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Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:33 pm
by JustHereToHelp
Here’s an update with my experimenting so far. I tried to incorporate clean eating more this time but I wasn’t too successful following through for very long periods of time. Since my last post I probably ate clean for 2 weeks straight, about 3 times. Each time I did that, I did not think about my BB at all towards the end of the two weeks. Going forward I hope that the next time I post I will have practiced with more discipline in this area. I did experiment with some other things since my last post so I will lay out my results here. Mostly these were ideas I got off of this website.

1. Tongue Scrape and Brush tongue very deep towards the back.
I have now been doing this after lunch as well and it appears to help. I never did that before.
2. Fasting makes a huge difference.
3. I wish this wasn’t true. But NO coffee, black tea, green tea, caffeine at all, sugar products, bread, chocolate, nicotine, alcohol(I imagine), red meat, high fat meat, fried food, spicy food, mint products, dairy/milk/eggs(with yolk) - I haven’t experimented with low fat red meat like bison. But I have eaten a lot of egg whites and haven’t had one problem with BB from them.
4. No condiments. Especially ketchup and mayo. Oh yeah and no tomato sauce!!! No Butter.
5. I still take the prilosec but not as much. Not everyday right now, and haven’t for at least a month.
6. I swish with ACV occasionally in the morning on an empty stomach and tilt my head back and open my mouth and tongue to let it sit in the way back.
7. I gargle with peroxide occasionally.
8. I chew strawberry Orbit gum. I read this on a post here, and it works. Mint gums make my BB worse. For sure. The gastroenterologist told me that mint promotes acid reflux. And wow he was right. To be clear about the acid reflux. I don’t always feel it burning. But I guess it is happening.
9. I do not eat at least(the latest) 3 hrs before I go to sleep. I’ve also heard that eating smaller meals will reduce acid reflux.

This is my current regiment. When I do ALL of these things, I don’t really think about my BB. Pretty crazy. When I fast which for me is usually about 4-5pm to about 6-7am, I do not have a BB issue. It is only when I start eating. If I don’t scrape or brush my tongue then the bacteria is there, I guess. Everything I’ve said in my earlier posts still stand true but I’ve just refined my routine. The goal is to eat clean and fast for much much longer than a 2 week stretch, and maybe eliminate the ACV, the Peroxide, and definitely the Prilosec. I haven’t used the chlorhexidine since my last post. I can’t even remember when the last time was that I used it.

It’s not going to be easy. Not for me, and maybe not for you either. But if this is what it takes then so be it. It will be salads, apples, veggies, quinoa, oatmeal and other fruits for the rest of my life. Good luck to everyone.

Here’s a few newer things I tried but I am not sure if they made a difference:

1. I guzzled 2-3 liters of aloe vera gel. I think it was whole leaf. 1 cup at a time over the course of a few days.
2. No anti-inflammatory meds(Advil etc)
3. Lowering my stress
4. Papaya digestive enzyme
5. Ginger and Tumeric tea
6. Licorice
7. I take a D3 and sometimes B12 vitamin
8. I’ve been taking grape seed extract since my last post. I think I read that someone either put it in there nasal irrigation or as drops in their ears. I haven’t done it this way. I just put 10 drops in a cup of water twice a day.
9. I try to eat a lot of celery when I remember to.
10. Psyllium powder
11. Raymond’s Breathing(from post on here). It’s possible that this actually helps but I don’t think I’ve gotten the technique down good enough, and I definitely don’t do it very often. Maybe once a day for 1 minute tops. I think it’s also called Ujjayi breathing.
12. I haven’t tried white vinegar yet but I plan to.

I’m going to try the Neti-Pot type nasal and tonsil irrigation(especially the back of my tongue). I’ll let you all know what happens with that for the next post.

And here’s a couple other things I read that seemed interesting. I can’t remember why I liked these ideas. So for all of those people who like to troll and just argue please take it somewhere else. I’m here to help and be helped. Here they are:

1. Is my BB Allergy related?
2. Is this BB Candida?
3. I’ve read a-lot about salt water, baking soda, and lemon juice. And how this has helped with BB. Why does it help? What is it doing?
4. I’ve also read enough about people saying that cranberries helped them. I don’t remember if it was juice(of course with no sugar added) or if they were just softened and eaten.
5. Can the bacteria have travelled from one person’s mouth to mine?
6. Does anxiety make it worse? It seems to for me. Maybe this is related to stomach acids?
7. Also I may have eczema(a rash on my torso)-especially when I eat sugar. Often dandruff also. And I had a-lot of brain fog when I was eating a lot of sugar products. And my joints ached much more. These all seemed like they were related to my BB. This is also an idea in response to someone else out there who had similar symptoms(if they read this).
8. Is it PND?
9. Is it related to old crowns in my mouth? We will see and I’ll let you all know.

In addition, I haven’t had any problems with these foods:

Carrots, Lemon, Sweet potatoe or Yam, Blackberries, Brussel sprouts
Avocado, Cashews, Lentils, Black Beans, Olives, Coconut milk, Blueberries

I’m not sure about peanuts but all other nuts have been fine. Almonds, walnuts, cashews. And fruits are all good so far. I haven’t tried every one yet though.

I basically only eat two meals a day. I eat breakfast as late as possible. And lunch as late as possible. By the time I get home it’s too late to stay within the No Eating 3hrs prior to sleeping rule. Sometimes I’ll eat something on the way home from work so I am not hungry when sleeping.

If you want a more clear understanding of the rules I try to follow, just look up GERD and the diet associated with trying to be free of it. This is what I shoot for.

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:04 am
by 9yearsStillFighting
this is a good read. and I was thinking of posting my holistic approch to this as well. I guess I will do it very soon

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:26 am
by worriedmom
JennyMiller wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:06 am Hi friends, does anyone here smells like spoiled rice? My breath smells like spoiled rice i dont know what to do. Been suffering for 10 years. 😭
Not sure about spoiled rice but my breath smells like rotting potatoes. I recently discovered this smell over the summer when I had a bag of potatoes on my counter that I had forgotten to cook. When I finally realized they had a smell coming from them, I picked them up to toss in the trash and that's when the scent hit me and I realized the rotting potatoes was the closest scent to the scent of my breath that i've come across.

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:42 pm
by JustHereToHelp
Hey Guys and Gals. I’m still here. I would say I still hover in the 97% BB free range. And that requires a regular regiment multiple times per day.

I have not had a consistent period with a clean diet for longer then a few days since the last time I posted. I believe this is because I am confident if I really needed to or if the BB was getting bad enough I could reset it by fasting for 24-48 hrs and then eat very clean(which I have done a few times since my last post). So I rely on that emergency rip cord ability instead of really following through on a consistent clean diet to rid my body of this garbage.

Clean diet means:
No milk, cheese, bread, pasta, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, chocolate, sugar products of any kind, onions, garlic, fried food, spicy food.

This is not for moral purposes. Clean just means that it does not create a disgusting filth in my mouth.

One thing I did discover since my last post is that part of my BB is now related to a dry mouth, which I never used to have back before the fecal BB started years ago. So a sugar free lozenge will help in most cases in an emergency. Orbit strawberry gum still works. And I haven’t taken Prilosec OTC in a very long time. Maybe a year. Maybe more. But I have since discovered that Rolaids helps in an emergency also(just like the Orbit gum). I am still hoping to not rely on any of these(gum, Rolaids or lozenges). And I strongly believe the correct diet would get me there.

I just wanted to give an update to keep this post going so we have the whole story.

Here’s some new things I have tried since my last post that did not seem to hurt.

Tea Tree/Ginger mouthwash from Trader Joe’s(I think) seemed to work a bit.
Betaine HCL - Not sure if it helps but doesn’t hurt.
Absolutely cannot eat at least 3 hrs before bed.
No more club soda.
Turmeric/Ginger Tea-not sure if it helps but it doesn’t hurt.
Reducing fat intake helps.
Tried a digestive enzyme from Trader Joe’s and I think it did help. I don’t remember what it was called.
I keep brushing deep in the back of my tongue. Sometimes 2-3 times/day. Definitely right before I go somewhere that will be a closed in area. And I strongly believe this is helping.
I tried Nasal Irrigation with saline. Not sure if it helped.
I try to eat less red meat. This helps.
Ujjayu Breathing occasional. This may still help some but I don’t do it enough to feel confident right now.
I believe eating lots of celery does help, which I have been doing.
Candida pre and pro biotics - don’t remember the results but I would guess it did not make things worse and may have helped a little. Tried these about 6 months ago.
ACV still just a slight temporary fix.
Peanut butter may not be good for BB.

I tried the aloe vera gel again and some aloe vera juice but didn’t really notice a big difference. I still gargle chlorhexidine sometimes especially when I have something that I just can’t risk having any BB and I won’t be able to hit a bathroom to brush. I still gargle with peroxide pretty regularly.

I understand it doesn’t sound great. And it seems like a lot to do in order to have no BB for 97% of the day. And it probably is a lot. But I have gotten used to just fitting these things in when I know I can, and I make sure I have something in my pocket if I need it. And I do need it. And that is because I am procrastinating the inevitable. A clean diet is probably my only hope. It’s the only thing that really showed some true lasting/consistent potential. So, hopefully I have that data for you the next time I post.

Oh yeah I had a very old filling cleaned and redone recently. It didn’t make a difference.

Keeping my tongue clean of bacteria is the goal in my opinion.

I know I am repeating myself but these are the things that have carried over into this new post.

97% isn’t ideal. And I am not reporting much of an improvement since my last post. I guess the new thing to report is the Rolaids but that’s as expected since it just replaced the Prilosec I guess even though I do not take them everyday. I am not cured. And I am not sure if I ever will be. But I believe if I can get the food thing down, then I will have something really new to report to you all. Wish me luck. I will be back, hopefully with news that I ate clean for a year and had zero BB for at least 51 weeks!!

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:51 am
by telpar
JustHereToHelp wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 7:33 pm

Do not have an empty stomach (This is a tried and true method, but only temporary)
Do not eat Garlic or Onions (You do hear this a lot. Once I tried it, I realized it works.)
Stop drinking Coffee (In my case I had to stop any form of Caffeine. Promotes acid reflux.)
Hydrate yourself (I try to over-do it at night and this seems to help.)
Do not eat ice cream or any milk products
I now eat only low fat meats, and mostly no red meat at all.
No nicotine products (Nicotine in general I learned promotes acid reflux)
NO fried foods.
No more mint(spearmint) gum. Promotes acid reflux(GERD).
This is a very long list of things.
Is possibile that only one of this thing was the culprit of your issue.

Anyway I'm happy for you. I'll give a try changing my dieta :D

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:23 pm
by JustHereToHelp
So, here’s another update. I still haven’t gotten much better at my diet. I haven’t done a 2 week or more fast in well over a year. Since I last posted I fasted a couple times for a couple days and the BB significantly reduced. I’m glad to be documenting this because I’ve kind of gotten lost in maintaining the BB instead of ridding it.

I haven’t been using the lozenges for many months. I mostly use the gum and Rolaids. To be honest I’m starting to feel like my original post was worded incorrectly and I want to explain that. As I’ve described my original BB was horrendous. Room clearing. I haven’t had that in years. But fending off this newer version of BB is a very regular thing. I always have the gum or something to help. And I guess that means I am not 97% BB free.

I’ve gotten so used to avoiding situations where I am trapped for longer then an hour or two in a crammed space without having gone through a brushing/gargling routine recently that I do “feel” 97% free.

I keep my distance from people. That is my norm. And it works. With the original FBB that was not possible. But keeping my distance and stuffing my face with gum and whatnot is not BB free. So, I don’t know how to retitle this thing. I’m probably going to start a new post so people don’t have to read these long messages.

If fasting alone will work, I can live with that. I’m going to try again, starting today. No coffee, bread, etc etc.. I read a post by someone on here. I think the name was HopefulOne. I believe she said she had zero BB after 40 years from an inhaler(Anoro Ellipta) she was prescribed(maybe for COPD). That story was very believable. I tried to look up what is in it or what it does in relation to our BB and I couldn’t connect any dots. Maybe the Raymond Breathing technique is related to this? I still haven’t given the the RBT a full test.

Here is a list of anything new or anything that is again confirmed since my last post:

Oregano Oil - helps but temporary
Oxy-Powder - didn’t notice any help.
1 Gallon water/day for 3 months - Didn’t notice any help but felt better. I did this for something else that has been going on with me.
Brush/Gargling w/baking soda, peroxide, salt, white vinegar. - this does seem to help but only temporary right now.

I’m getting a deep teeth cleaning in a couple weeks. So, I’ll report back how that goes. I’m also going to add the digestive enzyme back in the mix. I took that out for the last few months.

Cannot eat peanut butter, club soda, or red meat.

I am going to try and reply to all the people who have written me as well. Maybe these will help generate some insights.

And I’ll start a new post that references this one, maybe it will be dedicated strictly to the results of fasting and a GERD reduction diet.

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:28 pm
by JustHereToHelp
telpar wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:51 am
JustHereToHelp wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 7:33 pm

Do not have an empty stomach (This is a tried and true method, but only temporary)
Do not eat Garlic or Onions (You do hear this a lot. Once I tried it, I realized it works.)
Stop drinking Coffee (In my case I had to stop any form of Caffeine. Promotes acid reflux.)
Hydrate yourself (I try to over-do it at night and this seems to help.)
Do not eat ice cream or any milk products
I now eat only low fat meats, and mostly no red meat at all.
No nicotine products (Nicotine in general I learned promotes acid reflux)
NO fried foods.
No more mint(spearmint) gum. Promotes acid reflux(GERD).
This is a very long list of things.
Is possibile that only one of this thing was the culprit of your issue.

Anyway I'm happy for you. I'll give a try changing my dieta :D
Thank you Telpar. I’m still working on it. I have to get back to fasting as an everyday thing!! How is it going with you?

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:31 pm
by JustHereToHelp
9yearsStillFighting wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:04 am this is a good read. and I was thinking of posting my holistic approch to this as well. I guess I will do it very soon
Thank you 9yearsStillFighting. I’m still plugging away at this thing. I’ve gotten off of regularly fasting. I’ve got to get back to that. How is it going with you? Anything working?

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:34 pm
by JustHereToHelp
Freshhope wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:29 am Does seem like a simple fix for you. Good for you. I would agree the dieting helps. I would say going dairy free, onion and garlic free, low sugar diet definitely helps but doesn’t eliminate... it’s just seem to keep the white coating on tongue at bay for a little longer... but eventually wins. Going dairy free I would say reduced people coughing to me but still get the nose touch with finger
Hi Freshhope, how is it going with you? Have you read the rest of my posts in this same thread? Is anything in particular working for you these days? Thanks

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:37 pm
by JustHereToHelp
badbrlady wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:13 pm Hi what kind of antiacid do you take what brand?
Hi badbrlady, I’m not sure if you ever saw my reply. I was taking Prilosec. And I have posted a few more times since you wrote this. Let me know if anything here on this thread helps you and if there’s anything that you’ve learned that is working for you. Thanks

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:41 pm
by JustHereToHelp
JennyMiller wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:06 am Thank you for suggestions mauricio, right now i dont have enough money to go to doctors. I will try changing my diet first.
Hi Jenny Miller,
Have you tried fasting? Let me know if anything is working for you and if anything on this thread helps you. I’ve written a few more updates since you were last posting on here.

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:49 pm
by JustHereToHelp
Jaim618 wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 5:34 am
JustHereToHelp wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 7:33 pm Hi Guys,

I haven’t been on this site in about a year or two. I just read a post from Feb 11, 2020. And even though my remedies are different I am here today with a similar story. My BB probably started sometime around 2013/2014. Maybe sooner, but that is when I noticed it. Back then, the only way to describe it that made sense was the term Fecal BB. Which I believe I found on this website. It smelled like actually crap, or maybe even worse if that is possible. It lingered. It filled all rooms, especially small spaces like a subway car. It was absolute, pure misery. Go to a church or a school classroom? Not possible. I want to cry just thinking about the hell that it was for those years. I tried every option that did not require surgery and after all this time, I am content with my results.

I used to read on here, people posting they had the majority of their BB cured. And I would barely read their post until I found someone who was more confident. Today I am saying to you, that 97-99% is good enough for me, and I will keep trying. After reading many many articles online, or posts on here, I tried a number of home remedies, which I will mention. But the change didn’t begin until I went to a dentist and he prescribed Chlorhexidine, plus a 7 day dose of Metronidazole antibiotic, and mouth spray with CPC(Cetilpyridinium). It didn’t eliminate the BB right away and it was even somewhat still there after a year. I used the Chlorhexidine mouth wash regularly, as prescribed, and went to his quarterly cleanings. I will not promote his name but he is in NYC. And honestly, he was a jerk, and claimed to invent a treatment that CURED BB. But I learned all he was doing is prescribing chlorhexidine, which is common. I was not CURED after a year and a half and I stopped going to him. I will say though that this did help a lot and it got me started. He promised a 100% cure. And after 1 year or more I told him it was 70% better and he told me that’s all he can do. This is after taking my initial $3000 and then charging my insurance for each quarterly cleaning. The best instruction I got from him was to not have an empty stomach. This was very helpful but not a “cure”. The other big thing I got from him was the immense hopelessness I felt after spending all of that money and time and the BB wasn't gone. That is when I got very serious about my diet and eventually(THANKFULLY) found out about my acid reflux.

I got an endoscopy less than a year ago, and I was told I had acid reflux. Which I do. But because it wasn’t severe I always just ignored it. This doctor told me to take over the counter antacids. I take one pill a day, not the chewy kind. And this worked A LOT to reduce my BB. On top of this, he gave me instructions on what to eat. And more importantly what not to eat. I will list all of these also.

Before I found any real success, I spent a few years trying various things that didn’t help much at all:
Teeth cleanings
Tongue scraping (Eventually I tried this again and it does help. But alone, in the beginning I had no positive results.)
High end mouthwashes from CVS
Gut flora promoting supplements and food
Vitamins – B, C, D
Tested negative for Celiac
Tested negative for SIBO
Pepto Bismol crushed, swished, and gargled
Pushing tonsil stones out of inside of mouth.
Lactaid (Thought maybe I was lactose intolerant. It didn’t help BB.)
Multi-mineral vitamin
Regular multi-vitamins
Silver mouth spray
Maca root supplement
Gi Chi supplement
Examined for Gum Disease and was told I don’t have it.
Swishing and gargling with coconut oil.
Drinking Kefir and Kambucha
Zinc toothpaste
Not positive but I think I remember the alcohol based mouthwashes made the BB worse.
Even though eating does help. I have found so far that eating nuts does not help. (Doesn’t make it worse either, as far as I can tell.)

Do not have an empty stomach (This is a tried and true method, but only temporary)
Do not eat Garlic or Onions (You do hear this a lot. Once I tried it, I realized it works.)
Stop drinking Coffee (In my case I had to stop any form of Caffeine. Promotes acid reflux.)
Hydrate yourself (I try to over-do it at night and this seems to help.)
Do not eat ice cream or any milk products
I now eat only low fat meats, and mostly no red meat at all.
No nicotine products (Nicotine in general I learned promotes acid reflux)
NO fried foods.
No more mint(spearmint) gum. Promotes acid reflux(GERD).

Here’s what I found that I believe makes some of a difference:
Chlorhexidine (prescription mouth wash)
Tongue scraping
Gargling with peroxide
Hydrating myself a lot more often then I used to. (I drink water even when I am not thirsty.)
Working out a lot. Back to back to back. Sweating a lot. MAY have helped sometimes.
I don’t think plain/clear club soda/seltzer helps. (It may create more BB for me.)
Lowering my stress I believe helps.
I believe Gluten free foods made my BB worse.
Eating papaya may have helped sometimes, but not sure.

Like many of the posts on here. I have been promising myself to come back here and help the next sufferer, if I ever find a solution to this. I don’t want to confuse things. And I am not a doctor. But I think my BB changed. Or it was everywhere and now it is only in some places. It used to be at the level of being described as Fecal BB(at least that was the most prevalent smell). I'm not sure what changed or where it changed but the type of smell is different. And now, a few years later it just seems like typical dry mouth BB. This for me is manageable with diet. I originally was convinced it came from unbalanced gut flora. And I guzzled Kefir yogurt and took probiotics(gut and oral) for years. I don’t think these helped other than putting food in my stomach which holds off the BB temporarily. For a time, I thought I was diabetic, which some tests showed signs I could be pre-diabetic but those were never consistent enough to draw that conclusion. I do know, too much sugar(or any in my case), make for much worse breath, for me.

I would like to say more about my acid reflux. I didn’t really even feel it. I guess I was just used to the pain, or it actually wasn’t really debilitating so I just pressed on in life. Like you would if you had a pain in your foot. But it was there. And the over the counter pill plus the major diet changes(no caffeine, no milk, no fatty food) is what really pushed me into a life of normalcy(Basically no BB). This process took me 6-7 years. I took the Chlorhexidine in year 3. And I started on the antacids in year 6. I believe if I can get this diet to be almost perfect than I can possible consider myself CURED. For now, what I have is enough. I can live with this if I have to.

My regiment today is to stay away from nicotine, caffeine, sugar, milk, fatty food, and even bread. I brush with Sonic Care Breath Rx which I believe helps. I scrape and brush my tongue. If I have to, sometimes I gargle with hydrogen peroxide. And if I find myself eating poorly, I do rinse with Chlorhexidine every once in a while, but it is now very rare. The doctor who told me I had acid reflux, told me to eat a low fat, high fiber diet. I haven’t gotten around to the high fiber thing yet, but I am trying to get there. I’m learning there may not be one cure. But I can finally come back to you guys, and report that I have very good success with the things I am listing here.

I think what I have now is just the run of the mill, dry mouth(sometimes), garlicy(sometimes), typical BB that anyone else has. When I have an empty stomach, or if I do drink caffeine(even Green tea) for a couple days, it comes back worse. When I stick to the plan, it gets and stays better. Denial is a b**ch. So I hope my emphasizing what you ingest, drives home the changes you may have to make. Good luck. I hope this all helps someone.
I went to the same Dr... what a jerk! Looked me straight in the eye and told me my BB was gone. What a liar. None of it worked for me. Glad u had results.
Thank you Jaim618,
Yeah. That’s all I can say about that dude. I’m glad to have someone on here who understand what that was like. Anyway, have you had any progress in tackling the BB? I’ve written a few more updates to this thread. Let me know if any of it helps and if you have anything you can pass on as well. Thank you

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 12:52 am
by winter
Was your room filling fecal breath through your nose even when your mouth was closed?

Did you try the standard omeprazole? If so, did it have any effect on your BB?

After you start to focus on acid reflux, how long did it take to notice a change in your BB?

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 9:55 pm
by JustHereToHelp
winter wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 12:52 am Was your room filling fecal breath through your nose even when your mouth was closed?

Did you try the standard omeprazole? If so, did it have any effect on your BB?

After you start to focus on acid reflux, how long did it take to notice a change in your BB?
Yes it was through the nose even with mouth closed. Can you tell me what this answer/question does for you? I’ve never understood this question. Isn’t the nose and mouth connected?

Nope. Haven’t tried any antibiotics yet. It actually may be the next thing I do. After reading enough on here about antibiotics fixing the problem for a few weeks for it all to just come back I decided not to focus on that as a solution, ever. Although I did read one recently(I don’t remember which post) that seemed believable where the antibiotic combined with deep cleaning and a bunch of other stuff has rid this person of BB after decades. Is Omeprazole the one with the MOST success stories or just the one you remember/tried?

I don’t remember how long the OTC thing took but I would say maybe less then 2 weeks. Remember I got a colonoscopy and endoscopy at that time for this reason. And with that you take some pretty heavy cleansing stuff if you know what I mean. Plus you fast for 48 hrs. So this all definitely helped also. Once I was told I had acid-reflux at the end of the appointment I went home from there and took the Prilosec immediately and started following the no GERD diet. Around that time I did it then and another time almost perfect for a few weeks at a time and I had zero BB. It was not on my mind.

I have since forgotten how good I had it and continue to try and get back to the no GERD diet but I fail. And in the meantime I have a pretty good routine where I can keep BB mostly shut down for 1-2 hrs but I still avoid situations where I am crammed if I think I can’t do that routine within the 2 hr period.

I’ve done a few 2 day fasts in the past year or so and they help a-lot but it’s not enough. Even since my last post I tried not drinking coffee but it’s not happening. So that is going to be a problem for GERD(and it is). It’s up to me. From experience I believe I have the power to control this. I’ve never gone for months at a time fasting regularly and eating clean. What would happen if I did?? Wish me luck. I wish it to you.

Re: I hope this helps. 99 Percent BB Free.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 9:32 pm
by JustHereToHelp
winter wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 12:52 am Was your room filling fecal breath through your nose even when your mouth was closed?

Did you try the standard omeprazole? If so, did it have any effect on your BB?

After you start to focus on acid reflux, how long did it take to notice a change in your BB?
Correction: I did take antibiotics. I was just reading some old notes of mine, and also realized I posted this already. I took Metronidazole a couple years ago. It did not cure me. I’m glad to have written this all down because I forget some of the things I’ve done.

I read in a believable post that someone took zpack (azithromycin) and metronidazole and got deep cleanings every 3 months instead of 6 and they haven’t had any issues since then. I will do that, along with the fasting and no GERD diet. I’ve lowered my coffee intake, lowered my fatty food intake, and I have not been eating so late since I last replied to you and it is helping.