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Re: How did you cope?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:26 pm
by Byhisstrips
Looking For Hope wrote:Hello,

First of all, I'm so glad for you that this procedure worked for you. I have been planning a tonsillectomy myself. I'm scheduled to go under the knife next month. My doctor tells me I'm going to hate him for two weeks after the surgery!! How bad was it for you in terms of pain and eating? Did you have to go on a pure liquid diet for two weeks? I am half excited and half nervous about this. The physical pain I can deal with, not eating for two weeks kind of freaks me out. :roll: Thank you.
Yea, you're gonna hate him for about two weeks after. I was able to eat soft food like mashpotatoes, soup, apple sauce, etc. after about a week I was able to eat more rougher food as long as I had taken my pain medication. It wasn't that bad the medication just knocked me out. I thought I was having weird side effects from it, turns out I had a sinus infection. But the pain outweighs the benefits, greatly.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:30 pm
by Chris28
is your BB completely gone byhis? I am trying to not pin my hopes on this too much but I know I will be distraught if my tonsilectomy dosent take at least 90% of my stink away

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:05 am
by HappyDays
The pain outweighs the benefit??
Hopefully you meant that the other way around! 8-[

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:19 am
by Belle
Great to hear about people getting cured. I had my tonsils removed last Tuesday and am just starting to feel human again today. Im not entirely sure if it has cured the BB yet cos my throat is still healing so im sure that is causing a smell. i dont kow about anybody else but im bit concerned about the huge holes that have been left where my tonsils where. i can only assume that these close over somewhat, nobody else seems to have mentioned it.

I got my operation done through the NHS in the UK, anybody in the UK thinking about approaching their GP should go on the basis of sore throats and tonsilitis. I did suffer from tonsilitis and my ENT actually seen me while i had a bout of tonsilitis so that definately swung it for me. BB is not a good enough reason for them to do the op through the NHS, my ENT advised me that he could not do it on that basis, then i took tonsilitis so that is how i managed it. Its not your GP who makes the decision its the ENT specialists at the hospital.


I had my tonsils removed too!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:46 pm
by Jojo
Hi all,

I had my tonsils removed too! I found out I had tonsil stones. I tried every possible method to get rid of them, gargling with stuff, but I could not. They just were there every morning and they smelt bad! After reading so many positive posts, like "you have nothing to loose" and "I feel much better" I went for it.

It was done 8 days before. Up until now it was really painful, but painkillers can eliminate the pain almost completely. Still my throat looks bad, it's full of white scars, and I have intense bad breath. Friends and family say it can be smelled as soon as I walk in the room, I don't even have to talk. I suppose it needs a couple of weeks to heal.

Can some who had it, please, tell me when does the smell go away? I have to go back to work soon, actually 14 days after operation. Will the smell be any better?!


Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:31 am
by j0n1982

i just want to ask what exactly is it that needs to be removed? what and where are my tonsil stones?

please answer...

thank you very much

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:11 pm
by Jojo

Tonsil stones are in the holes on your tonsils. The tonsils are in your throat. Let me not to explain these, google for it, you'll find many stuff. Also google for "White Bumps In Throat", you'll find many info on the subject.

I had my adenoids removed as well. Those are the tonsils in your nose, there are many info on them as well.

Anyway right now I'm getting better every day. About 3 days before I stopped taking pain killers, I can eat, the intense smell has gone. Actually I am quite all right, but still the wounds are healing, so still I can't talk about the results.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:42 pm
by coeric
it's now a few months past the recovery time isnt it? has your halitosis been cured?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:00 pm
by Jojo

Sorry for the late feedback.

I have been quite well lately. I feel much better after the tonsillectomy, I am much more confident and comfortable. Some people may accuse me of being inaccurate with my self diagnosis as I hadn't acquired any feedback from other people nor before, nor after the operation. They may or may not be right, I don't care. It was worth it 100%, I can confidently say it was a good decision.

I am not saying that everyone who has bad breath should go and have his/her tonsils removed. In my case I was quite convinced that my tonsils were a major source of the problem, or if they were not, at least they contributed to it or worsen it. Now, afterwards, I think the latter is true.

Before the operation it was like that:
Every morning poking in the throat, trying to pick the tonsil stones out. And of course teeth and tongue wash. I have tried many things, Chlorhexidine, Chlorine-dioxide, Cinnamon, Apple cider vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide etc., non of them helped. No metter what I did, how clean my tongue and tonsils were, I could always feel that awful smell of tonsil stones when blew out air through my nose. Even right after the morning cleaning ritual. Then during the day I developed an unpleasent taste in my mouth and my tongue became heavily coated with plaque. The taste was so annoying that I just had to chew chewing gum constantly. I could not imagine my day without gum, and even with that I felt uncomfortable.

And now it's like this:
In the morning I wash my teeth and tongue. After that it feels and smells OK. I can go for the whole day without chewing gum at all and I feel comfortable! No unbearable taste, no heavy coating on the tongue. Yeah I still wash my tongue every morning, and still feel a strange taste from time to time. Still the taste of my mouth is not as sweet at the end of the day as right after the morning tongue wash. But still it's way better and I am a happier and more confident person now.

There are people who just don't have bad breath at all ever. Not even in the morning, not even if they forget to wash their teeth for a day or two. I am afraid I am not someone like this. I think the source of the problem is not my tonsils, but the chemistry in my mouth. The tonsils just contributed to it and made it worse. And now after the operation I feel good as long as I wash my tongue every morning. I don't know how my breath compares to the avarage, or what it smells like, but from the self-experience point of view I am satisfied.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:58 pm
Hi all,

I managed to go for an interview today. I might as well have stayed home. I didnt get the job as I expected. I think my tonsils are to blame. I rubbed my middle finger onto my tonsils and boy did they stink. Almost knocked me over.

Can anyone tell me how long it would take to get onto NHS waiting list for tonsillectomy.


Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:44 pm
by Needsbbmiracle
What is tonsil stones? I really feell the bad breath coming from my tongue not my tonsils ..

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:21 am
by rich1988

Ill take an app

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:49 am
by meowkity1
I was at ent with for son. I told him I have bad breath. Is there nything he can do for me. He insisted I get tonsils removed. I cant wait

Re: Ill take an app

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:55 am
by phineas
meowkity1 wrote:I was at ent with for son. I told him I have bad breath. Is there nything he can do for me. He insisted I get tonsils removed. I cant wait
kity what country are you in? and will your doctor remove your tonsils solely based on your bb? please explain some details 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:45 pm
by bb_girl
I am thinking of getting my tonsils out's so time consuming just to take out a single tonsil stone most of the time! Last night I poked around the area with a qtip. The qtip had a horrible smell. About an hour later, I smelled the dry qtip and the smell was even worse!

To think I am torturing my friends with this smell makes me so embarassed. If I didn't have this BB I would be more friendly, talk more, make conversation with salesclerks when I go shopping, etc. But because I try not to talk, people think I'm a sad...but I will not give up!