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Still Cured (4 year update)

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:09 pm
by Attraction
I had terrible bb but it was cured with:
1) wisdom teeth removal
- my wisdom teeth were rotten underneath the gums which i couldn't see but there is a photo on my profile in a previous post/comment as i asked the dentist to keep my teeth...the odor was terrible so getting them removed was about 20% cure
2) tonsillectomy
- this was much worse (which is hard to imagine if you see my rotten wisdom teeth) but tonsil stones are the worst and after i got my tonsillectomy, my bb was gone

I asked my dad (who originally told me about the odor) and breathed and he said there was 0 odor. Multiple times. I never had a problem communicating after that. No one stepped back or was uncomfortable at all. 100% cure

Now due to the propaganda & oppression i haven't seen a dentist in 2 years and i have bb again. Probably because of periodontal disease which i started getting last year. However i went 3 years without any bb at all. I probably have some decay but haven't seen the dentist to get xrays.

Some things i learned...99% of bb is caused orally. Only 1% is gastric. You need to get xrays and get them reviewed independently online because dentists are scammers. Many times, there is hidden decay under a tooth surface which can only be seen on x-ray. A dentist cannot see it with the naked eye. There's a video on YouTube of someone who had perfect teeth on the outside but under the surface their tooth was so decayed they had to get a root canal.

Filling (small decay) > root canal (large decay) > crown (giant decay) > implant (too much decay, must remove tooth)

Re: Still Cured (4 year update)

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:15 pm
by Tee
Hi.. great update, glad you found your cure.
I also had my wisdom tooth extracted (2019) and Tonsillectomy (2020)..made no difference as my BB has gotten progressively worse. I have the room filling type.

I want to know..did you have Nasal BB too?