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Why you should take digestive bitters before EVERY meal!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:02 pm
by loveyourswlf
Poor gut health= bb that’s why everyone should start digestive bitters!!!
Taking bitters primes the hypothalamus to tell our bodies it’s time for digestion.
Why is this important? We can think of the hypothalamus (which is a part of the brain) like the CEO managing the show. Often with gut issues and anxiety there’s a disconnect between our hypothalamus and the rest of the body. Fasting the bitters and REALLY taste them on your tongue primes the hypothalamus to communicate to our bodies to kickstart the digestive engine

Bitters help us better break down our food so it’s not coming up and refluxing and so we can prevent bloating and IBS. Bitters also trigger smooth flow of bile which is essential for healthy gallbladder and liver, digesting fats, and eliminate toxins. When our bile is viscous, slushy or stopped up from poor digestion the gallbladder and liver can suffer and we feel nauseous.

Re: Why you should take digestive bitters before EVERY meal!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:11 pm
by loveyourswlf
Also watch to open up detox pathways: (more about kill bind sweat)

Re: Why you should take digestive bitters before EVERY meal!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 11:43 am
by billie
Yes you are right about the bitters. I've ordered Swedish Bitters again yesterday after I found it very helpful.