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Cleared for tonsillectomy

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Cleared for tonsillectomy

Post by millionyearsago »

Hello everyone,

So my ENT approved my tonsillectomy for next month and I can't help but wonder what if it's not my cure but at this point I think it is a risk I am willing to take. I get no relief from medications or any other products and when I lick my wrist I do detect a "funky" sulfur-like smell.

My symptoms are:
- bad breath
-Hoarse voice
-White tongue coating
- Tonsil stones (I can pick some occasionally but I gag pretty easily and also my tonsils bleed quite easily)
- Feeling of something stuck in my throat 24/7
- Also my ENT says the back of my throat seems to have moderate irritation (?) and he had no problem clearing me for my tonsillectomy and even though he cleared me for surgery he says it might not be the cure for my sore throat symptoms although I think he could be wrong.

Before those symptoms I would get bloated very easily and have acid reflux/LPR like symptoms but after 5+ exams to see if it is reflux or LPR, everything seemed to come out to be negative. My gastroenterologist prescribed me an antidepressant and said my bloating might be because of a "nervous stomach" well a few days into the medications, my bloating and symptoms disappeared. I am now about 3 months in taking this medication and I can say I can eat normal again without bloating symptoms. I get occasional gastritis but nothing major. But the symptoms in the list above have been persistent.

I've been tested for H-Pylori 2-3 times and it's negative.
My GI did find a minuscule hiatal hernia during an endoscopy but he said it is very very small and likely not to be the cause of my symptoms and I think he might've been right since I no longer have my gastro symptoms.

Any guesses on if a tonsillectomy is the way to go?

Thank you!