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Simhasana (Lion pose yoga) to get rid of bad breath?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:28 pm
by optimismishere
I've always believed that a cure for the strongest types of bad breaths lies in the regular practice of yoga and pranayama (a form of yoga which focuses only on the intake and exhalation of air). In my country, I was seen people be cured of chronic diseases or conditions with regular practice of yoga and pranayama over a long period of time.

It is believed that kapalbhati and anulom vilom pranayamas (google them), if practised properly over a long period of time, can help cure a varied number of health conditions. I recently joined a yoga class and we were doing various types of yoga and we finally came Simhasana yoga or lion pose yoga. In his description, my yoga guru told us that it can be done regularly to help cure problems of tonsils, thyroid, double chin and finally bad breath. He said some people have bad breath even after brushing and for such people this yoga is very beneficial. (I knew then that he was talking about me and trying to help me).

So I did this yoga for a few times (10-15 repetitions) and I could produce a lot of saliva. This is a good sign because my mouth is generally a lot dry and production of saliva helps kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. I have done it for three days now and am slowly increasing the duration. So I just thought I'd let you all know about this. Our ancestors too suffered from bad breath and they've specifically gifted us with this yoga. Let's try doing it for months and hopefully get cured. This yoga looks a bit weird at first. But it does help produce saliva.

There are variations of lion's pose yoga and this one is easier one

While exhaling make sure you make sound like a lion. That's the very essence of this yoga.