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Random diarrhea

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:14 am
by Father dragon
Just putting it out there....

Been suffering myself for 14 years now. What were supposed to be the best years of my life are already gone. Bad breath is just one of my health problems. At first glance people can't see there is anything wrong with me and surely I'm not gonna explain. I don't think most would understand even if I tried and being a weirdo in their eyes is better for now. You know it feels like part of myself has already died. Even if I got magically cured over night you can't take the social anxiety and personality changes it causes away just like that.

The fact I believe we are here on earth for one another and to try loving each other does not make it any better. You can meet someone who is willing to ignore the smell, but you know it creates a barrier between the two of you either way. Just imagine it being the other way around, is it even ignorable? No. You can be an amazing person, full of love, goodness and it all goes to shit as soon as you have this condition. It gets lonely my friends... It really does.

I know some people are probably doing worse than me, although not that many at my age I guess. I won't end myself just because I believe I had agreed to this bullshit before I was born. Let's hope there is some higher meaning to this level of pain. Still wish god would take me with him though.

Anyone wanna vent too?

Re: Random diarrhea

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:50 pm
by winter
I too wasted the best years of my life away due to this problem. I too have other health problems.

There are people here who are able to find partners. If their partners married them and stayed with them despite their bad breath, I guess the bad breath is really not a deal breaker for them. Get some tips from them if you want to try to find someone.