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Correlation between saliva and breath

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Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:03 pm

Correlation between saliva and breath

Post by Hopelesss »

I am going crazy. My saliva has ever a strong smell, I can't say what is, it's exactly a saliva smell. I hate it and I don't know if there is strict correlation between saliva smell and bad breath. I have a friend who has every moment normal breath and one day happened that he sneezed in the room and I felt a strong saliva smell, like mine. So I thought that there is no strict correlation. I test my breath with a confident and usually don't have bad breath, neither from 10 centimeters. But I have saliva smell.
Is it possible? Is it possible to have saliva smell but not bad breath?

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Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:16 pm

Re: Correlation between saliva and breath

Post by KL123 »

This is what you do.

Use your little finger and take a sample of Saliva from UNDER the tongue and smell it. It will probably have an absolute ZERO smell.

Then use the index finger to take a sample of Saliva from surface of the tongue on dosrum (back of the tongue, near the throat), let it dry and smell it. This should give you the difference in smell.
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