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Mega post - Update and suggestions

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Mega post - Update and suggestions

Post by knowbuddy »

I am having great success controlling the odour with the following:

A colon cleanse mixture of 1 tablespoon of food grade diatomaceous earth powder (or bentonite powder) and 1 tablespoon ground plain psyllium fiber mixed in a glass of water. I drink at least 8 glasses of water or more as well. I take this mixture one to three times per day and at least one hour away from meals.

I also have started taking a tea made with 1 tablespoon of dried cascara sagrada in hot water, steeped for a bit and then drunk while hot or warm once per day. The cascara sagrada has made the colon cleanse much more effective as a lot of mucoid plaque is coming out with every defecation.

I am also taking chanca piedra - 1 tablespoon of the dried herb in hot water, steeped for a bit and taken once daily.

I drink hot or warm water with the juice of half or a whole lemon or lime before breakfast.

I also drink lemon or lime water cold throughout the day.

I take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with the mother mixed with a bit of lemon or lime juice right before meals. I also use HCl betaine capsules with every meal.

Currently I am not getting any reactions from people and no malingering odours in the air. This protocol still requires that I avoid all meats, pork, fish and seafood, all forms of sugar, grains, fried foods and strong spices or else the smell returns temporarily. Removing the mucoid plaque, bile sludge and stones I believe are key to eradicating this and it will take some time to fix.

Please note that cascara sagrada is not meant to be taken longer than two weeks. Use your own discretion.

I always use a straw when drinking anything acidic and rinse my mouth out with water immediately after.

Liver detox and rejuvenator suggestions for bile sludge, stones, fatty liver, alcohol, prescription/illicit drug damage and infections. Do your own research for all.
TUDCA - very, very expensive, cheaper to get powder, hard to get

UDCA - prescription only

N-Acetyl Cysteine - amino acid, may cause an odour so proceed with caution. Powder is cheaper than capsules.

Whole milk thistle seeds - take 1 tsp to 1 tbsp daily, freshly grind it yourself in a cheap spice/coffee grinder or chew very, very thoroughly. Do not swallow them whole as you will just defecate it out without benefit. Add to any beverage or food. Determine your own dosage but too much such as a half cup may cause you to emit an odour as you will rapidly detox, so start with small amounts. ( is the cheapest at around $10 for 1 pound.) Safe to take long term.

Chanca piedra - cheaper to obtain dried form, add 1 tsp or 1 tbsp to hot water, steep and drink hot, warm or cold.

Gold coin grass (a.k.a. Jin Qian Cao or Herba Lysimachiae) - cheaper to obtain in dried form. Add 1 tsp or 1 tbsp as a tea in the morning daily before breakfast.

Liver flush - juice of half or a whole freshly squeezed lemon or lime mixed with an equivalent amount of olive oil. Drink before bed. Can be done quarterly, monthly, bi-weekly, once weekly, or several times per week. To increase effectiveness, during the day add a pinch of malic acid powder to a glass of water once per day. (Ensure your acid powder has no other acids such as citric acid, just malic alone. It is very, very sour.) You can also take apple cider vinegar with the mother or apple juice, or apple cider (non-alcoholic kind) or apples as they all contain malic acid instead.

Of course don't forget your marshmallow root and slippery elm taken with meals to improve digestion and to heal the gut
Large doses of L-glutamine daily
Zinc picolinate - most absorbed form
Iron and daily multivitamin especially riboflavin, daily minerals

For men and women that struggle with insulin resistance, high blood sugar, fertility issues, hormone regulation, certain mental health issues and sugar cravings look into taking inositol powder, cinnamon and chromium.

Just researched Gaviscon Advanced liquid. It is an OTC heartburn medicine only available in the U.K. but can be ordered via Amazon. It is pricy though. It works way better than the U.S. and Canadian versions (which have aluminum and other undesirable ingredients, the tablets don't have aluminum though) as it has sodium alginate instead. Also Gav Adv has artificial sweeteners which I would rather avoid.

One can buy sodium alginate in powder form in bulk which would be far cheaper and it is tasteless. Mix with liquid of choice with each meal or as needed to provide a barrier from food odours coming up through the relaxed LES. Then kill microbes, heal gut and avoid food triggers. Could be used long term without worry of metal poisoning by bismuth subgallate, aluminum etc.

Info and various recipes below... (alginate mentioned near bottom)…/lectin-lo ... -ails-you/

"(Please note that I am not a doctor, but this has been my personal experience with this product). I bought this for my LPR reflux, since many US products don't contain enough alginate. Some US chewable antacid products state they contain aginic acid, but if you try grinding them down and mixing them with water or saliva, many of them will not gel. And when you expose them to acid, many will not gel or foam creating the raft. So these are essentially useless for my LPR.

Luckily, there is a 2011 medical study for GERD published at the US NIH (NIHMS452859) that found that 1000 mg sodium alginate, 426 mg sodium bicarbonate, and 650 mg calcium carbonate did reduce reflux after eating by creating the alginate gel/foam raft, keeping acid away from the esophagus.

Well sodium bicarbonate is just baking soda, and calcium carbonate is found in a typical Tums-type antacid. So I have tried to replicate this formulation by converting to US teaspoon measurements.

So right after I received the new 16 oz container of WillPowder sodium alginate, I measured the volume in cubic centimeters by using a ruler and applied the equation for cylinder volume and measured about 647.5 cc's. Since there are approximately 453.6 grams in 16 oz., there should be approximately 1.43 cc's of sodium alginate per gram. But this is a rough estimate. And since 1 cc is approximately .20 teaspoons, to get 1000 mg (1 gram) of sodium alginate I calculated that I would need around .29 teaspoons, which is slightly more than 1/4 teaspoon.

So I mixed a slightly rounded 1/4 teaspoon of sodium alginate with just under 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda (1/8 teaspoon of baking soda is somewhere around 500-600 mg). I also used a mortar and pestle to crush one 750 mg chewable calcium carbonate antacid tablet into a powder (it is 100 mg more but I figure that should be okay). Then I mixed all of this together with a few ounces of water.

The alginate will begin to gel, and I mix it occasionally for a few minutes, and then when it seems homogeneous, I spoon it into my mouth. It tastes pretty good. A small amount of gas was produced a few minutes later causing me to burp.

So what happens to that gel once you swallow it and it hits your stomach acid? Well, you can see this effect by pouring the gel into a bowl and then pour an acid on it (like vinegar) to mimic stomach acid. You will see the small amount of baking soda react and fill the gel with CO2 air pockets, creating the all-important raft.

I calculated that there is enough Sodium Alginate in this container for about 317 uses, and so it is the cheapest solution I could find for my LPR reflux in the US. Another benefit is that since it is not a chewable tablet, I'm not grinding down chemical compounds with my teeth. I'm not sure what the long term use of chewable antacids does to my teeth and gums, so a liquid formulation should avoid these issues. However, the long term use of antacids in general can have side-effects and also create nutrient deficiencies, so please consult with your doctor before doing so."

"I use this internally, to help with stomach problems and it works. Many people have said (and it's true) you absolutely cannot dissolve this stuff in liquid. I agree 100%. HOWEVER, I find that mixing 1/4 tsp (or whatever you need) with a tablespoon or 2 of yogurt distributes it nicely through the medium. THEN I add water and drink it. It goes down easily, and there are no big dry clumps. And it works. I have heard of other more complicated methods using a blender and various items, to make the stuff into an antacid. I didn't want to have the aggravation of scouring alginate concretions out of the blender, so I tried this. I recommend this item."

"I personally haven't had success trying to make Gaviscon - someone else might. But I mix it up, let it gel, and use it at night to coat my stomach and esophagus. Lasts a couple of hours. One can put it in a blender to increase speed of smoothing out, or just mix in water and let sit for a few hours. You can add some bicarb or calcium to that -- again, not for the raft effect, but for coating and reducing acid."

"I have been using this as a reflux treatment for 2 years - eliminates all symptoms. It doesn't dissolve in water. You have to use a blender.

1 teaspoon of Sodium Alginate
1 teaspoon of Calcium Carbonate
1 cup of water

Put in blender at high speed for several minutes. I usually make 4 or 5 cups at a time (fill the blender). This will make a white goop. It will also take a lot of dish soap for the cleanup.
Store in a Tupperware container. It doesn’t need refrigeration but I like it better when it is cold. It doesn’t have any flavor to speak of.

Take 1 to 3 tablespoons whenever symptoms are felt. This will often eliminate any symptoms for several hours. Sometime I sometimes have to take it more often. If there are symptoms at night, you can also take it just before bed or during the night. One cup usually lasts me a full day and is equivalent to about 2 tums – but way more effective. I have been taking this remedy for more than two years and the only side effect I can report is that it may make one rather regular. In any case I feel that using this mixture is much more preferable to taking Prilosec or Zantec."