for 6 years straight. I am 2 years free from that, thank God. I thought it wasn't bad, because my doctor at that time told me: it doesn't harm me. Liquid is liquid, I only need to stay hydrated. Now. I'm verry upset with her advice. I didn't knew better, that's why I asked her.

I am still searching for the solution, I refuse to give up. I am 2 years searching and changing my diet to find the right diet.