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BB and airplanes dont mix...

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:34 pm
by HappyDays
Hi brothers and sisters,

I call you guys brothers and sisters because although we've never met, we have too much in common. Well I'll save the introductions for later but I have a real problem that I would like assistance with.

I will be traveling via airplane for the first time since my chronic bb has truly become fecal. It surrounds me about 3 meters now. As far as I know, a few weeks ago I was not getting the reactions that I get now. BB comes from my nose mostly since I always have my mouth shut. Only thing that really changed was I stopped using Listerine and crest total and switched to Oxyfresh toothpaste and rinse while also using Biotene rinse for dry mouth. Mouth feels wonderfully clean. I have tung and it works great. I started vitamin C approx 2000mg a day and rinse with sea salt and have used the Xlear for sinus and pnd relief just a few days. Dental hygiene is great. I think its sinus issue or stomach as digestive isnt that great. My bb is now 10/10 as far as I am concerned.

Now to the issue:

I will be in an airplane for 5 hours and with God's grace, I will find assistance here with coming up with a plan that will give me a few hours of relief and with the airplane bathroom, I can redo the regiment half way thru the trip or as often as I might need. Any and all suggestions are needed desperately as any confined area gives me anxiety ( only within the last few weeks since now I get reactions. My breath has always been bad but I never received even one reaction, maybe the occasional nose touch, but now I see my affect in front and back. My father has very bad breath but his teeth are perfect and my youngest daughter has pnd and dry mouth which is getting me nervous for her which is additional motivation to become more educated. BB is not hereditary, but I think with the fact that all three of us have so many alike symptoms, I know there is a connection somewhere.

I have an appt with an ENT to really get down to the cause since I know that all of the products do nothing really for the true cause but til then which will be right after I return I need help big time. BTW, you guys this site is very informative.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:40 pm
by succ
Oh shit :/ I can't do much more than just wish you good luck and wish that your ent appointment will reveal something that can be cured. Have you tried different kinds of diets? No meat, no chocolate, mostly veggies etc.? I found some help from this.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:17 pm
by HappyDays
I am now on a no meat diet. Mostly oranges and apples and salads. Havent noticed any differences as a matter of fact, it seems that ever since I started taking vitamin c and got rid of my pnd and excess mucos, the BB is now spreading a larger area that my airways are clearer. Does this make sense? I feel so much better with my sinuses and mouth but the BB has gotten 10 times worst? It must be coming from my stomach/digestive system. I was in the store today and everywhere I went people were sneezing if I got within 5 meters. At least 15 people sneezed even when we were outside.

There must be a way to decrease the scent just a little. Are there any nose deoderizers or anyone think of how to filter the air from the nose maybe sticking something in a bit to keep the smell down. I am so desperate its ridiculous. One day I just had chronic bb and now it clears the store. HELP!

I am thinking about taking acidolophilus (sp) since I know its in the inside issue. Dentist says my hygiene is immaculate.

maybe start taking magnesium...Lord help me!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:19 pm
by HappyDays
Is there anyone in the US here that is willing to speak with me about this condition. Please pm me and I will give you me number to call. Must be a longtime member here.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:49 am
by Jimi Stein
HappyDays wrote:I am now on a no meat diet. Mostly oranges and apples and salads. Havent noticed any differences as a matter of fact, it seems that ever since I started taking vitamin c and got rid of my pnd and excess mucos, the BB is now spreading a larger area that my airways are clearer. Does this make sense? I feel so much better with my sinuses and mouth but the BB has gotten 10 times worst? It must be coming from my stomach/digestive system. I was in the store today and everywhere I went people were sneezing if I got within 5 meters. At least 15 people sneezed even when we were outside.

There must be a way to decrease the scent just a little. Are there any nose deoderizers or anyone think of how to filter the air from the nose maybe sticking something in a bit to keep the smell down. I am so desperate its ridiculous. One day I just had chronic bb and now it clears the store. HELP!

I am thinking about taking acidolophilus (sp) since I know its in the inside issue. Dentist says my hygiene is immaculate.

maybe start taking magnesium...Lord help me!
I suggest that you wait, because of healthier dietyour body is cleaning itself out, bb will be wosr for some time and than will reduce.

That is my experience. When I was on raw diet in was really bad and after 2 or 3 months went down and really reduced.

If you stick with raw diet you will be rid of bb, that happened to me but my will was not strong enough, I craved cooked food again so I went back .

My BB almost disapeared, ad was getting better and better. Suddenly all the "friends" started to visit me again and inviting me out and talk to me. Well you can see why.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:58 pm
by HappyDays
Thanks for the reply Jimi and great job with the site!

Right now I am on a strick lemon water, oranges, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon and a few raw vegetables diet. I also take baking soda, acidollipus (sp), vitamin c 3000mg and multivitamin. Can this be bad for me long term? I am taking a holistic approach to this from what I have picked up from here. Ph definitely seems to be a big factor as when I learned about it, I noticed that my diet has consisted of mostly pork and ice cream and other dairys for the last 3 months and thats when it became worst that I now see reactions casue its the most acidic foods. So when you say it may take a few months to get better it makes sense.

Thanks again Jimi and the rest of you guys.javascript:emoticon(':mrgreen:')
Mr. Green

Is there anything other than regular hygiene that you could recommend for cleaning my insides which is definitely the culprit for me which is the worst type. Maybe magnesium pills or nose drops like Therafresh to cover smell a bit? I am thinking about using Vicks vapor rub to cover which is very strong. just rub around the nose area a bit.

I am going to be here for a while as I want to help individuals as much as possible to ease the pain of this. One last thing, I smoke marijuana and have for a long time. Would completely quitting drastically improve my breath or since its really my insides that need to be cleaned, it wont make much difference. Can anyone comment on this from experience? Thanks in advance. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:19 am
by emotional rescue
Hi, i smoke pot sometimes too. And one of the few reasons of why i don´t do it more regullary is because it drys your mouth and give you very bad bb. The same thing with tabaco but in the case of pot is worst.

Even people that don´t have bb gets ocasionall bb when they smokes pot sometimes....

So, maybe you can do it before sleep or when you´re alone or get a good clean with a tung brush right after, and eat something to change the taste in your mouth....

but yeah, i really believe that if you smoke often....then if you quit your breath will improve drastically.....maybe you could try to quit for a few weeks and see what happens.....

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:05 am
by Jimi Stein
HappyDays wrote:Thanks for the reply Jimi and great job with the site!

Right now I am on a strick lemon water, oranges, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon and a few raw vegetables diet. I also take baking soda, acidollipus (sp), vitamin c 3000mg and multivitamin. Can this be bad for me long term? I am taking a holistic approach to this from what I have picked up from here. Ph definitely seems to be a big factor as when I learned about it, I noticed that my diet has consisted of mostly pork and ice cream and other dairys for the last 3 months and thats when it became worst that I now see reactions casue its the most acidic foods. So when you say it may take a few months to get better it makes sense.

Thanks again Jimi and the rest of you guys.javascript:emoticon(':mrgreen:')
Mr. Green

Is there anything other than regular hygiene that you could recommend for cleaning my insides which is definitely the culprit for me which is the worst type. Maybe magnesium pills or nose drops like Therafresh to cover smell a bit? I am thinking about using Vicks vapor rub to cover which is very strong. just rub around the nose area a bit.

I am going to be here for a while as I want to help individuals as much as possible to ease the pain of this. One last thing, I smoke marijuana and have for a long time. Would completely quitting drastically improve my breath or since its really my insides that need to be cleaned, it wont make much difference. Can anyone comment on this from experience? Thanks in advance. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I stopped because after few months my teeth were getting bad from all the acids, even if I brush right after fruit it got bad.

I recommend a lot of calcium, I mean you can eat raw milk, raw cheese and stuff like that.
I haven't tried but I got scared for my teeth so I stopped.

It apears that the body i not getting enough calcium from raw food. But other raw foodist sa they do not get any problem with teeth and that their teeth actualy improved

Do not go wil. Try to eat 30 % cooked 70 % raw.
I ate 6 day s raw and 1 day cooked. ANd the bb was disapearing slowly. But as I said I freaked out for my teeth.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:01 am
by elliott
wait. Are you traveling with strangers?

I'd say don't worry about it... you will never see the people again. Grab a pillow, lay your face towards it and go to sleep for the entire flight. You'll be sleep and won't notice anyone's reactions.

But don't cancel the trip because of your temporary emotions.

I have US jury duty next week, meaning I have to sit in a small room and deliberate with people around a table. I don't want to do it, because people will be exposed to ny BB... but I'm going to do what I have to do. At least you can avoid talking. Me... I'm in the worse situation, and I can't get out! You can't escape jury duty! #-o

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:43 pm
by HappyDays
emotional rescue wrote:Hi, i smoke pot sometimes too. And one of the few reasons of why i don´t do it more regullary is because it drys your mouth and give you very bad bb. The same thing with tabaco but in the case of pot is worst.

Even people that don´t have bb gets ocasionall bb when they smokes pot sometimes....

So, maybe you can do it before sleep or when you´re alone or get a good clean with a tung brush right after, and eat something to change the taste in your mouth....

but yeah, i really believe that if you smoke often....then if you quit your breath will improve drastically.....maybe you could try to quit for a few weeks and see what happens.....
FYI, ER, last night was my last taste of hydro for a longtime. its time to quit for my health. I expect to see a bit of a difference but dont know if there will be a signicant difference. Right now I am clearing 5 meters in all directions with my BB so I am doing whatever it takes to slow this and reverse the damage.

Brushing and keeping great hygiene
Quit smoking
High alkaline diet to rebalance ph - lemon water, cantaloupe mostly
Any other suggestion? I am thinking about nose irrigation...

Thinking about colon cleanse - Anyone see any benefit from this?
Parasite cleanse - Anyone ever try this to reduce bb deemed to not be oral or nasal?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:51 pm
by hopeful
I've completed both a 30 day parasite cleanse(Humaworm) and a one month colon cleanse(Bowtrol) and didn't notice any differences during and after. I've also tried the vit c(for over a month) and didn't notice a difference. I've taken spirulina and chlorella and everything remained the same. The only thing I never stuck with faithfully that I will try again is probiotics. I think if your bb stems from a digestive disturbance that probiotics can really help. Just make sure you get the good stuff.

Right now as I wait for my tests and an appointment to see a gastroenterologist, I'm rebuilding my body daily with a mullivitamin, chlorella, Omega 3, B100 complex and zinc. I lived in Asia for a few years and somewhere during that time is when my bb got really bad. I'm not sure if it was the pollution or the diet or just all the drinking I did but I have tried many things to reverse my situation. My congestion has gotten so much better since returning home(no pollution) and some of the things I was dealing with on top of the bb have also subsided substantially. Now I'm eating super healthly for the most part and hoping that taking care of myself will result in some improvements.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:58 pm
by HappyDays
Wow hopeful.

Have you had your sinuses checked? Where do you think the source of your smell orignates?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:00 pm
by HappyDays
What would you suggest I have ENT check at my appt today? I know its from the inside, possibly digestion issue or food stuck in throat or intestines. So much possibilites.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:53 pm
by emotional rescue
Cheq if you have tonsil stones, if you have them, then with an intervention you can improve your situation....

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:06 pm
by HappyDays
is there anyway for me to check for them. From what I can tell, I have never seen what is described as the little stones. i cough and hack all the time but have never ever seen anything close to one. I will have them check that today along with adenoids.