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Anti-microbial Peptides- Thoughts, Input, Experiences

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:36 pm
by AlphaB
I'm just wondering if anyone here has read this paper or has any input to add about IDR-1018 or other antimicrobial peptides.

IDR-1018 seems to have promising biofilm disrupting capabilities in-vitro and I recall reading in either the above paper or another, about IDR-1018 or another peptide that was even more effective when combined with Chlorhexadine.

I'm just curious if anyone else is familiar with or has any thoughts on the subject. For those of us with resistant bacterial biofilms and/or persistent tongue coatings, perhaps this could part of a solution to disrupt and eliminate existing established biofilms and eventually correct the oral dysbiosis.

Has anyone tried or experimented with peptides or other experimental remedies that showed promise in-vitro?