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Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:27 pm
by HopefulOne
Two months ago I developed a painful abcess on my gums...I had pain radiating in my jaw. I didn’t want to go to the dentist due to Coronavirus, so I used one of those online doctors ($38) The questionnaire asked what type of antibiotic I wanted. My sister told me to get zpack (azithromycin) and I had also read of a guy who cured his bb by taking this antibiotic. I’ve taken many antibiotics over the years (triple therapy too) but never zpack. Within two hrs of completing the questionnaire, the online doctor sent two prescriptions to my pharmacy, zpack and metronidazole. I had to take 500mg of zpack 1xday for 3 days and metro 500mg 2x day for seven days. I had no side effects but diarrhea but the probiotic cleared that up.

On day four, I changed toothbrushes and tongue brushes. I sterilized all toothbrush holders and water flossers. I stopped using all mouthwash. I took a high count probiotic. Of course by day four, all bad breath was gone. And finally since stopping the antibiotics, all the bad bacteria in my mouth is gone for good. I don’t even floss after every meal neither do I brush multiple times per day. My floss has no smell whatsoever. My periodontal disease is gone. And I know it’s not coming back. Normally after taking antibiotics, my bad breath would return within three days. Not this time. My tongue is pink all the time now. I no longer use any mouthwash routines. I just use zendium toothpaste dipped in baking soda. That’s it!!! But I uncovered another problem...

Although my mouth was totally fresh, when I blew in my mask I smelled rotting food. The smell was horrible, like vomit. I also had acid reflux. I knew the smell was coming from deep in my stomach. My mother agreed. One morning when I couldn’t take it anymore, I was led to take a digestive enzyme (doctors best brand) without any food. Within 30 mins the horrible smell was gone. My breath and taste was neutral and normal. Now with every meal, I take two digestive enzymes no matter what I eat. For some reason my body is not digesting my food at all. I have an appt next month to see my dr. I suspect my gallbladder because I was told a few yrs ago that it did not look good (ultrasound). My stomach bloat and gas is gone also.

So guys after 40 plus years of bb. I can finally say, I feel really confident. Unfortunately I had multiple issues. H pylori (cured), periodontal disease (cured) and a digestion problem. No wonder I was spinning my wheels for so long...doing so many different routines but never could resolve it 100 percent. I spent thousands of dollars on supplements and cures. I recently spent a lot on acid reflux supplements (mastic gum, slippery elm, d limonene, Ginger, fennel, peppermint oil, prelief etc) with no relief. Since taking the digestive enzymes, I don’t get reflux unless I over eat. I’ve been eating anything I want with no special diet. I still don’t drink sodas, sugar, and dairy out of habit and those three things are not good for the body.

So to sum it up. In the past, when I took digestive enzymes, my breath would still stink from the periodontal disease so I thought the enzymes weren’t working so I would stop taking them. I would use different mouthwashes, so my mouth would be clean but my breath would still smell from the digestive issues on and on and on. Now I took care of both issues, bad breath is finally gone. Don’t give up y’all!!!

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:46 am
by survivor974

I have the same issue with reflux,
do you still take ppi or antacid with the digestive enzyme ?

Did you try betaine Hcl ?

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:14 pm
by HopefulOne
The betaine Hcl did not work for me. My stomach burned when I took it. I don’t take any ppi or antacid. Taking Apple cider vinegar did help a little.

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:30 pm
by survivor974
I'll try it.

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:16 pm
by KL123

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:43 pm
by Beenhereforeva

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:13 am
by Beenhereforeva
Hopefulone, how long has it been since your bb went away? How long has it been since you started taking the enzymes? Thanks for your update. So happy for you.

Re: Multiple Cures!!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:02 pm
by nd_gillis
Hey that’s awesome which online doc service did you use and what symptoms did you say you had?